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     材料和方法:计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库、Pubmed、Cochrane协作网、SCI数据库,记录符合条件的随机对照试验,根据纳入标准、排除标准、方法学评价等进一步筛选,最后使用荟萃分析的方法综合评价干预组(脑脊液置换加鞘注结合传统内科治疗)和对照组(单纯内科治疗)的治愈率、病死率、后遗症率,并比较不良反应的发生情况。统计软件采用Review Manager5.0,二分类变量采用相对危险度(RR)及其95%可信区间(CI)进行评估。异质性检验采用x2检验,如P≥0.05且I2≤50%,则采用固定效应模型,否则使用随机效应模型或亚组分析。
Objectives:Observe the advantages and characteristics of adjunctive cerebrospinal fluid replacement plus intrathecal isoniazid and dexamethasone therapy in the treatment of tuberculous meningitis compared with traditional therapy alone by the means of meta-analysis. Determine the value of this adjunctive therapy and provide evidence to make the treatment of tuberculous meningitis more optimal.
     Materials and Methods:We searched the Chinese Journal Full-text Database, Pubmed Database, Cochrane Collaboration Database, and SCI Database for RCTs that compared adjunctive cerebrospinal fluid replacement plus intrathecal isoniazid and dexamethasone therapy with traditional therapy alone in the patients with tuberculous meningitis. The RCTs were filtered by inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the qualities were evaluated. Meta-analysis was made to compare the cure rate, mortality rate, and sequelae rate. The adverse events were also recorded. Review Manager5.0was used to do the meta-analysis. The results were presented by RR and95%CI form for dichotomous data, x2test was used for heterogeneity tests. If P≥0.05and I2≤50%, fixed effect model was applied. Otherwise random effect model or subgroup analysis would be used.
     Results:Sixteen articles published from2001to2010, including1108patients with580in the observe group and528in the control group, were eligible. Higher cure rate (RR=1.41,95%CI1.27—1.57, P<0.00001), lower mortality rate (RR=0.37,95%CI0.2—0.67, P=0.001), and lower sequelae rate (RR=0.65,95%CI0.49—0.86, P=0.003) were achieved by the adjunctive cerebrospinal fluid replacement plus intrathecal isoniazid and dexamethasone group. But some adverse events had also been observed.
     Conclusions:The use of adjunctive cerebrospinal fluid replacement plus intrathecal isoniazid and dexamethasone therapy results in higher cure rate, lower mortality rate, and less sequelaes. This therapy is effective for patients with tuberculous meningitis, especially late stage tuberculous meningitis.
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