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     第三,以Triple E概念开发新量表,成功验证强化服务人员情绪劳动符合企业情绪规则,仅能维系基本服务质量的要求,要创造顾客满意的服务质量,必须从潜意识下手,不让潜意识干扰情绪劳动的深层情绪伪装,才‘是服务质量的保证。文末提出对企业有价值的建议,或可成为企业界追求符合顾客满意的服务质量的理论指导。
Service industry is an important part of the national economy, the industry's development level is a measure of socio-economic level of development of an important symbol. According to Taiwan's most recent statistics,10 years ago, Taiwan's service industry output value of GDP, only 65.7%in 2008 to reach 73.3%, this ratio had more than Korea's 64.3%, Germany's 72.2%, Japan's 69.4%, only lower than 78.9%in the U.S.. When the service industry, a high degree of development of the enterprise through the upgrading of service quality to achieve customer satisfaction, as a means to compete for the market. However, studies have shown that only the training of service personnel's basic service standards has been difficult to obtain customer's identity. How emotional expression and its attendant homogenization inner contemplation, so that customers feel in good faith to become a core concern of modern scholars.
     This research adopts the investigation method of the questionnaire, based on member and study the target of investigating with 250 flight attendants of some Taiwan Airlines, the ones that attempt to find out the subconscious, emotional labor and service quality between each other with the structural equation modeling (SEM) are related. Through factor analysis, it extracts the emotional labor into four construct, includes:the basic emotion express & interaction (including emotion express frequency and pay attention to the degree), the deep acting, the surface acting and the emotion expresses diversified degree, etc.. To analyze the subconscious influence behind the emotional labor and service quality of the output of emotional labor, the author carried on one-way ANOVA, Scheffe's test, factor analysis, measure model analysis (confirmatory factor analysis; CFA) and structure model analysis (the structural equation modeling;SEM). Through the rigorous process of the demographic variables through multi-group analysis findings, the structure coefficient P values are greater than 0.05, chi-square value is greater than 3, indicating neither significance, meaning the differences between demographic variables will not cause model differences.
     The end of this study was to obtain three important conclusions, as described below:
     1. Unconscious and emotional labor in the "the basic emotional expression and interaction & deep acting " as a negative correlation, but the latter and the "service quality" is positive relevant. It means a flight attendant to let the unconscious (including preconscious) led the expression of emotional labor, but can not control" the basic emotional expression and interaction & deep acting" both, in line with the rules of the organization required by emotion emotional expression, thus become the main reason affecting the quality of service performance.
     The unconscious and emotional labor in the "surface acting and emotional diversity" as a positive correlation, but the latter is unable to prove the quality of service related. It means that a flight attendant to let the unconscious (including preconscious) led the expression of emotional labor, they maybe positive influence "surface acting and emotional diversity" both, and hence more in line with emotional display rules of emotional expression required, but was unable to confirm that it is related to service quality.
     2. Demographic variables on the unconscious, deep acting and service quality of the test results showed that:Firstly, the economy class than in first and business class, boys than girls, unmarried than married, younger than the older, junior than the senior, more vulnerable to the impact of the subconscious. Secondly, the class of the better, married, experienced (older) and a high annual salary of flight attendants, in deep acting, the more easily by changing the inner emotional feelings, to achieve the emotional camouflage purposes. Thirdly, married and senior (older) of the flight attendants, its quality of service performance is better than the unmarried and junior (young).
     In terms of the management to improve the economy class of situations, for example, a wide seat pitch adjustment to increase the video equipment and reduce the factors that stimulate the subconscious mind, coupled with a appropriate deployment of a senior (older) and junior (young) ratio of flight attendants play a mentoring system, the effect of the quality of service should be upgraded, there should be a positive benefit.
     3. In order to develop new scales to measure Triple E concept, a successful authentication to strengthen attendant emotional labor to meet the business sentiment rules, only the requirements to maintain quality of basic services, to create customer satisfaction, quality of service, we must start with from the subconscious, to prevent interference with the subconscious emotional labor of the deep acting, which is the quality of service guarantee. Finally the author proposed valueable suggestion for enterprises, or it can be a business pursuit of customer satisfaction with quality of service consistent with the theoretical guidance.
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