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So far, no analysis of Western economic history the evolution of specialized work. Of course, this does not mean that economists have not previously been discussed in this issue. As economic process is dynamic, evolving, objective and scientific economic theory, with different degrees of evolution of the composition., so economics or economic theory on the history of investigation, are more or less with the history of the economic evolution of the content analysis. Simth, List, Sismondi, Marx, Marshall, Schumpeter and others have made similar work. But the 18th century to the 20th century economists, the economic evolution of the economic theory is that they examine a small part of history, and it is this theme, not to mention the system longer and complete. From the late 20th century into the new century, evolutionary economics has sprung up everywhere. Hodgson, JiagenLiang and others on the evolution of economics from historical. However, such study is often the "evolutionary economics" concept as a starting point the authors of Veblen, and Hodgson to the "new things like", "Biology" metaphor as the standard, Marx, Schumpeter, and many other economic outside scientists out of the evolution of economists, which makes economic analysis of space-time evolution of the field confined to a very narrow range.
     This paper argues that this economic evolution not only the "natural selection" in the biological sense, not just here in the "new things like" of introduction, but rather the process of economic entities in operation, learning behavior caused by new technologies, new products and new industry, the emergence of new industries and thus lead to organizational structure and operation of the rules changes and corresponding changes in the socio-economic relations between the process of. This concept includes both the technical aspects of economic and institutional dimensions of the new changes, also include the new changes of the relations between "ontogeny" and "phylogeny", seeds and clusters. Only the technical aspects of the new changes without institutional level, or only the institutional level without the new changes in the technical level, it can only be called "technical evolution" or "institutional evolution" can not be called "economic evolution". On the other hand, only the economy "the evolution of the individual", no economy "system evolution", such as an enterprise adoption of new technologies and the new institution but did not cause the whole essence of the economic system, still can not be called "economic Evolution". Also noted that the introduction of the new technology, new product, new institution due to "economic evolution", not necessarily lead to economic progress or improve the system. "Economic evolution" of the risk, efficiency and bring people from welfare perspective, "economic evolution" may increase both the efficiency and people's welfare, may also reduce efficiency and people's welfare; in improving the overall efficiency, both may increase the level of benefits for each member of society, there are probably only a small number of members of society with little or no overall enjoy the benefits of increased efficiency; more even persons, social welfare increase, while some members of society, not only did not increase the level of benefits will decrease. Clear on this point, so that we can more clearly recognize "economic evolution" with the "uncertainty" and "random". Also allows us to pay more attention to economic evolution and social progress, economic evolution and all members of society and all sectors of economic well-being between the members, to promote social progress and economic evolution towards all members of society to share the results of the direction of progress, as far as possible to avoid causing economic evolution of social regress, or progress, most people can not benefit from the situation. Thus our research on the economic evolution out of the full empirical analysis, but the combination of empirical analysis and normative analysis, the combination of the fact that the combination of research and value judgment, "natural order" and the combination of social policy.
     In accordance with the concept of economic evolution, all conducted on the economic evolution of the representative of Western economic theory, the study belong to this object. This makes this paper a study of Western economic evolution of specialized work. In this paper, under of guidance of historical materialism, using the method which combination of history and logic, the complexity of analysis, will be a variety of economic evolution of the representative included in the different traditions of classical economics, historicism, institutionalism, Schumpeterian, Western Marxism, biological metaphor, development economics, complexity analysis, Austrian School, New Economic History, etc. This article pointed out a variety of traditional personality and contribution to reveal the relationship between them and found they have a blend between the trend, try to put the development of Marxist ideas of evolutionary economics.
     Analysis found that not only the French Regulation school in a few large modern evolutionary economics school is the evolution of the Marxist tradition, Balaam, Sherman, Lazuonike, etc. U. S. scholars also adhering to a Marxist analysis of the evolution of the traditional; the old institutionalism tradition and Marxist have much in common; Schumpeterian tradition of Marxist analysis, many blend between; is the complexity of the analysis, North's economic changes and path dependent evolution of thinking, Nelson and Winter's practice of genetic and replication, novel variations in things, search and selection of ideas, not mutually exclusive, but can learn from each other, supplement and enrich perfect, and for the development of Marxist evolutionary economics.
     The development of Marxist evolutionary economics, can be "historical materialism" as the foundation, emphasizing productivity and thus the progress of knowledge and technology as the ultimate reason for the evolution of economic systems, carried forward the idea of important role of the relation of production and the method of production to the progress of technical and productivity; carry forward the use of the legal system and government policy superstructure for the consolidation of production and technological progress; carry forward the "workshop of competitive advantage" of the micro-economic analysis and macroeconomic implication; carry forward the French Regulation School industrial paradigm accumulation system and the regulation model, which forms the ideological model of development. Absorbing Schumpeterian idea of the key role of knowledge and technological innovation and progress in the technological progress and productivity; absorbing the idea of biological evolution of old institutionalism tradition and biological metaphor; absorbing the thought of the New Schumpeterian uncertainty, irreversibility, in view of the important role of sector structure to the macroeconomic and the micro-economic systems; absorbing the full mobilization of Hayek's liberalism for each individual activity; absorption Complexity Science Analysis Method of chaos to order, phase transition and order parameter, mutation, multi-agent model factors such as ideology methods; absorption North's economic evolution path dependency, and absorb the proposed development economics in the evolution of good ideas. The formation of a "historical materialism" as the foundation of a relatively complete system of evolutionary economics.
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