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Enterprises are the foundation of the Economics System. Because most of enterprises are Small and Medium-Sized enterprises (SMEs), the development and stabilization of SMEs are very important for the development of whole national economy. This paper based on the understanding of enterprises' essential, discusses the characteristics of enterprises as economics organizations through the review of relevant researches on enterprises in different economic schools. Then it brings forward an analysis theoretical framework of SMEs' growth influential factors sources in the view of economic rent-seeking under uncertain condition. With the theoretical frame, the paper analyzes SMEs' growth influential factors, and identifies and analyzes Chinese SMEs' growth influential factors. Therefore, the paper constructs the analysis framework of SMEs' growth influential factors from theoretical view, and applies macro-policy suggestions and micro-action instructions for Chinese SMEs' development from practice view.
     The paper applies theoretical and empirical analysis and qualitative and quantitative analysis. Comprehensive applied classical economic theory, neoclassical economic theory, uncertainty thoughts, transaction cost theory, entrepreneur theory, competitive advantage theory, firm growth theory and evolutionary economic theory; conducted regression analysis, factor analysis, structural equation model, identified the growth influence factors of SMEs. The main contents are as follows:
     First, establishes an evaluation system of innovation capability in SMEs based on innovation process, and through empirical analysis, explores the structure of innovation capability in SMEs, and then computes the index of innovation capability. Secondly, constructs a theoretical growth influence factor analysis model which includes four aspects: growth motivation—entrepreneurial orientation, growth capability—innovation capability, growth foundation—internal resources and firm network, and growth opportunity—firm environments. Applies a structural equation to test the theoretical model and the relevant hypotheses, identifies and analyses the growth influence factors of SMEs in China. Thirdly, through review the concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation(EO) and its determinants, this article put forwards the analysis framework of the determinants of EO based on "opportunity-resource- enterprise heterogeneity". In this framework, enterprise heterogeneity is the fundamental factor of EO, the level of EO is modulated by opportunity and resource. Fourthly, discussed the affection of different firm networks to the SMEs growth, and the relationships between different firm networks. Puts forward a driving force model of firm networks affecting SMEs growth based on previous research. And then, through empirical research, verified the validity of the driving force model and the hypothesis. The conclusion is that marketing networks and cooperative technology networks are the direct driving force of SMEs growth, and reputation networks had negative effect on SMEs growth, social networks and co-opetition networks did not show any effect on SMEs growth. Social networks and reputation networks were the basis of the whole firm networks of SMEs, they affected the developments of other kinds of firm networks.
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