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Gender-role attitude is the male or female role behaviors by the attitude that the male or female in the acquired as a socio-cultural view of gender-roles for the development of the cause. based on opening questionnaires , analyzing the literature and visiting university students, a questionnaires was developed about female university students’gender-role attitude.Through the Independent-Samples Test , One-Way ANOVA , Correlate Analysis , Regression Analysis , explored the relation of career orientation of female university students and gender-role attitude of female university students in a Chinese context . the mainly research conclusions were as follows:
     Firstly , there is difference between arts and science female university students on Realistic and Investigative career orientation . There is difference between only-child and non-only-child on arts of career orientation . Different kind of career of mother have effect on female university students’career orientation.
     Secondly , female right and family obligation of gender-role attitude of female university students has signification collection with Enterprising career orientation and has very significant correlation with Conventional career orientation ; competence has very significant correrlation with Artistic and Enterprising , personality has significant colleration with Artistic and career orientation.
     Thirdly, part of factors of gender-role attitude can forecast female university students career orientation predict well , but some part of gender-role attitude can not.
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