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Foreign aid policy is an important part of EU’s foreign policies, as the product of European integration and the useful tool of developing foreign relations. The idea of European integration has existed for centuries: from Charlemagne to the Habsburg Empire, from Napoleon to Hitler, many people dreamed of conquest by force to unify of the European continent. From Saint-Simon's“United States of Europe”program, to Bentham and Hugo’s blueprint of European unity, many philosophers advocated the European cooperation to win the peace in Europe. Since World War II, with the development of European integration and changes in the external international environment, the idea of European integration philosophy has changed profoundly, that could be found from the foreign aid policies in different times.
     On the other side, EU’s aid policy is not affected by the European integration passively, and it also promotes the development of the European integration in many ways. For example, the foreign aid policy could promote the EU’s enlargement, intensification and the development of the concept of European integration. More important, aid policy, as the reaction to the outside world for the European integration, is the important way of promoting its values, ideas and social models worldwidly, particularly in those developing countries and new emerging ones, including the Central and Eastern Europe countries. It also constructs the core of EU’s international image, and enhances the“Identification”of European Union both in domestic and external world. In that case, the analysis of EU’s aid policy is quite significant for understanding the European integration process deeply.
     The dissertation will try to link EU’s aid policy, as a foreign policy, with the inner idea and process of European integration, in order to have a better understanding of the integration. Comparing to the existing studies, the paper does not only regard the EU as a multilateral donor, but also tries to make the following attempts: first, as a product of European integration, exposing the links between EU's foreign aid policy and the idea, process of European integration; second, as an important EU foreign policy tool, analyzing the unique role of EU's foreign aid policy in EU’s external relations; third, the European integration theories could be found through the development of EU's foreign aid policy; Fourth, the impact brought by EU foreign aid for the development of European integration.
     This paper will adopt the new research perspectives of EU’s foreign aid policy to analyze the idea and process of European integration on the basis of the existing studies. The idea of European integration has been always changing, and it has different characteristics during many historical periods, whose impacts on EU’s domestic and foreign policies is a meaningful and endless topic. Because of the space limitations, the paper only adopts the EU’s foreign aid as a starting point, hoping to have a more profound understanding of European integration.
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    ②关于对外援助的理论分析有很多研究成果,代表性的有:Hans Morgenthau,“A Political Theory of Foreign Aid”, American Political Science Review 56, 2. (June 1962), pp. 301-309; Teresa Hayter, Aid as Imperialism, Baltimore: Penguin, 1971; Denis Goulet Michael Hudson, The Myth of Foreign Aid: The Hidden Agenda of the Development Reports, New York: International Documentation North America, 1971; Steven W. Hook, National Internet and Foreign Aid, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 1995.
    ③激进主义理论对现存社会的组织和运作方式怀有强烈的不满,急切希望对世界秩序进行改造,或建立一种崭新的新秩序。③这一理论流派的主要代表有弗兰克、阿明等。弗兰克最重要的理论贡献是提出了“不发达的发展理论”(development of under-development)。他认为发达国家和不发达国家这两种结构的存在使
    ①经合组织(OECD)的发展援助委员会(DAC)给官方发展援助(ODA)下的定义是:官方发展援助是援助国官方机构(包括国家机构和地方合作机构)为促进发展中国家经济发展和改善生活水平,向发展中国家和国际多边机构提供的赠与或赠与成分(Grant Element)至少为25%的减让性(Concessional)贷款。DAC, Development Cooperation, 1991 Report, Paris: OECD, 1991, p.257.
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    ①Karin Arts and Anna K. Dickson, ibid, pp. 4-5.
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    ①Marjorie Lister, The European Union and the South, London; New York: Routledge, 1997, p. 137.
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    ②Gorm Rye Olsen,“Changing European Concerns: Security and Complex Political Emergencies Instead of Development”, in K. Arts and A. K. Dickson eds., ibid, p.92.
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    ②John Ravenhill, Collective Clientelism: the Lome Conventions and North-South Relations, New York: Columbia University Press, 1985, p.35.
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    ①Gordon Crawford, ibid, p.169.
    ②Olav Stokke ed., ibid, p.ⅷ.
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    ②Poul Hoebink and Olav Stokke eds., ibid, p.576.
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    ②European Commission, Communication on“Policy Coherence for Development- Accelerating Progress towards Attaining the Millennium Development Goals”, COM (2005) 134 of April and May 2005.
