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This thesis focuses on the research of the relationship between the core competence and the financial enterprises' cultures. In order to study this theme, We must analyze the theatrical evaluation,the characteristics and the essence of the core competence and the cultural embedding into the enterprises systematically. Based on this, we can seek the relationship between the core competence and the culture of financial enterprise, and finally get the conclusion that the core competence of financial enterprise is related to the enterprise culture. According to the main body and the study clue of this thesis, this thesis comprises five chapters except the lead-in.
    Chapter one, it focuses on the comprehensive introduction to his core competence theory. It analyzes the origination of core competence and traces back the development of enterprise strategic theory. Based on these efforts, the thesis thoroughly clear up the various schools of the enterprise competence theories which enables the author to analyze the connotation and extension of core competence and study the its essence.
    Chapter two, has observed the embedding problem of enterprise's culture. The article retrospects the meaning and power of cultural, and observes the essence of enterprises on the basis of different theory visual angles. We introduce theory of embedding on this basis. We observe the essence and the foundation of enterprise culture and the gradual progress of theory. After that we stimulate a discussion about the embedding of enterprise culture and its emergence mechanism. At the last of this part, we analyze the way by which these functions work.
    Chapter three, has mainly analyses the relationship between the core competence and the financial corporate culture. The author starts with the analysis of a threat to enterprise's survival and development constituted of the pressure inside enterprises --the staff's morals risk-- and outside pressure --the ethics conflict of the
    market, and then comes to the conclusion that the financial corporate culture comes into being as a kind of mechanism to reduce the risk and conflict. And then, this thesis analyses the intension of the financial corporate culture. Finally, Through analyzing the particularity of financial enterprise, we find out the relation between key competitiveness and financial corporate culture. And then, we analysis the way through which corporate culture becomes financial enterprise's key competence.
    In chapter four, mainly based on key competence we appraise the system to observe the financial corporate culture. Regarding function of general enterprises as the introduction, the author has introduced the appraisal index system of enterprise's competence. According to former content analysis, we draw a conclusion that key competence of financial corporate lies on their culture. And the author makes an analysis of reconstruction to corporate culture.
    In chapter five, we conduct cases study of corporate culture of two famous domestic financial enterprises --China Merchants Bank and Xiangcai Securities Co., Ltd. We evaluate their key theory of corporate culture and its characteristic, illustrating their advantages worthy of study and raising some questions as well. On this basis, the author gives some advises of cultural construction for our country's financial enterprise.
    The main view and innovation of this text are as follows:
    (1)Culture is a kind of informal rules and regulations, culture of financial corporate is the combination of image and promise that the financial enterprises give to society.
    This research limits culture as a kind of unofficial system strictly for the analysis of economics, but not as one general concept. This definition implies four respects of the meaning: ①Essence of culture. Culture is the outstanding achievement that the mankind has gained, which can meet the human material and spiritual demand. Its Core values are the concepts of value about people and society;②The way Culture
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