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     相比数值属性的距离度量,名词性属性的距离度量是一个更加复杂的问题。为了给名词性属性值之间的距离以合理的估计,学者们做出了很多努力,提出了一些距离度量。比如,重叠度量(Overlap Metric, OM),值差度量(Value Difference Metric, VDM),修正的值差度量(Modified Value Difference Metric, MVDM),Short-Fukunaga度量(Short and Fukunaga Metric, SFM),最小风险化度量(Minimum Risk Metric, MRM),基于熵的度量(Entropy-Based Metric, EBM),及基于频率的度量(Frequency-Based Metric, FBM)等等。
     在处理名词性属性的距离度量中,有一部分需要估测概率,这部分距离度量被称为基于概率的距离度量,比如VDM,MVDM, SFM, MRM等。其中,一部分基于概率的距离度量又需要估测类成员概率。比如,上节中提到的SFM和MRM都需要估测实例x属于类成员c的概率P(c|x)。要使得这些基于概率的距离度量获得成功,如何尽可能准确地估测类成员概率P(c|x)是一个非常关键的问题。有研究表明:完全地估测类成员概率P(c|x)等同于学习一个最优的贝叶斯网络,是一个NP-hard问题。为降低计算复杂性,现有文献都是用朴素贝叶斯分类器进行近似估测,这在一定程度上影响了距离度量的性能。已有学者在人工数据集上的实验证明,如果可以准确的知道类成员概率,SFM和MRM可以比VDM具有更好的性能。其实,已有研究表明:朴素贝叶斯的类概率估测能力较差(尽管它是一个性能良好的分类器)。为了提高朴素贝叶斯的类概率估测能力,学者们提出了一些改进的贝叶斯模型。那么,能不能把类概率估测方面的研究成果应用于基于概率的距离度量中,提高各种距离度量中的类成员概率估测精度,从而改进相关距离度量的性能呢?
     本论文立意研究距离度量问题,而与距离度量密切相关的一个问题就是维度灾难问题(the Curse of Dimensionality Problem)。维度灾难问题已被众多的学者所关注,维度灾难问题是指当数据中有大量冗余或者不相关属性时,算法的性能会受到影响。维度灾难对距离度量所导致的问题在于,当数据中存在大量不相关属性时,如果用所有的属性来计算实例之间的距离,那么近邻间的距离会被大量不相关的属性所支配,从而导致计算出来的所谓近邻可能相去甚远。克服维度灾难问题的一种方法是属性加权,也就是考虑每个属性与类变量之间不同的相关性,给相关性较大的属性赋予较大的权值,从而抑制不相关属性对距离计算的影响。另一种更加强有力的方法是属性选择,也就是从属性空间中完全消除不相关的属性。近年来,学者们对属性加权和属性选择问题都已经作了大量的研究工作。现有文献已有大量的属性加权和属性选择方法方面的研究成果,本论文将特别针对名词性属性距离度量对这个问题继续进行深入探讨。比如OM因为其简单性,得到了广泛的应用。那么,能不能利用属性加权技术保持距离度量的简洁性,同时提高它的性能呢?对著名的VDM,既然这个距离度量作了属性独立假设。那么,能不能在这个假设的基础上,设计适合VDM的属性选择方法呢?
     如前所述,机器学习、模式识别、神经网络、统计学、以及认知心理学等领域中的很多算法都涉及到距离度量,并且它们的性能都依赖于所使用的距离度量。比如,k-近邻(k-Nearest Neighbor, KNN)算法及其改进:距离加权的k-近邻(Distance Weighted k-Nearest Neighbor, KNNDW)算法、局部加权的朴素贝叶斯(Locally Weighted Naive Bayes, LWNB)算法等等。经过对前几个问题的研究势必会提出一些高性能的距离度量。因此,如何利用这些新提出的距离度量来改进上述这些距离相关算法的性能显得尤为重要。本论文将对这个问题进行深入研究。
     尽管朴素贝叶斯分类器的属性独立假设众所周知,但距离度量中的属性独立假设还未引起学者们的广泛关注。论文第二章详细地讨论了值差度量(Value Difference Metric, VDM)中的属性独立假设,指出这个属性独立假设和朴素贝叶斯分类器的假设是一致的。在这个假设的基础上,以Short-Fukunaga度量(Short and Fukunaga Metric, SFM)为原型,提出了修正的Short-Fukunaga度量(Modified Short and Fukunaga Metric, MSFM)。实验证明,MSFM和VDM性能相当,超过了SFM和SFM的另一个修改版本SF2LOG。
     扩展的贝叶斯网络分类器通过引入属性依赖关系,获得了比朴素贝叶斯分类器更好的性能。论文第三章从理论和实验两方面调查了朴素贝叶斯分类器和一些扩展的贝叶斯网络分类器的性能。扩展的贝叶斯网络分类器利用有向边来表达属性之间的依赖关系,一定程度上释放了朴素贝叶斯的属性独立假设,由此改进了朴素贝叶斯分类器的性能。受扩展的贝叶斯网络模型的启迪,本论文将属性依赖关系引入到距离度量中,利用扩展的贝叶斯网络分类器来学习属性依赖关系,根据学到的属性依赖关系构造相应的距离度量。以值差度量(Value Difference Metric, VDM)为原型,提出了表达属性依赖关系的距离度量:一依赖的值差度量(One Dependence Value Difference Metric, ODVDM)。实验证明,在具有强依赖关系的数据上,ODVDM比VDM表现出了更好的性能。
     基于概率的距离度量中有一部分需要估测类成员概率P(c|x),这些距离度量的性能直接受类成员概率估测精度的影响。论文第四章以基于概率的距离度量Short-Fukunaga度量(Short and Fukunaga Metric, SFM)和最小风险化度量(Minimum Risk Metric, MRM)为研究对象。因为SFM和MRM的性能极大地依赖于类成员概率P(c|x)的估测精度,现有文献一般用朴素贝叶斯来估测类成员概率。但已有文献表明朴素贝叶斯的类成员概率估测能力不高。为了提高朴素贝叶斯的类概率估测性能,学者们提出了大量改进的算法。论文第四章重点调查了这些算法的类概率估测性能,并利用它们来估测SFM和MRM的类成员概率值。实验表明,精确的类成员概率估测方法可以极大的提高SFM和MRM的性能。
     属性加权途径是克服维度灾难问题的一个有效途径。论文第五章考察了最简单的名词性属性距离度量:重叠度量(Overlap Metric, OM),和最简单的可以同时处理名词性属性和数值属性的距离度量:异构欧几里得—重叠度量(Heterogeneous Euclidean-Overlap Metric, HEOM),利用属性加权的途径对其进行改进,提出了相关性加权的异构欧几里得—重叠度量(Correlation Weighted Heterogeneous Euclidean-Overlap Metric, CWHEOM)。在CWHEOM中,针对分类和回归问题,我们应用不同的技术提出了加权方案。在36个分类数据和36个回归数据上的实验表明,相关性加权的途径极大的改进了HEOM的性能,同时保持了距离度量的简洁性和可理解性。
Instance-based learning algorithms, including the nearest-neighbor learning algortihms, locally weighted learning algorithms, and memory-based reasoning etc, all depend on a good distance metric to be successful. Distance metric is the key of the distance-related machine learning algorithms. Besides, distance metrics are also used in many fields including pattern recgonition, neural networks, statistics, and cognitive psychology etc. Many distance metrics have been presented to decide the difference between two instances, such as Euclidean distance metric, Manhattan metric, Minkowsky metric, Mahalanobis metric and Camberra metric et al. However, these distance metrics only worl well for numerical attributes but do not appropriately handle nominal attributes.
     Compared with numerical attributes, it is a more sophisticated problem to difine an appropriate distance metric for nominal attributes. In order to give appropriate distance metrics for nominal attributes, researchers have presented some distance metrics, such as Overlap Metric, Value Difference Metric (VDM), Modified Value Difference Metric (MVDM), Short and Fukunaga Metric (SFM), Minimum Risk Metric (MRM), Entropy-Based Metric (EBM) and Frequency-Based Metric (FBM) etc.
