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Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar imaging is a technique based on microwaveremote sensing. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar can provide large-scaletwo-dimensional high spatial resolution images of the observed objects. In addition, withthe wide availability of PolSAR data from both space borne and airborne SAR systems,the research on processing of PolSAR data is developing fastly. For the past recent years,significant advances in polarimetric synthetic aperture radar instruments and informationextraction techniques have flourished, and related research and applications have reacheda certain degree of maturity. However, part of the techniques in this field deserves athorough investigation. Synthetic aperture radar systems come along from singlepolarization and monochromatic imaging to multi-polarization and multi-frequencyimaging. The later is also called the multi-channel radar imagery. Using multi-channelradar system for observing the earth can acquire much more information than singlechannel radar system. In this thesis, three problems, including speckle filtering, biascorrection for eigen-decomposition parameters and unsupervised classification, in theprocessing of monostatic and monochromatic PolSAR data will be studied.
     At first, the description method for polarization state of electromagnetic wave ispresented. Then the geometrical configuration and principles of imaging system inpolarimetric synthetic aperture radar is put forward. The open-source platform by theEuropean space agency and mainstream airborne datasets are listed.
     Thereafter a simple analysis is put forward at first about the principles in specklefiltering. One of the most important clauses is preserving the polarimetric properties andreducing the speckle level in the data. The coherency matrix and covariance matrix afterspeckle filtering must be semi-definite positive. A study on the behavior and performanceof the nonlinear anisotropic diffusion equation is accomplished. Whereafter an extensionto the multi-dimensional nonlinear anisotropic diffusion is done. The total scattered poweris employed to construct the diffusivity function and the edge-enhancing diffusion schemeis adopted to design the diffusion tensor. At last the algorithm of speckle filtering usingnonlinear anisotropic diffusion is listed. It can be easily observed from the experimentalresults that the new proposed method can preserve the polarimetric properties and reducethe speckle level.
     Whereafter in the calculation of eigen-parameters for polarimetric target decomposition, the ensemble averaging is substituted by the spatial averaging. Thus theestimation for coherency matrix or covariance matrix will contain bias, which will bestudied in this thesis. Consequently the statistics of these parameters are analyzed at first.The simulated data generated by the PolSARpro platform is used for the reason that it hasdodged the influence of the artifact and system noise. The simulated data can be viewedas a realized data. An asymptotically statistical analysis is performed on simulated dataand thereafter the statistical behavior of averaged alpha angle and entropy are acquired.Based on the statistical behavior, it can be concluded that the influence caused by thewindow size on averaged alpha angle can be ignored. Nevertheless the entropy issensitive to the windows size. After performing an averaging of many random points insimulated data, it can be seen that approximate linear relation between entropy andwindow size is valid. Bias correction algorithm is constructed based on the aboveapproximate linear relation. It can be concluded from the experimental results that theentropy which has been corrected will enhance the accuracy of unsupervisedclassification using eigen-decomposition.
     At last, polarimetric classification is one of the most important applications inPolSAR imaging. The kernel idea of supervised classification is employed in this thesis.The scattering model based decomposition is combined with the supervised classification.The four-component scattering model based decomposition is used as the initial input ofclassification. The Wishart classifier is used iteratively. It is shown from the experimentalresults that the new unsupervised classification method possesses higher accuracycompared with the classic three-component method. Compare with the classic methodbased on eigen-decomposition, the new method stay away from the problem of uncertainupper-bound and lower-bound.
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