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The System of Securities Supervision, I think, includes three parts: the positive supervision, the passive supervision, and securities arbitration. The classification between the positive supervision and the passive supervision is based on the difference of the procedure, duty, role and supervisor's legal position between the former and the latter.
     The passive supervision refers the judicial authorities or the quasi-judicial authorities supervise the securities market through holding the securities cases and making the decisions upon some party's application. The decisions on securities may become case law in common law, or be considered as important factors during the Securities Supervision or the procedure of making administrative legislation in civil law, on this point, so the passive supervision is indirect and universal supervision on the securities market. In addition, the passive supervision is also indispensable in the whole Securities Supervision system.
     The positive supervision refers the supervision agency, including the government agency and the self-discipline institute, which is authorized by the law and rules, actively supervises the securities market upon the law, rules, or the industry charter. The supervision authority is originated from the statute law and rules. The supervision agency's legal status, powers and legal functions are all clearly defined in most countries' law, therefore actively supervising the securities market is the legal duty of the supervision agency, otherwise failing in its duty.
     There are many differences in way of supervision, procedure, functions, etc. between the passive and the positive supervision. However, most of all, the difference in character lies in two different courses: the passive supervision is the course of the judicial authorities or the quasi-judicial authorities performing the judicial authority; while the positive supervision is the course of the supervision agency performing the administrative authority.
     Securities Arbitration is the supplementation to the passive supervision, and also the necessary composition of the System of Securities Supervision.
     The author finds the history developing rule of securities markets in different countries are similar, namely that with the development of securities market, the passive supervision is exposed more and more limitations, unable to effectively supervise the securities market, which lead to the rise of positive supervision. That is to say, the birth of positive supervision is the result of the deeply development of securities market. The positive supervision has been performing great functions in most countries' securities markets, which is determined by the law of development of the securities market itself. However, with more deeply development of securities market, people are ware of that, the supervision on securities market is heavily reliant on the judicial intervention, and the mode with only positive supervision has deficiencies itself, increased interaction between the two supervision modes will improve the supervision efficiency in securities market, and promote it to develop healthily.
     Nevertheless, because of the special history background, there has been only positive supervision on securities market, with primary deficiency in supervision system's structure. With the development of the securities market, it proves that the positive supervision is not enough to solve some problems happened on securities market, such as stockholder's derivative suit. Accordingly, the two modes of supervisions are both needed in our securities market, just as other countries' securities market, where nothing but increasing the coordination between the two modes of supervisions can improve the efficiency on supervision of securities market. It proved to be true from the internal and international experiences of Securities Supervision, and it is also a tendency all over the world.
1 成立于1602年的荷兰东印度公司在1609年向投资者发行股票,此后荷兰建立了第一个证券市场。参见Larry Neal ,The Rise of Financial Capitalism (1990)。
    2 Martin M. Shapiro, Courts, A comparative and Political Analysis, (1981 ): Edward L. Glaeser & Andrei Shleifer, Legal Origins, Q. J. Econ. (2001)。
    3 参见Paul H.Rubin, Why Is the Common Law Efficient, J . Legal stud . 51(1977 );以及 GeorgeL· Priest, The Common Law Process and the Selection of Efficient Rules, J. Legal Stud. 65 (1977)。
    4 参见 George J. Stigler, Public Regulation of the Securities Markets, ⅩⅩⅦ Journal of Business 117 (1964 ); 以及 Benston, Corporate Financial Disclosure in the UK and the USA (1976)。
    5 John C . Jr. Coffee , The Rise of Dispersed ownership: The Role of Law and the State in the Separation of Ownership and control, 111 Yale L.J.1 ( 2001 )。此后不久, Edward Glaeser 和 Andrei Shleifer 提出类似的主 张: The Rise of the Regulation State, (2002)。
    6 George Robb, White- Collar Crime in Modem England: Financial Fraud and Business Morality, 1845-1929 (1992)。
    7 〈反盗窃法〉,1861(24 & 25 Vict.c.96),s.84。
    12 《防止欺诈(投资)法》,1958,6 & 7 Eliz,2,380。法案的Art.13(1)(a)规定:任何人,做出他认为是误导性的、虚假的或欺骗性的陈述、承诺或预测,或对重大事实进行不诚实的隐瞒,或不计后果地制作任何误导性的、虚假的或欺骗性的陈述、承诺或预测,以这些方式诱使或企图诱使他人签汀或主动要求签订任何协议,从而购买、处置、认购或包销证券或以此为目的的,视为犯有侵害罪,须处以七年以下的监禁。”
    13 参见《防止欺诈(投资)法》第14条:也可参见L.C.B.Gower, Renew ofInvestorProtection 20(1982)。
    14 http://www,sfo.gov.uk/about/creation,asp.
    17 梁慧星主编:《民商法论丛》第6卷,法律出版社,第199页。
    18 董安生:《英国商法.》,法律出版社 1991年版,第248页。
    19 AaronReef's,Limited v.Twiss,.L.1896,273.
    20 [1867] L.R.2 Ex.324.
