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With the development of the Eastern Route Project of the South-to-North WaterTransfer Project, it is about supplying water, pollution control work along the projectis also stepping up the pace. Nansi Lake is an important regulating reservoir in theSouth-to-North Water Transfer Project. Since the start of the project, all levels ofgovernment of the Nansi Lakes basin have put a lot of manpower, material incontrolling pollution and constructing ecological projects in the basin, in order toachieve the requirements of the countries and slow the pace of economic developmentand local residents’income levels. For the fairness of the regional development, it isnecessary to implement greater damage enterprise or individual. The main content isas follows:
     (1) Analysis of the theoretical basis for ecological compensation, ecologicalservices have the characteristics of public goods, externalities, ecologicalcompensation requires the integrated use of game theory between government,business, residents, at all levels of government financial transfer payments , take careof the region efficiency and equity theory, and regional sustainable developmenttheory. Through the analysis of domestic and international ecological compensation, itcan be seen that the quantification of ecological compensation is the key. On thecalculation of the ecological compensation standards, despite the existence of avariety of methods, but their respective self-contained, and there is no uniformstandard, and how science reasonable assessment of ecosystem services, determine areasonable eco-compensation standard is the focus of the study of ecologicalcompensation. In addition, the principle of ecological compensation for theconfirmation of the main responsibilities and the scope of the ecologicalcompensation principle basis, but due to the complexity of the ecosystem itself, thepractice of the specific operation is not an easy task. How to determine the ecological compensation subject and scope of the ecological compensation is the future researchdirection. Summed up the domestic and international eco-compensation practiceexperience obtained that if the watershed compensation involves a smaller range andthe object of compensation is relatively clear, generally use market trading patterns, ifthe large basin ecological compensation involved in a wider scope due tointer-regional or administrative region, generally use a government-led model.
     (2) On the basis of the ecological socio-economic analysis of the Nansi Lakesbasin , for the smooth implementation of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project,the long run, the healthy development of the local economy, and the coordination ofregional development, it is necessary to build the Nansi ecological compensationmechanism. Now there are many problems such as compensation for the scope ofsmaller, lower compensation funds in the Nansi Lakes basin ecological compensation.Analysis of ecological compensation problems, combined with theoretical analysisand domestic and international eco-compensation practice experience, ensured theobject of the Nansi Lakes basin ecological compensation, principles of compensation,estimated ecosystem services value of Nansi Lakes basin, and eco-compensationstandards of Nansi Lakes basin based on replacement cost,based on CVM method,according to WTP estimates the total amount of the watershed ecologicalcompensation, but the amount is relatively small, need to actively apply for thefinancial support of the central and Shandong Province.
     (3) It is consultation that the Nansi Lakes basin ecological compensationmechanism should be implemented in a government-led model, and actively explorethe market trading patterns, the basin to basin-wide ecological Sharing mechanism,improve the financial transfer payment, the establishment of ecological compensationlong efficient mechanism , explore market-oriented operation mechanism forecological compensation, and promote the policy of development in other areas withinthe basin, and the government formulate industry development planning of NansiLakes basin, prevention Nansi Lakes further pollution of the water quality. In order toensure the source and integrated management of the ecological compensation funds ofthe Nansi Lakes basin, it is necessary to create the specialized institution-Nansi Lakes basin Authority and establish the special legislation of the ecological compensation.Sothat ecological compensation laws to go by, the establishment of the Nansi Lakeswatershed and water quality monitoring system to provide the basis for financialtransfers to pay for ecological compensation, water pollution prevention mechanismsto ensure that watershed water quality and safety.
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