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Ad-6s which were selected by Li Xufeng through distant crossing between B. napus and R. Sativus var. raphanistroides could restore B. napus OguCMS. It is a middle material. Its appearance agriculture characteristics was different from the B. napus L. To select like B. napus L. in agriculture characteristics, restored gene in Ad-6 was going to be transferred from Ad-6 to Brassica napus L. OguCMS by test crossing betweed Ad-6 and Brassica napus L. OguCMS. This thesis reported the studies on the morphological characteristics, tissue culture and cytogenetic behaviors of progenies of Ad-6 and B. napus L. The results were as follows:
    1. The morphological characteristics of the progenies of crossing between Ad-6 and B. napus L.
    Most of Ad-6s were stable. The setting percentage of Ad-6 was high. But the economic and morphological characteristics of it were not similar to those of B. napus L. The setting percentage of the progenies of restorer by test crossing between Ad-6 and B. napus L. OguCMS was low. The setting pecentage of the successive autocopulation and test cross which were restored and the progenies of natural crossing were improved. At the same time, the morpha of these progenies were similar to those
    of B. napus L.. When the restorer from autocopulation were test-crossed with OguCMS, their progenies still sepregated, maily in the flower color and fertility complicatedly. From these progenies, it is possible to select the restorer which is not only similar to B. napus L. in agricultural character but also can set the good seed.
    2. Tissue culture study on the test-crossing progenies of the restoring F4 (TC1)
    During the process of transforming the restoring gene from Ad-6 to B. napus L., it was accompanied with the poor seed set and incompletely developed seed set. In order to preserve the restoring resource, we regenerated the plant by inducing the polygemmic. The results showed that the medium MS+1.0mg/L 6-BA+0. 1mg/L NAA+5mg/LAgNO3 had the best effect to induce the polygemmic. The best root-inducing medium was 1/2MS. And the medium added 0. 5mg/L 6-BA+O. Img/L NAA+0. 25mg/L 2, 4-D had the best result to induce the callus. These mediums were suitable to priserve the selfs and test-crossed restorer and to increase the restoring population. Then it gave the basis to select the restorer further.
    3. The cytogenetic characteristic of progenies of selfs and test-crossing
    (1)the somatic chromosomal number and the miosis behavior of F4 (TC1) The somatic chromosomal number of F4 (TC1) was 2n=36-39, but 2n=37 was the high frequent. The miosis behaviors of F4 (TC1) were abnormal. There were univalents and bivalents and mutivalents in diakinasis and metaphase I , and there were chromosomal bridges. In anaphas II, tripolar segregation, abnormal pentpolar segregation and mutipolar segregation were found. In terad period, we found high frequent abnormal spores, most of which were triads and abnormal pentads. Finally the miosis could be finished.
    (2) the somatic chromosomal number and the miosis behavior of F5 (TC1) We randomly selected fresh leaves from 46 strain seedling to count the somatic chromosomal number. The results showed that the chromosomal number was 2n=35-38, but the 2n=37 was still the most high frequent, and the 2n=38 was added frequent. It is still possible to select the 2n=38 plants in selfs. Its miosis behaviors tended towards normal. In diakinasis and metaphase I , the frequent of univalents and mutivalents decreased complicately, but bivalents were the high frequent, most, of which were ring-shaped. There were lagging chromosomes in anaphas I . Mutipolar segregation was not observed in anaphas II. In quadrant period, mailly there were tetraspores. (3)the somatic chromosomal number and the miosis behavior of TC'
    The somatic chromosomal number of TC' in selected strain were 2n=37 and 2n=38. But their miosis behaviors were normal mostly. In diakinasis and metaphase I , the numbers of bivalents were 16.94 and 17.35 respectively. But there were lagging chromosomes in metaphase I and ana
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