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  • 英文题名:A Study on Seeurities Arbitration System
  • 副题名:以保护投资者权益为视角
  • 英文副题名:In the Perspective of Protecting Investors' Rights and Interests
  • 作者:占小平
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:国际法学
  • 中文关键词:证券、仲裁
  • 学位年度:2003
  • 导师:唐丽子
  • 学科代码:030109
  • 学位授予单位:对外经济贸易大学
  • 论文提交日期:2003-04-01
Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange were established in December 1990 and June 1991 respectively, which marked the beginning of the securities market of New China. In the past decades, securities market has played positive roles in the development of China's socialist market economy. However, due to problems incurred in the development of securities market, there emerged quite a lot of securities disputes, such as misrepresentation, insider trading, manipulating the stock price, and defrauding the clients etc.. And there still lacks a systematic, perfect and effective investors protection system, which seriously affect the healthy development of the securities market. Therefore, it's necessary to establish an effect and effective securities disputes settlement system in China.
    As a civil and commercial dispute, the securities dispute can be resolved through mediation, arbitration or litigation, etc.. In recent years, many scholars and officials proposed to introduce securities arbitration system in China according to the successful experience of foreign countries.
    In this paper, the author analyses the reasons of the emerging of securities arbitration system, discusses the importance of establishing and improving the system in China and proposes some solutions to the problems in establishing the system in China.
    The paper is composed of 3 sections. The first section analyses the advantages and disadvantages of various securities disputes solution system. Firstly, with the lawyers, exchanges, or other third parties' help, the parties can solve their conflicts through mediation, which is simply and economical, but ambiguous and cannot fully protect the legal rights of the injured party. The other means is arbitration. Lastly, litigation is available. Litigation is the last defense for just and fair, but it's costly, complicated and inefficient. Compared with the mediation and litigation, the arbitration is informal, flexible and enforceable. In view of this, more and more scholars and officials have realized that the establishment and development of the securities arbitration system in China is heavily urgent.
    The second section illustrates the legislation and practice of the securities arbitration system in U.S. American is looked upon as litigious, however, more than 90 percent lawsuits filed in the federal courts were resolved not through litigation, but through alternative disputes resolutions means. the securities arbitration system in U.S. was developed with the Exchanges. Experienced the court's view conversion from hostility to advocacy, a set of integrate and efficient securities arbitration system was built up in U.S.. Now securities arbitration is the dominating means to solve the securities disputes, and most securities cases are heard in the arbitration tribunals under the Self-Regulatory Organizations. The proceedings of arbitration of various tribunals are basically alike, which consist of application and acceptance, composition of the tribunal, hearing and award. Once the award is made, it has little chance to be modified or cancelled by the courts. In the proceedings, the arbitrator has great discretion over the disposal of the case, and the evidence rule is flexible. Many rules in securities arbitration proceeding in U.S. have their features and advantages, and can be used for reference when we establish and improve our country's securities arbitration system.
    In section three, the necessity of establishing and improving securities arbitration system in China is discussed and detailed measures are put forward. In recent several years, misrepresentation, manipulating the stock price, insider trading and defrauding the client were rampant and threatened the steady development of the stock market. Therefore it is urgent to establish a set of just, effective securities arbitration system in our country. During over ten years' development, a set of securities arbitration system consist of laws, decrees, regulations and rules has been built in our country.
    1、Michael F. Hoellering, Rosemary S.Page, Carolyn M.Penna, Vicki M.Young, Arbitration & The Law,1993-1994, Transnational Juris Publications,Inc.& Kluwer Law & Taxation Pubilshers,1994.
    2、Arold M. Zack, A Handbook for Grievance Arbitration, Lexington Books, 1992.
    3、John S. Murray, Alan Scott Rau, Edward F. Sherman, Processes of Dispute Resolution, the Foundation Press, Inc., 1989.
    4、J.Kirland Grant, Securities Arbitration for Brokes, Attorys, and Investors, Greenwood Publishing Group,Inc.,1994.
    5、Hans Van Houtte, The Law of Cross-Border Securities Transactions, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, 1999.
    6、C.E. Fletcher, Arbitrating Securities Disputes,the Practicing Law Institute.
    7、David Robbins, Securities Arbitration Procedure Manual, Luxis Law Publishing.
    8、The Arbitrator's Manual,January,2001, A Publication of SICA.
    9、Arbitration Procedures, January,2001, A Publication of SICA.
    10、SICA: Eleventh Report 2001.
    11、NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure.
