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过去2000年气候环境的变化是“过去全球变化”(Past Global Changes, PAGES)和“气候变率与可预测性”(Climate Variability and Predictability, CLIVAR)两大国际研究计划的重要研究内容。其中近1000年来的气候变化更是现代器测资料与过去代用指标序列衔接的关键时段。北半球温度重建显示这一时期存在着重要的气候变化特征,例如中世纪暖期、小冰期和二十世纪变暖,是当前气候/气象学家所关注的焦点。然而,对于这一时期季风变化事件的起止时间,内部结构和转换速率等特征的认识却受到缺乏同时具备高精度年龄和高分辨率气候记录的制约。亚洲季风影响着世界上近半数人口的生活和生产,季风降水变化是关系到季风区国家社会发展和稳定的重要问题。同时,亚洲季风是快速而敏感物理系统,是联系海-气-冰和南北半球气候的重要载体,并且通过西风带、低纬越赤道气流传输高低纬、南北半球气候事件信号。因此,亚洲季风变化的研究有利于理解南北半球气候的耦合机制,加深低纬季风变化机制的理解。太阳活动作为地球外部能量的唯一来源,往往被作为气候变化的重要驱动因子,然而代用指标和数据分析显示太阳活动和气候之间存在复杂因果联系(提前、滞后或耦合关系不明确),其真实的相位关系缺乏精确时标年分辨率气候记录的支持。同时,微小的太阳辐射量变化(1~2mW/m2)通过海—气系统的何种机制得以放大,从而来影响大尺度的气候变化(如季风)也尚未认识清楚。洞穴石笋生长时间跨度大、储存信息完整并具有独立的绝对年代标尺,是大陆气候代用指标一个独特数据源,成为当前全球变化研究领域的重要发展方向之一。
Climate changes over the past 2000 years are important part of the research for the "Past Global Changes"(PAGES) and the "Climate variability and predictability"(CLIVAR), two major international research projects. Especially, climatic changes of the past 1000 years are an important hinge period which links up instrumental data and proxy records. Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstructions reveal significant fluctuations during this period, such as the Medieval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age and the unprecedented 20th century warming, which are focused by the climatologists/meteorologists worldwide, however, little is known about the characters in monsoon. The Asian monsoon system affects more than half of humanity worldwide and its changes appear to have played a major role in shaping significant regional societal changes, yet the dynamical processes that govern its complex spatiotemporal variability are not sufficiently understood to model and predict its behavior, due in part to inadequate annually-resolved long-term climate observations. Furthermore, as changes in Asian monsoon link directly to high-northern latitude climates and also to Southern climates, via across-equatorial air flows, it is possible to decipher the precise relationship between the two hemisphere climates and to understand mechanisms of the monsoon variability. As the only energy supplier for the earth, the sun is reasonably assumed to be the important forcing of the globe climate change. However, the causality relationship between monsoon changes and solar irradiance remains uncertain. Stalagmite record has the precise and independent chronology and reserves integrated information. Therefore, stalagmite has become a major data source for continent paleoclimate reconstruction.
     In this dissertation, annually resolved oxygen isotope records of two stalagmites from Dongge Cave in southeast Guizhou province, based on 20 high-precision U/Th dates,1903 annual layers and 1746 oxygen data, provide a continuous history of the Asian monsoon over the past 1026 years. Uranium-series age dating and counts of annual growth bands enable an excellent age calibration. The new calciteδ18O records, including the previously reported Dongge records(DA and D15), are very similar in timing, shape, and amplitude on inter-decadal to centennial scale, indicating that the speleothems most likely grew under isotopic equilibrium conditions and sample specific noise did not blur the climatic signal. Calibrated with the local instrumental meteorological records, shifts in stalagmiteδ18O largely reflect changes inδ18O values of cave drip water. Furthermore, the Donggeδ18O records exhibit a close similarity to the amount of summer monsoon rainfall and various types of monsoon index, supporting the ideal that theδ18O record is a proxy for Asian monsoon intensity.
     The oxygen isotope profile clearly shows the transition at~1321 AD from a generally stronger monsoon Medieval Warm Period to a weaker monsoon Little Ice Age that lasted from approximately AD 1321-1633. The weak monsoon Little Ice Age is characterized by two weaker monsoon events and a relative strong monsoon event. The former weak monsoon event is 17 years, the latter is 77 years. The gradually decrease in monsoon rainfall since the 1960s is also obvious in stalagmiteδ18O records from the Middle East to northern China, indicating that changes in speleothemδ18O largely represent variations of precipitation isotopic composition associated with large-scale summer monsoon circulations. In our research, most of the weak monsoon periods were characterized by popular unrest, suggesting that climate played an important role on the demise of Chinese Dynasties.
     Comparisons of the Dongge cave records with the precisely dated contemporaneous records from Cascayunga Cave in Peru, show that minima inδ18O (wet periods, intense Asian monsoon) at our site are synchronous with maxima inδ18O (dry periods, weak South American Monsoon) in Northeast Peru (within precise dating errors) and vice versa. This anti-phased precipitation relationship between two low-latitude locations may be inter-hemispheric in extent, based on comparison with records from other sites. Monsoon precipitation anti-phasing may be related to north-south shifts in the mean position of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The variations of the solar energy maybe cause the shifts of the ITCZ.
     Time series of Asian monsoon intensity, solar radiation and Northern Hemisphere surface temperature were used to analyze their causality relationship with~200 periodic oscillations by wavelet transform. The results indicate that the Asian monsoon intensity is temporally and inversely correlated to the solar radiation and the Northern Hemisphere surface temperature. This is also supported by the pattern matching as well as the cross-spectral analysis of monsoon data and solar activity records. It is suggested that a complex causality relationship between climate and solar activity. The dynamics of the Southern Ocean, especially the heat reservoir effect, may play an important role to modulate this relationship.
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