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    本文在对外显知识( codified knowledge )和内隐知识( tacitknowledge)进一步细分之后发现,知识这种无形要素依附于一定的载体之上,通过内、外机制的转化完成了知识资本化过程:知识分别与劳动资料、劳动对象和劳动者这三大生产要素相结合为设备资本、知识产权资本和人力资本,实现了组织的内转化;个体和群体的知识通过由人到文件再到人、或由人到人转化为组织资本,组织资本通过多种社会资源的优化组合,完成了知识资本的外跃迁,将知识资本潜在的价值变为现实的生产力。
From the Philosophic point of view, the "knowledge" defined by the termof knowledge capital is in general an aggregation of various knowledge indifferent areas. This dissertation emphasizes particularly on the creativeknowledge, which aims to improve the total amount of social productivity,focuses on science and technology and contains highest value. Alsoemphasizes on the driving mechanism during the actualization process ofvirtual values of knowledge capital, and the gain modes supported in suitableenvironments.
    With the further subdivision on codified knowledge and tacit knowledge,the dissertation reveals that the knowledge, an invisible element, adhered tosome carriers, completed the actualization process of knowledgecapitalization by means of the inter and intra conversion mechanism.Combined with three basic procreative elements, i.e. working tools, workingobjects, and laborers, knowledge becomes equipment capital, intellectualproperty capital and human capital then realizes its in-structure conversion.Through the transition from humans to files and then to humans again, orfrom humans to humans, the knowledge of individuals and groups ofemployees is converted into organizational capital. By the optimizedcombination of various social resources, organizational capital completed thetranseunt transition of knowledge capital and then converts the potentialvalue of knowledge capital to practical production.
    Based on the above, the dissertation indicates that the essential ofknowledge capitalization is a process in which the virtual values ofknowledge capital is converted to practical value, a process in which theimmeasurable soft value resources are fully utilized and converted tomeasurable hard value resources and a process in which the knowledgediscovering is converted to technic practising. The risk of knowledgecapitalization is difficult to handle since it is a process of acquiring future
    values. If only familiar with one angle but oversight of other points, it willimpact the final result of knowledge capitalization.There is a positive correlation relationship between the target and themeans for knowledge capitalization and income appreciation of a corporation.The degree and gain level of knowledge capitalization is different amongvarious corporations with different levels of high technologies, however, it ispossible for a corporation that the income appreciation occurs due to itsperfect knowledge capitalization and management, and also it is possible forknowledge depreciation to occur. For corporations, which are the mostimportant locations of knowledge capitalization, the government has toconsider how to cultivate the capability and environment of knowledgecapitalization at the policy level, and thus to realize a policy which combinesthe concepts and products of knowledge.
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