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Online payment is a basic link of the e-commerce system for online transactions, it refers to the seller and buyer transactions through e-commerce trading platform on the Internet, by the method of information technology security and payment settlement process, completed the Internet-based environment to pay, the funds online payment services provided by the middle of accounts by the account transferred to the buyer, or transferred directly to the seller account to complete the online payment, sellers simultaneously approved for the buyers to pay, started the online trading of goods and services to provide buyers. B2B online payment pay to complete the online transaction process, the B2B e-commerce mode, emphasizing one of three streams, namely ordering information completed at the same time, the transfer of the settlement process upfront capital synchronization is complete, logistics and distribution started, so that B2B e-commerce transaction to complete the transaction based entirely on the platform of B2B transactions, B2B online payment is a core part of the B2B e-commerce online transactions.
     According to2011statistics of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the number of SME has exceeded4200million in China, accounting for more than95%of the total number of enterprises, the SME employment accounting for about80%of the employment. B2B e-commerce business due to enter the threshold is low, less input costs, quick results of the widely favored by SME, according to iResearch network statistics, in2011China's17million SME, registered in the third-party B2B services platform and carry out businesses, SME in China B2B e-commerce market size of transactions reached3.4trillion yuan, B2B e-commerce will play an important role to promote the development of SME in China. In October2011, the Commerce Department released the development of "electronic commerce"12"guidance", China's economic and social development12Five-Year Plan clearly, we should actively develop e-commerce, perfect for small and medium electronic business services, support and guide national and local government policies, will promote the continuous development of Chinese SME e-commerce
     SME B2B e-commerce development in China there are still some problems, first of all, China's B2B e-commerce for SME as a whole is still in the low-efficiency operation mode, the B2B e-commerce platform and accepted by the SME service is the integration of supply and demand information of member companies trading bring together member companies transactions, but the completion of the transaction online, online trading ratio is very low, belonging to the inefficient e-commerce model, there are many deficiencies, such as: membership loyalty, membership activity, transaction costs in the member line relatively high security and low, eventually leading to low efficiency of the transaction. Secondly, the current mainstream B2B transactions online payment to achieve mode there are a lot of business to deal with irrational, such as:the retention of the funds, the mode of payment disputes, logistics, capital flow and information flow coordination of third, and SME credit problem. Finally, the electronic payment application environment immature limit SME B2B e-payment development, B2B e-commerce platform for SME does not provide and encourage online trading, online payment service, for B2B e transactions, online payments and service system is also a lack of comprehensive laws and regulations to support.
     Accordingly, this thesis is to use third-party B2B service platform for SME to study how to improve the ratio of China's SME B2B online payment application, the study includes two aspects, the first research in China B2B e-commerce, small and medium-sized online payment application status, including:the mode of implementation, process, application status (application rate and application of geographical scope, etc.), and what are the problems directly affect the factors, and China's B2B online payment application status of empirical statistical analysis; Second, the impact of China's SME B2B online payment of the key factors of the adoption of behavioral intentions, including: proposed hypotheses, and build the impact of China's small and medium-sized e-commerce businesses of B2B online payment key factor and factor model, collect data through questionnaires, the data for reliability analysis and confirmatory empirical studies confirm the validity of the model, and then by SEM (structural equation modeling) research methods.
     There are three main application of this paper:the first literature for enterprise organizations to adopt behavior theory and business e-commerce online payment behavior of the initial study, and provide a theoretical basis for further work; the second investigation, by telephone research, visited enterprises, surveys, and to the professional website for empirical data collection, statistical analysis of China's SME B2B online payment application status; third empirical analysis, data analysis, data collected material to an empirical analysis of the theoretical model of the pre-and validation. The empirical analysis methods include:basic statistical analysis and structural equation modeling analysis of the validity of the model and assumptions.
     The outcome of the thesis includes two aspects:
     First, this paper analyzes China's SME B2B online payment application development status and problems. This study through the literature searches, telephone research and field interviews to obtain a large number of primary data, statistical data analysis, a complete description of SME B2B online payment application status, including the overall statistics of the SME B2B online payment application status and classification statistics, small and medium enterprises use or not use B2B online payment reasons for statistical analysis and a lot of problems, such as the ratio is not high:the B2B online payment, online payment mode can't be good support B2B electronic transactions in B2B online trading need to further improve the online payment mode, including:perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, safety, and payment and settlement processes, improve the integrity and service system, to shorten the billing cycle to pay, reduce payment and settlement costs; national policy for B2B online payment applied to B2B online payment is not enough support, such as:the scope of application and the amount of restrictions.
     Second, building China's SME B2B online payment of the adoption of model, put forward the idea of parallel behavior interaction, amendments to improve the search for organizational acceptance behavior of the TOE research model of e-commerce environment, including the classification model and the structural relationship of the TOE model factor, and through empirical analysis of questionnaire data for authentication, access to e-commerce business organizations B2B online payment a key factor in the adoption of behavior, including:1) Technological factors, the specific B2B online payment perceived ease of use, the B2B online payment perceived usefulness, B2B perceived security of online payment;2) organizational factors, project object of this study is the small and medium enterprises for e-commerce business, firm size has been restricted in this study, only the factors of e-commerce capabilities of SME online to pay the adoption of behavior;3) environmental factors, including B2B e-commerce platform, service capacity and B2B trade policies, laws and regulations;4) occur simultaneously with the payment behavior of parallel behavior factors, including transaction integrity assurance factors and logistics service factors.
     Finally, the questionnaire collected data, empirical analysis, the results show that B2B online payment e-commerce businesses, organizations adopted the intention to influence transaction integrity assurance factors, followed by perceived ease of use of B2B online payment, and electronic e-commerce business organizations The capacity factors of Commerce, online payment perceived usefulness and B2B online payment perception security. B2B e-commerce platform, service capacity and B2B trade policy laws and regulations may indirectly affect the business organization B2B online payment adoption intent, including the impact of B2B e-commerce platform, service capabilities.
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