    12、NYSE Constitution Rule.
    13、SICA Uniform Code of Arbitration Procedure.
    14、AAA Securities Arbitration Rule.
    15、Reece Bader, Securities Arbitration Practice and Forms, Matthew Bender.
    16、Patricia A.Shub, Debra A.Jenks, SECRUTIES ARBITRATION, Alternate Dispute Resolution in Florida, The Florida Bar,1995.
    Web Resource:
    NASD Dispute Resolution Inc., web site: www.nasdadr.com.
    New York Stocks Exchange Inc., web site: www.nyse.com.
    Securities Industry Association, web site: www.sia.com.
    Securities and Exchange Commission, web site: www.sec.gov.
    The Securities Law Home Page www.seclaw.com
    National Association of Securities Arbitration Counselors
    1 据中国证监会统计,截至2002年10月底,我国共有A股上市公司1191家,B股上市公司111家,H股上市公司69家, 已是1990年的近120倍。从1991年到2002年10月底,上市公司累计筹资8619.75亿元,其中从A股市场融资6665.38亿元,通过海外上市和B股市场筹集资金235.58亿美元。投资者队伍日益壮大,中国投资者开户数已达6849.38万户,其中法人投资者36.01万户,个人投资者6813.37万户。参见:“证监会主席周小川:证券市场实现历史性跨越。”载《证券日报》2002年11月8日。
    2 阎达五、刘文华主编:《证券法与证券会计全书》,中国物价出版社1995年版,第237页。
    3 J.Kirkland Grant, Securities Arbitration for Brokers, Attorneys, and Investors, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 1994, p4-8.
    4 张炜:“李国光:用仲裁机构解决证券诉前纠纷”,《中国经济时报》2002年6月25日;邓妍:“仲裁解决证券纠纷,证监会击掌高法”,《财经时报》2002年8月30日。
    5 魏庆阳:“中国国际商会调解中心的专业调解”,载《中国仲裁网》。
    6 同上。
    7 科特威尔:《法律社会学导论》中译本,第239页。
    8 The Arbitrator's Manual,January,2001, A Publication of SICA.
    9 王建勋:“调解制度的法律社会学思考”,《中外法学》1997年第1期,第29页。
    10 (日)小岛武司著,陈刚、郭美松等译:《诉讼制度改革的法理与实证》,法律出版社2001年版,第161页。
    11 丘联恭等:《程序选择权之法理——着重于阐述其理论基础并准以展望新世纪之民事程序法学》,载民事诉讼法研究会编《民事诉讼法之研讨》(四),台北三民书局民国82年版,第642页。
    12 杨良宜:《国际商务与海事仲裁》,大连海运学院出版社,1994年版,第38页。
    13 潭兵主编:《中国仲裁制度》,法律出版社,1995年版,第13页。
    14 王治江:“论民事诉讼经济”,载《北大法律信息网》。
    15 (美)博登海默著,邓正来、姬敬武译:《法理学——法哲学及其方法》,华夏出版社,1987年版,第238页。
    16 据最近媒体报道,目前法院同意该案每10名原告1组,以共同诉讼方式立案,这样仍然是100多个案子,诉讼费亦因此高涨,由于此案代理律师是采用风险收费,故前期需垫付费用较大,代理律师透露有意放弃。
    17 参见《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则》第53、59条。
    18 王建勋:“调解制度的法律社会学思考”,《中外法学》1997年第1期,第26页。
    19 J.Kirkland Grant, Securities Arbitration for Brokers, Attorneys, and Investors, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.,1994, p4-8.
    20 段春华:“证监会法律部庄穆:证券纠纷解决机制亟待完善”,《证券时报》2002年8月23日;“国务院法制办:政府支持仲裁方式解决证券纠纷”,载《国际金融报》2002年9月27日。
    21 [美]J. 弗尔博格、李志:“美国ADR及其对中国调解制度的启示”,《山东法学》1994年第4期。
    22 C.E. Fletcher, Arbitrating Securities Disputes para. 1.1(1), (1990).
    23 9 U.S.C. S2.
    24 9 U.S.C. S3-4.
    25 Macchiavelli v. shearon, Hammill & Co., 384 F.Supp.21(E.D.Cal. 1974) at 30.
    26 See Securities Indus. Ass'n v. Connolly, 883 F.2d 1114(1st Cir. 1989)at 1118.
    27 杰罗姆柯恩:《美国证券监管制度中的证券法律责任制度简介》,法律出版社1997年版。
    28 Moses H. Cone Memorial Hoso. v. Mercury Const. Corp., 460 U.S.1(1983) at 26.
    29 Southland Corp. v. Keating, 645 U.S.1(1984)at 10.
    30 同上,at 487。
    31 115 S.Ct,1212(1995)
    32 812 F.Supp.845 (N.D.111.1993); aff'd, 20 F.3d 713(7th Cir.1994).
