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Any transitional economies must be suffering from the chanllege that coordinating the speed of human capital accumulation and that of physical deepening to promote technological progress and then accelerate economic transition, but it is the premise of important inducing impact that any policies can playing that we have accurately and meaningfully analyzed the operational micro-mechanism of the firm. Though we need a multi-angle comprehensive theoretical system for firm, hope there will be a kind of a theory of the firm which has the direct relation with outward manifestation of the macroeconomy and can be verified by empirical study. It is an urgent theoretical task for promoting our economic transition, and thus this kind of theory of firm must has higher theoretical value and more feasible than others for China.
     We have developed a new theory of firm using‘communication’as a basic unit of analysis. Although we still emphasis the contract property of common organization, the nature of the firm is the equilibrium of private negotiation between the team members/stakeholders that give expression to a kind of natural relation of communication based on a sort of attributes of production factor among all owners. And then this kind of natural relations must be evolved and then form a certain social relation of communication among the same human beings that could be coupling with the synthetical environment the firm locates in, in one word, the social relation is also the constitute/structure of the firm; and the fact that any factor owner is willing to promote the cooperative level can give an internal dynamic for continuously deepening the general/individual division of the work and then driving the evolvement of the institute/organization structure of a firm; therefore the market-intensified organization whose growth rate is determined by individual division of the work can provide a place for exchanging comparative advantage between owners of production factor, and some heterogeneous firms whose growth rate is determined by internal and social general division of the work are only some different social relations of communication with variant co-operative level and they are all some derivates of some different natural relations among factor owners, the co-operative level is the basic dimension of differentiating communications. Due to co-operative level of communications can embody communications’essential difference, so it also can elaborates the root cause of heterogeneity of firms. For this reason, whatever for market-intensified organization, some hybrid organization and even some extreme bureaucracies, they supplement and promote each other, but not substitute each other, and naturally, the evolvement of a firm (including all possible styles of economic organization) must be an evolvement process of co-operative level.
     The core points of the co-operative evolvement theory of the firm have: (1) organization structure/institute of the firm is the equilibriums of co-operative game; they are not only the prerequisites of the co-operation, but also the results of the co-operation; (2) under the integrative affection of three forces which come from established technologic, market and institutional environment, the state of benefits and conflicts a certain communication has can determine the co-operative level of the certain communication, furtherly the natural relation of a certain group of factor’s attributives that is also the relative degree of complementarily versus substitution among the attributives of factors plays an essential role in determining the state of benefits and conflicts a certain communication has; (3) the changes of technologic, market and the institutional environment can change the relative degree of complementarily versus substitution among the attributives of factors, and the state of benefits and conflicts a certain communication has and then co-operative level and finally push forward the evolvement of the institution/organization structure of a firm; (4) the evolvement of the firm is in nature the co-operative evolvement; (5) it is the fundamental practice of coordinating the speed of the human capital accumulation and that of the physical capital deepening, and then it could spur on the co-operative evolvement of the firm and finally promote all-round technology progress and ensuring the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the national economy that establishing the institutional and the technological environment to deepening both the general and the individual labor division continually. This is also embodies the viewpoint of Karl Marx which technical progress is only for laborers themselves.
     Due to the natural relation and the social relation which are two very serious contents of communication, both each other for cause and effect and promote jointly, inter-depend on and complement each other together can illustrate the essential connotation of communication, the natural relation is the strategic relation based on technology among the attributives of factors, the state of benefits and conflicts the communication among factor owners has and it finally reflect the co-operative level of the communication, adding the social relation is the equilibrium of co-operative game under the synthetic affection of institutional, technological, and market environment, and ultimately the social relation could format a certain organizational structure/institution of the firm. So communication entirely can contain the mening of“exchange”which emphasize the technological facet and used as a basic unit of analysis by neo-classic economics, and the mening of“transaction”which emphasize the contract facet and used as a baisic unit of analysis by neo-institutional economics, we then naturally could preliminarily fuse contract theory, ability of theory and the theory of the firm of neoclassic economics by the co-operative evolvement of the firm with the basic unit of analysis of“communication”. It is more important that the co-operative evolvement theory of the firm might act as a basic theory for predicting and explaining the macro-economic outward manifestation due to the theory has linked their dynamic relation among institutional, technological and market environments, and the choice of individual strategy, and the institutional/organization structure of the firm and then macroeconomic performance with the basic unit of analysis,“communication”.
     This dissertation has modeled the process of the co-operative evolvement of the firm with endogenetic coordination cost based on endogenetic growth theory at first, due to there exist many paradoxes of the co-operative evolvment of the firm, we then has analyzed the critical condition of backspin of the evolutional path a certain firm has; and then we have investigated the machnism of co-operational evolvement of the firm under the technological, market and institutional environment respectively. For example, when we regard the firm as a course of performance the transaction of the right to use factors to investigate the key problems about generating, developing and evolvement of the firm, we find that the lower the relative degree of complementarity versus substitution among attributives of factors in the phrase of random bidding, the more stimulant the production factor owners have when they are to invest asset specificity, but after radical transformation and then under the“control”of the private order, the factor owners are more willing to invest the asset specificity with higher relative degree of complementarity versus substitution among attributives of factors in a group instead, so the firm with the highest co-operational level has an evolutionary edge; On the other hand, we have hold a conclusion with the same or approximately the same meaning as this when we regard the firm as a governance structure with variant allocation of negotiating power, it is that a certain governance structure with the most counterbalancing negotiating force among group members has an evolutionary edge in any market environment; finally, we have tested and verified the predictive power of our theoretical framework through investigating the evolutional process of Chinese firm, we has concluded that there exist a reversal phenomenon during the evolutional process. It is a non-contestedly meaningful argument, so then I have analyzed the strengthening effect to established evolutional route of the firm when the firm is operating under reform and open policy background, especially in some developing countries. Based on these analysis I believe that timely coordinating the relative degree of earning right of human capital and that of physical capital is the key prerequisite of ensuring the firm growth with internal division of work and can then promot a firm’co-operative evolvment. So only by living up to the requirement, can us living up to economic transition then.
     Finally, this article puts forward several related policy proposals how we coordinate the speed of the deepening human capital accumulation and that of deepening physic capital in order to promote the cooperative evolvement of firm, and all-round technological progress and realizing the economic transition in the end.
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