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     从解剖和功能水平来理解脑的复杂网络拓扑性质是迄今为止最大的挑战。除利用解剖结构连接(通常指白质纤维束)外,也发展了很多有效的方法来推断大脑连接。其中比较常用的是基于神经活动的同步相关性来推断的功能连接(Functional connectivity,FC),它是指空间远距离神经生理事件间的统计依赖性。另外一类重要的方法是有效连接(Effective connectivity,EC),它试图去揭示脑区间的有向信息传输机制;近年来,已经发展了许多探测有效连接的算法,基于数据驱动的Granger Causality(GC)就是强有效的工具之一。
     第二部分,关注于处理中尺度网络(大量网络节点,102~103级别)重构时面临的冗余和维数灾难问题。这种网络尺度恰好对应了传统大脑皮层分割的尺度。而大多以功能磁共振成像构造的脑网络是基于分割区域内体素平均的BOLD(blood-oxygenation level-dependent)信号构建起来的;这些信号通常具有样本少、噪声高的特点。用这类信号重构大规模网络,标准的条件GC(conditional GC,CGC)不再适用,本文提出了利用基于携带驱动变量信息的原则来挑选条件变量的技术(即部分条件GC,partially conditioned GC,PCGC)。该方法成功地应用于仿真数据和高密度脑电图。
     此外,在BOLD时间序列上推断动态有向交互时,还面临另外一个关键问题:血液动力学(hemodynamic response function,HRF)混淆效应。针对这个问题,本文提出一种新颖的BOLD-fMRI信号盲去卷积技术(第四章),实现了在隐神经水平上推断区域间的因果交互作用。
     通过联合这两种方法(盲去卷积和PCGC),可以更加有效地推断静息态下的动态有向信息交互;分析结果显示是否去卷积将对大脑网络的局部拓扑特性产生影响。此外,分析结果还显示条件变量集会服从一个稳健的空间分布(具有模块性特征),且这种分布不受扫描时段(session)和重复时间(repetition time,TR,0.645s,1.4s和2.5s)的影响(第五章),为进一步将PCGC推广到体素水平构建有向网络奠定了基础。
The last decade has witnessed a continuous rise in studies of complex networks,which have now become an established paradigm to study complex systems, amongwhich the brain, with its balance between anatomical segregation and functionalintegration, is a most prominent example. Although initial efforts focused ondisentangling the intricate topological properties of complex networks, the interest hasnow shifted towards the study of dynamical processes at different temporal and spatialscales and the co-evolution of network structures with those processes.
     One of the big challenges to date is to understand the non-trivial topologicalorganization of the brain at the structural/anatomical and the functional level. Asidefrom structural connectivity, that typically corresponds to white matter tracts, severalmethods have been employed to infer connectivity in the brain. Functional connectivityis usually inferred on the basis of correlations among neural activity and defined asstatistical dependencies among remote neurophysiological events. Another importantfamily of methods aims to reveal directed information transfer between brain regions(effective connectivity). In recent years, many approaches have been proposed, amongwhich Granger Causality (GC) emerged as a powerful data driven method.
     My thesis work has been dedicated to the development, implementation andrigorous validation of approaches to make GC more solid and amenable to be applied toneuroimaging datasets in order to extract from them the maximum amount of reliableinformation on the directed information transfer among the variables. These approacheswere then extensively applied to data with the goal of answering specific questions andof providing a novel insight on brain function and malfunctioning.
     One of the main issues with GC is how to deal with the redundant and confoundinginformation arising in multivariate datasets. Addressing this issue was a constantconcern throughout all the project.
     In the first part, dynamical networks of moderate size (100~102nodes) werereconstructed by means of a canonical correlation approach to GC. This approach,capable to detect multivariate/groupwise/blockwise information interaction was appliedto simultaneously recorded scalp and depth electroencephalographic (EEG) data fromone epileptic patient during an interictal period (Chapter2).
     Then I extended the capability of canonical correlation to include the estimation ofnonlinear causal interaction using the kernel trick, which projects the data into a higherdimensional feature space and provides a convenient way for generalization of the linearcanonical correlation GC. After testing feasibility and effectiveness tested on simulateddata, the approach was applied to intracranial EEG data in epilepsy, resulting in animproved identification of the spatio-temporal causal connectivity network associated tothe disease (Chapter3).
     In the second part the issue of redundancy and curse of dimensionality wasaddressed for networks of medium size (102~103nodes). This is the typical size of theparcellation of the brain surface, so the natural target of this phase were datasets whosetime series corresponded to the blood-oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) recorded infunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and averaged across brain regions.These datasets are typically noisy and short. For networks of this size, standardconditional GC (CGC) is no longer effective. I applied a technique that identifies thevariables that share common information with each candidate driver to perform partiallyconditioned GC (PCGC). This approach was tested on simulated data and high densityEEG. Furthermore when evaluating dynamical directed interactions from BOLD timeseries, one is faced to another critical issue, namely the confounding effect ofhemodynamic response function (HRF). I addressed this problem by implementing anovel blind deconvolution technique for BOLD-fMRI signal (Chapter4). This jointapproach (deconvolution and PCGC) proved useful in retrieving dynamical interactionsin resting-state fMRI datasets. The results show that the distributions of conditioningvariable follow a stable spatial pattern, across different session and repetition time (TR,0.645s,1.4s and2.5s)(Chapter5).
     In the last part I addressed the reconstruction of large networks (from104nodesonwards). This is the typical number of voxels in a fMRI dataset. I developed anadditional strategy to reduce the number of conditioning variables in a faster and moreefficient way. With this approach it was possible to uncover the architecture of directednetworks at the voxel level and investigate its degree, betweenness and clusteringcoefficient hubs (Chapter6).
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