    33 514 U.S. 52 at 58-62.
    34 15 U.S.C. S77n, 78cc(a).
    35 346 U.S. 427
    36 482 U.S.220.
    37 值得注意的一个领域是关于证券的集团诉讼。虽然一些州认为仲裁机构有能力处理集团诉讼,但大多数仲裁机构,包括NYSE,NASD,宣布集团诉讼不能仲裁。见NYSE Constitution Rule 600(d); NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S12(d).
    38 Perry v. Thomas, 482 U.S.483(1987).
    39 其成员由来自SROs、证券业协会的代表以及三名公众代表组成。
    40 NYSE Constitution Rule 632, 600(a).
    41 SICA: Eleventh Report 2001.
    42 AAA与SROs规则的主要不同表现在:1仲裁员的选任方式;2先前判决是否公开;3发现程序;4费用;5能否进行调解等等。
    43 SICA Uniform Code of Arbitration Procedure S31(a); NYSE Constitution Rule 637.
    44 但是在大多数情况下,仲裁机构会坚持管辖要求进行仲裁。
    45 SICA Uniform Code of Arbitration Procedure S25(a); NYSE Constitution Rule 612(a). 申请人通过签署服从仲裁协议,自愿把争议提交仲裁并愿意受仲裁裁决的约束,包括仲裁员对被申请人反请求作出的裁决的约束。仲裁程序开始启动后,没有对方和仲裁员的同意,通常申请人不能撤回服从裁决协议。关于预交费用,在小额请求仲裁中,如果争议在仲裁员任命之前已经解决,所有的费用将退还申请人。在其他仲裁中,如果在第一次开庭之前案件已经解决,仲裁机构扣除1百美圆其余返还。如果已经开庭,由仲裁员将决定是否应该返还。
    46 NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S15; NYSE Constitution Rule 603. 各州的时效不同。如,联邦证券法通常要求在你应该合理的知道不法行为发生后两年内提起诉讼,但无论如何不能超过5年。仲裁员将根据你的请求是违反联邦或州法来决定时效。通常情况下,如果超过六年,仲裁庭将不会理会。
    47 A claim against the claimant.
    48 A claim by a respondent against a co-respondent previously named by the claimant.
    49 A claim by the respondent against a party not already named in the proceeding.
    50 NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S25(b); NYSE Constitution Rule 612(c)(2).
    51 AAA Securities Arbitration Rule 6.
    52 实际上,一方拒绝签署服从仲裁协议只可能惹恼仲裁员,导致判决结果对他更不利。
    53“公众仲裁员”均非证券业内人士,与经纪商或证券业自律组织没有关系。AAA对什么是“公众仲裁员”没有作出正式的定义,但是NYSE和NASD均对什么人是“公众仲裁员”作出了特别的定义,详见NYSE Constitution Rule 607, NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S19.如果“公众客户”特别指定,也可以由证券业内人士组成仲裁员的多数,但必须在申请书中表明。
    54 NYSE Constitution Rule 607; NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S13.
    55 NYSE Constitution Rule 610; NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S23.
    56 NYSE Constitution Rule 620(e); NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S32(e).
    57 N.Y.Civ.Prac.L. & R. S7505 (West 1982).
    58 NYSE Constitution Rule 609; NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S22.
    59 这引起了经纪商的极大不满,最近SROs在预先听讯地点问题上才开始有一些松动,允许当事人选择方便的第三地。
    60 NYSE Constitution Rule 602, 620; NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S14,34.
    61 NYSE Constitution Rule 627; NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S41;AAA Securities Arbitration Rule 42.
    62 但SEC可以对仲裁程序的公平和效率作出评价,并监督由自治性组织作出的仲裁裁决。
    63 此处讨论的是限于美国国内仲裁裁决的承认与执行,关于外国仲裁裁决的承认与执行需按照《纽约公约》。
    64 9 U.S.C.SS9, 12; NY Civil Practice Law & Rule S7510, 7511(a) (West, 1982).
    65 9 U.S.C.SS10, 11; NY Civil Practice Law & Rule S7511 (West, 1982).
