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With the trend of international economic integration,the patent competition has become a strategic mission in the scientific and economic area; patent strategy has turned into the most important measure to improve the tech-innovation ability and cultivate core competence, so it is very necessary to study the patent strategy for corporations. Presently in our country patents strategy study mostly concentrate in the high-tech industry, such as mechanic or electronic industry, but there is less patents strategy study on petroleum corporations. Actually with the enlarging degree of opening to the outside world in the field of oil & gas exploration, transnational energy corporations in succession join in China`s energy source market; while domestic petroleum corporation went on regrouping. So the initial monopolization status broken, began to face the drastic competition from domestic and foreign corporation involved. Now it is necessary for petroleum corporation in our country to develop tech-innovation, form technical production with the intellectual property right, advance core competence of corporations and occupy the market. The patent study will play a import role in the ability improvement of patent creation, application, protection and management, and ability advancement of corporations` independent innovation. The extended reach well drilling (ERD) technology studied in this paper is the core drilling technology in the field of petroleum exploration and development. The patent study aimed at the ERD technology for petroleum corporation involved in our country is the important study direction about improvement of core technology innovation ability, exact orientation of competition strategy and strengthening completion ability of technology and market.
     This study makes ERD technology patent as basic researchful content. Based on patent disclosure documents before Feb, 2009, this paper applies patent map analysis method to ERD patent strategy study to make the whole research process more scientific, more systemic and more comprehensive, and brings forward the corresponding orientation of competition strategy and suggestions involved for key petroleum corporations and other related corporation in our county. This study is mainly made up of the following aspects:①Illustrating the theory basic , definition and research development of patent strategy study.②Summarizing the general situation ERD technology study and development at home and abroad③Through patent retrieval of ERD technology obtaining the patent data, then analyzing and filtering these data to form the second data resources, after that drawing the corresponding patent management maps and patent technology maps.④Contrasting and analyzing the patent portfolio, completion situation including R&D tendency, technology protection emphases and etc..⑤Based on the conclusion of patent analysis, bringing forward the corresponding orientation of competition strategy and suggestions involved for key petroleum corporations and other related corporation in our county.
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