    ③“EU Report on Policy Coherence for Development”, Commission Working Paper, COM (2007) 545 and Commission Staff Working Paper SEC (2007) 1202, COM (2007) 545 final, Brussels, 20.9.2007.
    ④European Commission, Policy Coherence for Development, Climate Change/Energy/Biofuels, Migration and Research, COM (2008) 177 final, SEC (2008) 434, Brussels, 9.4.2008.
    ①European Commission, Commission Memorandum on a Community Policy for Development Cooperation, 1982, p. 18.
    ②European Commission, Development Aid: Fresco of Community Action Tomorrow, 1974, point 1219.
    ①Joseph A. Mcmahon, ibid, p.218.
    ②European Commission, Commission Memorandum on a Community Policy for Development Cooperation, 1971, p.23.
    ①Therese Brolin, ibid, 2007, p. 30.
    ②European Council, Proposal for a Council Decision Concerning the Conclusion of a Framework Cooperation Agreement between the EEC and the Andean Pact, COM(1992)52, Brussels.
    ③Joseph A. Mcmahon, ibid, p.226.
    ①Federico Bonaglia, Andrea Goldstein and Fabio Petito, ibid, p.164.
    ②European Commission,“EU Code of Conduct on Division of Labour in Development Policy”, COM (2007) 72 final, Brussels, 28.2.2007.
    ①European Commission, Europe Aid Cooperation Office, Brussels, Publications Office, 2006.
    ①西蒙·黑科斯(Simon Hix)认为欧盟是“一个政治系统,但不是国家”,因为它没有合法的强制性权力,因此不是传统意义上的“国家”。(Simon Hix, The political system of the European Union, New York: Palgrave, 1999.)希尔(Christopher Hill)和史密斯(Michael Smith)认为欧盟拥有超出一般政府间国际组织的巨大优势,但还没有形成一个成熟的欧洲“国家”。(Christopher Hill and Michael Smith, International Relations and the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.)
    ②Brian White, European Foreign Policy, Colorado: Westview Press, 2001, p. 1.
    ③Roy Ginsberg, The European Union in International Politics: Baptism by Fire, Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001, p. 3.
    ④Ben Tonra and Thomas Christiansen,“The Study of EU Foreign Policy: International Relations and European Studies”, in Ben Tonra and Thomas Christiansen, eds., Rethinking European Union Foreign Policy, Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press, 2004, p.1.
    ①Sonia Lucarelli, ibid, p.9.
    ①R. Pomfret, Mediterranean Policy of the European Community, London: Macmillan, 1986, p. 20.
    ②DG Dev (2006) http://www.eurocean.org/contents.phpaid=374
    ③DG External Relations (2006) http//ec.europa.eu/comm./external relations/index.htm
    ④DG Trade (2006) http//ec.europa.eu/trade /index en.htm
    ①Poul Hoebink and Olav Stokke, eds., ibid, p.602.
    ①Jan Orbie,“A Civilian Power in the World? Instruments and Objectives in European Union External Policies”, in Jan Orbie ed., ibid, p.1.
    ①Javier Solana,“The EU Security Strategy Implications for Europe’s Role in a Changing World”, European Council,“A Secure Europe in a Better World: European Security Strategy”, Brussels, 12 December 2003. Http://www.Consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/Docs/pressdata/EN/reports/78367. pdf.
    ②European Council,“A Secure Europe in a Better World: European Security Strategy”, Brussels, 12 December 2003.
    ①European Council,“A Secure Europe in a Better World: European Security Strategy”, Brussels, 12 December 2003.
    ②“Treaty of Establishing A Constitution for European”, Official Journal of the European Union, C 310, Volume 47, 16.12.2004.
    ①Michel Smith,“The EU and International Order: European and Global Aspects”, Paper presented at the EUSA Workshop“EU Foreign/Security/Defense Policy”, Washington DC, 3 April 2006, p.11.
    ②Ian Manners and Richard Whitman,“The Difference Engine: Constructing and Representig the International Identity of the European Union”, Journal of European Public Policy, 10, 3:380-404.
    ①Federico Bonaglia, Andrea Goldstein and Fabio Petito, ibid, p. 164.
    ②Jan Orbie,“EU Development Policy Integration and the Monterrey Process: A Leading and BenevolentIdentity?”, European Foreign Affairs Review 8:3, 395-415.2003.