    66 N0. 92-16853, 1994 U.S. App. LEXIS 6374(9th Cir. Apr. 5, 1994).
    67 No. 902532 (Cal. Super. Ct. Jan. 26, 1994).
    68 Patricia A.Shub, Debra A.Jenks, SECRUTIES ARBITRATION, Alternate Dispute Resolution in Florida, The Florida Bar,1995.
    69 NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S12(d); NYSE Rule 600(d); MSRB Arbitration Code Rule G-35; Amex Rule 600(d).
    70 Mark J. Astarita, Esq.Overview of the Securities Arbitration Process,www.seclaw.com.
    71 叶红光:“证券仲裁制度:证券诉讼的替代机制”,《证券市场导报》2002年5月号。
    72 罗伯特·N·科利,吴金留译:《美国的商事仲裁》,载《国外法学》1985年第3期。
    73 方鹏:《产品进入美国市场的法律问题》,中国政法大学出版社1991年版,第126页。
    74 115 S.Ct,1212(1995)
    75 NASD Rules of Fair Practice, Acticle III; NYSE Rule 636(d); Amex Rule 427(d).
    76 何兵:“纠纷解决机制之重构”,《中外法学》2002年第1期,第3页。
    77 苏永钦:《司法改革的再改革》,月旦出版社1998年版,第312-313页。
    78 何兵:“纠纷解决机制之重构”,《中外法学》2002年第1期,第28页。
    79 据北京零点市场调查与分析公司调查,在发生纠纷后,只有8.6%的企业首选仲裁,不选择仲裁的企业中有50%以上是不事先不了解仲裁,事后找不到仲裁机构的缘故。参见《光明日报》1997年10月16日,第5版。
    80 王肃元:“论我国纠纷解决制度中的资源配置效率”,《中国法学》1998年第5期。
    81 (日)棚濑孝雄著,王亚新译:《纠纷的解决与审判制度》,中国政法大学出版社1994年版,第283-286页。
    82 方流芳:“民事诉讼收费考”,《中国社会科学》1999年第3期,第151页。
    83 李胜兰、周林彬等:“法律成本与中国经济法制建设”,《中国社会科学》1997年第4期。
    84 沈四宝、王晓川、沈建中:“仲裁是解决证券纠纷的有效方式”,《法制日报》2002年9月18日第6版。
    85 何兵:“纠纷解决机制之重构”,《中外法学》2002年第1期,第28页。
    86 《中国法律年鉴》的记载表明:1995年我国受理的仲裁案件仅为104件,1996年达880件,1997年达3548件,1998年达4981件。
    87 王存:“从《证券法》看我国的证券仲裁制度”,《法学》1996年第8期,第42页。
    88 阎达五、刘文华主编:《证券法与证券会计全书》,中国物价出版社1995年版,第237页。
    89 叶红光:“证券仲裁制度:证券诉讼的替代机制”,《证券市场导报》2002年5月号。
    90 见《民事诉讼法》第65条、第103条。
    91 截至2002年9月,中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会只裁定了12例关于证券纠纷的案件。详见“国务院法制办:政府支持仲裁方式解决证券纠纷”,载《国际金融报》2002年9月27日。
    92 厉以宁:《股份制与现代市场经济》,江苏人民出版社,1994年版,第402-405页。
    93 据中国证监会统计,截止到2002年10月底,中国投资者开户数已达6849.38万户,其中法人投资者36.01万户,占总数的0.53%,个人投资者6813.37万户,占总数的99.47%。参见:“证监会主席周小川:证券市场实现历史性跨越。”载《证券日报》2002年11月8日。
    94 姚俊逸:《中国证券仲裁实践及其新发展》,载《中国仲裁网》。
    95 见《中华人民共和国仲裁法》第34、38、40、58条。
    96 一般认为,“自然公正”要求仲裁员在程序上要做到两点:1、每一方当事人都有申诉的机会,以及该申诉会被聆听考虑;2、要给双方充分合理的机会去呈交他们的争辩和证据,去清楚了解对方的指控是什么,以及去对这些指控作出自辩,去向对方证人盘问。详细请见杨良宜:《国际商务仲裁》,中国政法大学出版社1997年版,第11-14页。
    97 杨荣新主编:《仲裁法理论与适用》,中国经济出版社1998年版,第113页。
    98 刘俊海:“五大途径解决证券民事争议——证券民事责任的法律完善”,《法制日报》2002年7月17日。
    99 雷燕、陆军:“分层次建立证券纠纷解决机制”,《今日证券》2002年08月23日。

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