    21 [1867] L.R.1 H.L.Sc.145.
    22 [1858]E.B.& E.148.
    65 符启林:《中国证券交易法律制度研究》,法律出版社 2000年版,第426页。
    67 陈甦:“析证券发行审核制度的二元结构”,载《法学杂志》2001年第1期。
    68 包景轩:“论我国证券监管与自律体制及其完善”,载《法商研究》1999年第3期。
    69 见《中华人民共和国证券法》第164条。
    70 见《中华人民共和国证券法》第162条。
    71 周宗安:“中国证券监管中存在的问题”,载《外向经济》1999年第8期。
    74 参见林坚:《证监会派出机构统一更名监管局》,载《上海证券报》2004年3月1日第1版。
    75 参见杨解君主编:《行政法学》,中国方正出版社 2002年版,第136页。
    88 宋一欣:《律师事业中的中国证券民事赔偿》,载《公司法律报告》(2),中信出版社 2003年12月版,第417页。
    93 Janet Cooper Alexander, Contingent Fees and Class Actions, 47 DePaul L.Rev.347(1998).
    94 贾纬:“采用集体诉讼条件尚不具备”,《中国证券报》,2002年10月29日,第8版。
    95 钟志勇:“论证券民事侵权诉讼的性质与价值”,《兰州商学院学报》,2004年第1期,第72-74页。
    96 中南大学法学院课题组:“美国证券集团诉讼法研究”,《上证研究》,复旦大学出版社,2005年第3辑,189页。
    99 叶红光:《证券争议仲裁制度:证券诉讼的替代机制》,载《证券市场导报》2002年5月。
    101 The Arbitrator's Manual, January, 2001, A Publication of SICA.
    102 王建勋:“调解制度的法律社会学思考”,《中外法学》1997年第1期,第29页。
    103 (日)小岛武司著,陈刚、郭美松等译:《诉讼制度改革的法理与实证》,法律出版社 2001年版,第161页。
    104 丘联恭等:《程序选择权之法理.着重于阐述其理论基础并准以展望新世纪之民事程序法学》,载民事诉讼法研究会编《民事诉讼法之研讨》(四),台北三民书局民国82年版,第642页。
    105 杨良宜:《国际商务与海事仲裁》,大连海运学院出版社,1994年版,第38页。
    106 潭兵主编:《中国仲裁制度》,法律出版社,1995年版,第13页,
    107 王建勋:“调解制度的法律社会学思考”,《中外法学》1997年第1期,第26页。
    154 王存:《从〈证券法〉看我国的证券纠纷仲裁制度》,载《法学》1996年第8期,第42页。
    155 参阅《国务院证券委员会关于指定中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会为证券争议仲裁机构的通知》,证委发(1994)20号。
    156 我国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会为一个专门以仲裁方式解决发生于国际或涉外契约性或非契约性经济贸易纠纷的常设仲裁机构,仲裁委员会设在北京,另在海或深圳设有分会。其系根据中央人民政府政务院 1954年5月8日决定在我国国际经济贸易促进委员会设立的民间仲裁机构。
    157 外国证券经营机构越来越多参与B股、H股、美国有托凭证以及B股的交易,并且又有中外合资基金进入A股市场,妥善处理涉外证券纠纷,是我国证券市场发展的必要条件。
    158 “纽约公约”,即1985年在纽约所签订的《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》。See Garv B.Born Intemational Commercial Arbitration in the Untied Stales, Kumar, 1994,pp. 875—880.
    160 任泽辉:《证券法与律师证券业务》,载《人民法院业务》,人民法院出版社 1997年版,第236页。
    161 张斌生著:《仲裁法新论》,厦门大学出版社 2004年版,第64页。
    162 115 S.Ct,1212(1995).
    163 See NASD Rules of Fair Practice, Article 111; NYSE Rule 636 (d); Amex Rule 427 (d)
    164 杨志华:《证券法律制度研究》,中国政法大学出版社 1995年版,第8页。
    165 华民:“西方混合经济中的国家与市场”,载《世界经济文汇》1992年第4期。
    4.郑玉波:《有价证券法之研究》,转引自杨志华:《证券法律制度研究》,中国政法大学出版社 1995年版。
    5.中国人民大学证券研究所:《证券与证券市场》,中国人民大学出版社 1996年版。
    6.马其家著:《美国证券纠纷仲裁法律制度研究》,北京大出出版社 2006年版。
    8.陈洁著:《证券民事赔偿制度的法律经济分析》,中国法制出版社 2004年版。
    9.王连洲等:《证券法实务全书》,法律出版社 1999年版。
    45.中南大学法学院课题组:“美国证券集团诉讼法研究”,《上证研究》,复旦大学 出版社,2005年第3辑
    1. "The safety of the people is the supreme law", Thomas Hobbes, Decive, ed. S. P. lanprecht, New York, 1949, part B, 8.2.
    2. J. Kirldand Grant, Securities Arbitration for Brokers, Attorneys, and Investors, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 1994.