    ①Jean-Marc Ferry,“European integration and the cosmopolitan way”, in Mario Telòed., ibid, p. 338.
    ③Nicole Gnesotto,“La sécuritédans un monde post-occidental”, Security in a Post-Western World, Esprit, May 2007, p.74.
    ①Overview of the EU’s relations with Eastern Europe & Central Asia, http: //ec. europa. eu.
    ②Joseph Nye,“China and the Future of the Asia Pacific Region”, Plenary address at IISS Annual Conference, Singapore, September 14, 1997.
    ①European Commission,“European Neighbourhood Policy Strategic Paper”, Com (2004) 373 final, Brussels, 12. 5. 2004.
    ②European Commission,“Wider Europe– Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours”, Com (2003) 104 final, Brussels, 11. 3. 2003.
    ③Henry Kissinger, Does America Need a Foreign Policy: Towards a Diplomacy for the 21st Century, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001, pp.146-147.
    ④European Commission,“Wider Europe– Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours”, Com (2003) 104 final, Brussels, 11. 3. 2003.
    ①Europeaid evaluation unit 2000, Evaluation of TACIS Inter-State Energy and INOGATE Programmes and Related Actions Implemented in the Framework of National Programmes, Final Report: Volume 1.
    ①European Commission, European Community Regional Strategy Paper for Assistance to Central Asia for the period of 2007-2013, June, 2007.
    ①C. Alfredo Robles, The Political Economy of Interregional Relations: ASEAN and the EU, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004, p. 40.
    ②Peter J. Katzenstein, World of Regions: Asia and Europe in the American Empire, New York: Cornell University Press, 2005, p.17.
    ③Hazel Smith, ibid, p. 184.
    ②European Commission, Europe Aid Cooperation Office, Brussels, Publications Office, 2006.
    ①Sabine C. Zanger,“Good Governance and European Aid”, European Union Politics, Volume 1 (3), 2000, p. 296.
    ①Iciar de Chavarri Ureta,“The European Commission’s Institutional Framework for Development Policy”, in Carol Cosgrove-sacks ed., ibid, p.62.
    ①O. Babarinde,“The Lom Convention: An Aging Dinosaur in the European Union’s Foreign Policy Enterprise”, in C. Rhodes and S. Mazey ed., The State of European Union: Building a European Policy, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1998, p. 496.
    ①Anders Berlin and Nils Resare, The European Community’s External Actions, Stockholm: Sida, 2005, p.67.
    ②Anders Berlin and Nils Resare, ibid, p.96.
    ①R. F. Meagher, An International Redistribution of Wealth and Power: A Study of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, New York: Pergamon, 1979, p. 14.
    ②Karen E. Smith,“The ACP in the European Union’s Network of Regional Relationships: Still Unique or just one in the Crowd?”, in Karin Arts and Anna K. Dickson, eds., ibid, p.62.
    ③Pamela Paxton and Stephen Knack,“Individual and Country-Level Factors Affecting Support for Foreign Aid”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4714, 2008.
    ①R.F. Hopkins,“Political Economy of Foreign Aid”, in F. Tarp ed., Foreign Aid and Development: Lessons Learnt and Directions on the Future, London; New York: Routledge, 2000, p.423.
    ②P. Hjertholm and H. White,“Foreign Aid in Historical Perspective: Background and Trends”, in F. Tarp ed., ibid, pp.80-102.
     ①Jan Orbie and Helen Versluys,“Recent Evolution in EU Development Aid: More Europe, More Aid, Less Development?”Studis Diplomotica, LIX: 4, pp.19-40. 2007.
    ①Craig Burnside and David Dollar,“Aid, Policies, and Growth”, American Economic Review, 90, 4, pp. 847-868.
    ①Henri Vogt,“Coping with Historical Responsibility: Trends and Images of the EU’s Development Policy”, in H. Mayer and H. Vogt eds., A Responsible Europe? Ethical Foundations of EU External Affairs, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, p. 169.
    ②F. J. Cardoso, W. Khüne and J. B. Honwana, Reflection Paper. Priorities in EU Development Cooperation in Africa: Beyond 2000, Brussels: Council of Ministers, 2000, p.12.
    ①Iciar de Chavarri Ureta,“The European Commission’s Institutional Framework for Development Policy”, in Carol Cosgrove-sacks ed., ibid, pp.61-62.

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