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摘 要
Game Theory has already become the central theory and primary
    research method of modern microeconomics. It has also been in the
    forefront of research in economics. Research into Game Theory has
    experienced a rapid stage development, and its theory has been continually
    evaluated and perfected. But it has not been widely used in the engineering
    field. In accordance with the characteristic of the construction industry,
    this thesis uses Game Theory’s ideas and methods to explain some current
    phenomena in the construction industry.
     During the execution of a building’s engineering,there are many
    participats. This thesis analyses and studies the games that might be
    played between the project owner and the construction enterprise, and
    simulates different architectural engineering execution conditions and
    different relationships between the project owner and the construction
    enterprise. At the same time, this thesis comes up with some theorefical
    methods and ideas to solve existent problems. According to different
    postulated conditions、different information structures and different
    of the orders action, this thesis studies the games between the project
    owner and the construction enterprise under three conditions, these are:
    static games with complete information, repeated games with complete
    information, and repeated games with incomplete information.
     As a result of analyzing this thesis,if there is no restrictive
    agreement between project owner and construction enterprise, they would
    enter into a " prisoners' dilemma" in a single game. This result is not
    good for either side. In order to avoid entering into the "prisoner's
    dilemma”, players must strengthen their co-operation and the
    government's management of the construction industry, or change the
    payoff in games to cause players to enter into forced cooperation. If both
    players are in repeated games, there are two conditions: complete
    information and incomplete information. Because these two status differ
    in information structure , outcomes and payoffs are different. In
    infinitely repeated games of complete information, both players of games
    can also enter into cooperation and get out of the "prisoner's dilemma”.
    In infinitely repeated games of incomplete information, information
    becomes the key to controlling initiative. Construction enterprises could
    obtain more benefit depending on the dominance of information.
     Through the analysis of games between the project owner and the
    construction enterprise, this thesis supplies a rational concept and
    method to accelerate successful construction engineering, and provides
    an analysis method and the reference frame for the project owner and the
    construction enterprise to select their business strategies and for
    government to institute policies and laws. The result of this strdy is
    that players are able to cooperate effectively.
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