    3. The Arbitrator's Manual, January, 2001, A Publication of SICA.
    4. C.E. Fletcher, Arbitrating Securities Disputes para. 1.1 (1), (1990)。
    5. SICA: Eleventh Report 2001.
    6. Larry Neal, The Rise of Financial Capitalism (1990)。
    7. Martin M. Shapiro, Courts, A comparative and Political Analysis, (1981): Edward L. Glaeser & Andrei Shleifer, Legal Origins, Q. J. Econ. (2001)。
    8. Paul H. Rubin, Why Is the Common Law Efficient, J. Legal stud. 51 ( 1977 ).
    9. George L·Priest, The Common Law Process and the Selection of Efficient Rules, J. Legal Stud. 65 (1977)
    10. George J. Stigler, Public Regulation of the Scot.ties Markets, ⅩⅩⅦ Journal of Business 117 (1964)
    11. Benston, Corporate Financial Disclosure in the UK and the USA (1976)。
    12. John C. Jr. Coffee, The Rise of Dispersed ownership: The Role of Law and the State in the Separation of Ownership and control ,111 Yale L.J. 1 (2001)
    13. Edward Glaeser & Andrei Shleifer: The Rise of the Regulation State, (2002)
    14. George Robb , White- Collar Crime in Modern England: Financial Fraud and Business Morality, 1845-1929 (1992) .
    15. George Robb, White-collar Crime, Modern England: Financial Fraud and Business Morality, 1845-1929(1992)
    16. David Philips , Crime and Authority in Victorian England, (1977)
    17. H. R. Conf. Rep. No. 104-369, at 31(1995), reprinted in 1995 U.S.C.C.A.N. 730.
    18. BateMan Eichler, Hill Richards, Inc. v. Berner, 472 U.S. 299 (1985).
    19. Deborah R. Hensler, Revisiting the Monster: New Myths and Realities of Class Action and Other Large Scale Litigation, 11 Duke J. Comp. & Int'l L. 205(2001).
    20. Janet Cooper Alexander, Contingent Fees and Class Actions, 47 DePaul L.Rev.347(1998).
    21. Steinbery M. I., Securities Regulation: Liabilities and Remedies, New York: Law Journal Seminars Press, 1987.
    22. J William Hicks, Civil Liabilities: Enforcement and Litigation Under the 1933 Act, West Group, St Paul, 1988.
    23. Robert W. Hamilton, the Law of Corporation, West Publishing Company, 1991.
    24. C. E. dward Fletcher, Arbitrating Securities Disputes, the Practicing Law Institute, 2000.
    25. David Lipton, Broker Dealer Regulation, Clark Boardman Company, Ltd,,2001.
    26. David Robbins, Securities Arbitration Procedure Manual, Lexis Law Publishing, 2001.
    27. Philip J. Hoblin, Securities Arbitration, Procedure, Strategies, Cases, the New York Institute of Finance, 2001.
    28. Alan Calnan, Justice and Tort Law, Carolina Academic Press, 1997.
    29. Cooter, Robert & Thomas Ulen, Law and Economics, 1988.
    30. 9 U.S.C. S2.
    31. 9 U.S.C. S3-4.
    32. Macchiavelli v. shearon, Hammill&Co., 384 F.Supp.21 (E.D.Cal. 1974) at 30.
    33. Securities Indus. Assn v. Connolly, 883 F.2d 1114 (1 st Cir. 1989) at 1118.
    34. Moses H.Cone Memorial Hoso.v.Mercury Const. Corp., 460 U.S.I (1983) at 26.
    35. Southland Corp. v. Keating, 645 U.S.I (1984) at 10.
    36. 812 F.Supp.845 ( N.D.111.1993 ) ; aff'd , 20F.3d713 (7th Cir. 1994 ) . [33] 514 U.S. 52 at 58-62.
    37. 15 U.S.C. S77n, 78cc (a) .
    38. NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure S12 (d)。
    39. NYSE Constitution Rule 600 (d)
    40. Perryv. Thomas, 482U.S.483 (1987)。
    41. SICA Uniform Code of Arbitration Procedure S25
    42. AAA Securities Arbitration Rule
    43. 9 U.S.C.SS9, 12; NY Civil Practice Law & Rule S7510, 7511(a) (West, 1982).
    44. NO. 92-16853, 1994 U.S. App. LEⅪS 6374 (9th Cir.Apr. 5, 1994).
    45. No. 902532 (Cal. Super. Ct. Jan. 26, 1994) .
    46. Rex v. Kylsant, C.C. A, 1931.1K.B. [1932], 442
    47. Henderson v. Lacon 1 567, L. R. (Equity Cases) 249
    48. In re overend, Gumey & Co. (1867), L.R.325.
    49. http://www.sfo.gov.uk/about/creation.asp.
    50. Katharina Pistor & Chenggang Xu: Law Enforcement under Incomplete Law, sticerd.lse.ac.uk/dps/te/te442.pdf.

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