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Depending on Chinese culture contingency of tech-typed small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) and external organization, the paper proposes a theoretical model suitable to analyze the social capital of tech-typed SMEs as well as its influence on entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance. The empirical analysis of this paper is divided into two stages.The first stage is EFA (exploratory factor analysis), which aims to measure the validity and credibility of all variables in the original questionnaire and form the final questionnaire. The second stage is CFA (confirmatory factor analysis), which aims to test the proposed theoretical model and the hypotheses by means of SEM (structural equation model). The main research results are shown below after the empirical analysis of the 196 valid samples:
     1. The social capital of tech-typed SMEs is divided into three dimensions, which are the social interaction, relationship quality and cognition between the tech-typed SMEs and the external organization. The construct of social capital of tech-typed SMEs and its influence factors to entrepreneurial performance were explored. The outcome certified that social capital of tech-typed SMEs is an important resource to improve entrepreneurial performance.
     2. The dimension of entrepreneurial orientation was defined and certified, which incudes strategic renewal, new business venturing and product/technology innovation. The processes and operation mechanisms of three dimensions were identified and defined; we also discuss the possible influences for social capital of tech-typed SMEs to strategic renewal, new business venturing and product/technology innovation. The basic conclusion is:higher social capital level in enterprise network is beneficial to the resources obtaining, sharing and transferring, then affect strategic renewal, new business venturing and product/technology innovation.
     3. The model was constructed and certified that three dimensions of social capital of tech-typed SMEs affects entrepreneurial performance by the mediation of strategic renewal, new business venturing and product/technology innovation.
     4. Five control variables have different effect on the mediating variable and dependent variable from the analysis result. The firm's feature, industry and region have no significant effect on the mediating variable and dependent variable. The firm's scale has significant effect on strategic renewal and entrepreneurial performance. The firm's period has significant effect on product/technology innovation and entrepreneurial performance.
     Finally, main contributions and findings of this study are summarized. The paper also concludes by identifying limitations of the study and providing directions for future research, with reference to previous research.
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