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     DZ-I的生物活性研究:依照WHO灭螺试验法研究,8.0 mg·L~(-1)和16.0 mg·L~(-1)。的DZ-I浸泡48h,灭螺率分别为91.6%和100%。
     使用钉螺软体组织制备的GPT,在经L_(25)(5~6)正交试验法确定GPT反应的最佳组合条件(酶浓度0.1mg·mL~(-1),底物浓度5μmol·L~(-1),反应体系pH6.5,反应温度35℃,反应时间30min)下,用1.0、5.0、10、50、100 mg·L~(-1)的DZ-I作用GPT,其诱导活性分别为168、138、96、75及57%,结果显示低剂量DZ-I的诱导活性高。
     使用平板抑菌法,50 mg·L~(-1)对棉花枯萎菌、水稻纹枯菌、黄瓜灰霉菌、小麦赤霉菌、苹果轮纹菌及棉花炭疽菌48h的生长抑制率分别为26.32、10.26、17.39、3.70、28.30及4.55%
Background of the research
     Oncomelania hupensis is the only intermediate host of schistosoma japonicum Katsumade. So killing snail is one of the critical technologies to controling schistosomiasis . Now,chemical molluscicide such as niclosamide which is used commonly is high effective.but it is expensive and toxic to fish.therefore,from the 1930s,studying efficient,safe and inexpensive plant molluscicide become the hot spot in the world. But now there is no one plant molluscicide which can reach WHO'S standards.
     Content and significance of the research
     It is to study on exteraction and isolation,structural analysis and biological activity of sponins,which is from molluscicidal plant Dioscorea Zingberensis,For creation of new molluscicide offering basis for designand material basis.
     Methods and results of reaserch
     Extration and isolation and structural analysis of sponins from DZ. The DZ powder was extracted amd speparated by ultrasomit, centrifugal and acctivated carbon decolonzation, and was purificated by r-crystallization,TLC and CCL. Then,we got effective saponins DZ-I.By detection of HPLC VWD and ELSD, the purity of DZ-I is 98%.Stracture analysis of DZ-I is doing.
     Molluscicide activity and inhibiting GPT activity of DZ-I. Molluscicidal test method according to the WHO'S standards,molluscicidal rates was 91.6 and 100% at 8.0 and 16.0 mg·L~(-1)(?) of DZ-I for immersion in 48h.
     The GPT was spearated from snail, under the optimal conditions on the GPT response (0.1mg.ml~(-1)GPT,5μmol·L~(-1) substrate ,Ph6.5, 35℃,30min) by L_(25)(5~6) orthogonal matrix method,we studied the influence of DZ-I to GPT activity. The induced activity was 168, 138, 96, 75 and 57% at 1.0, 5.0, 10, 50 and 100 mg.L~(-1) of DZ-I. The result indicate that the induced activity is highest at the lowest concertration of DZ-I.
     By the use of flat-panel antibacterial law, the inhibiting rate of 50 mg·L~(-1)DZ-I is 26.32、1.26、17.39、3.70、28.30 and 4.55% to Fusarium oxysporium , Rhizoctonia solani, Botrytis cinereapers , Gibberella zeae , Dothiorella gregaria , Colletotrichum gossypii respectively in 48 h.
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