     In real application, most datasets involve nominal attributes, and the tasks involved include classification, class probability estimation, and clustering etc. These tasks are important tasks in the field of machine learning and data mining. In this thesis, we study on the distance metrics for nominal attributes. There are some primary problems need to be addressed:
     1. How to understand the attribute independence assumption?
     Value Difference Metric (VDM) is a distance metric used widely to decide the difference between the nominal attribute values. According to our observation, VDM assumes the attribute independence. VDM defines the distance between two instances as the sum of the value differences across all attributes, and the attributes are independent. In fact, most distance metrics, such as the most simplest distance metric for nominal attributes:Overlap Metric, and the distance metrics for numerical attributes:Euclidean Metric and Hamming Metric, all define the distance between two instances as the sum of the value differences across all attributes. Kasif et al point that VDM assumes the attribute independence as well as naive Bayes. Although the attribute indenpence assumption is rarely held in real world, naive Bayes shows surprised classification performance, and VDM is one of the distance metrics used widely for nominal attributes. How to understand and apply the attribute independence assumption to improve the distance metrics or design the new distance metrics which are simple, comprehensible, and easily computed?
     2. How to express the attribute dependence in distance metrics?
     In real world, attribute independence is unrealistic in most datasets. However, most distance metrics assume the attribute independence as well as Naive Bayes. Although Naive Bayes shows surprised classification performance, the classification performance of naive Bayes is harmed to some extent when the attributes are strong dependence. In order to improve the performance of naive Bayes, many techniques are presented. One of these techniques is structure extension. The key idea of structure extension is to express attribute dependence by limited directed edges, and the resulted models are called augmented Bayesian networks classifiers. In recent years, many researchers have presented some augmented Bayesian networks classifiers. These augmented Bayesian network classifiers show the attribute dependence by edges among the attributes, thus dispense with its strong assumptions about independence in naive Bayes. Compared with naive Bayes, these augmented Bayesian network classifiers show better classification performance. Motivated by the success of augmented Bayesian network classifiers, we try to design more general distance metrics that take the dependence relationships among the attributes into account which will show better performance in the applications with complex attribute dependencies.
     3. How to accurately estimate the class membership probabilities in probability-based distance metrics?
     Many probability-based distance metrics need to estimate the class membership probabilities, such as Short and Fukunaga Metric (SFM) and Minimum Risk Metric (MRM). In order to make these probability-based distance metrics to be successful, the accurate class membership probabilities estimation is a key problem. Some research have shown that full estimation of the class membership probabilities is an NP-hard problem. In order to reduce the computation complexity, naive Bayes is used to estimate the class membership probabilities in distance metrics. In the way, these distance metrics's performance is violated because of the inaccurate estimation of the class membership probabilities. In fact, there are researchers prove by experiments in artificial datasets that SFM and MRM show better performance than VDM when accurate class membership probabilities is computed. However, some research have shown that the class membership probability estimation ability of naive Bayes is poor. In order to improve the class probability estimation ability of naive Bayes, researcher have presented some improved Bayesian netwok models. So we try to apply these class membership probability estimators based on improved Bayesian network models to probability-based distance metrics, consequently improve the performance of distance metrics.
     4. How to overcome the curse of dimensionality problem?
     In the thesis, we research on the distance metrics for nominal attributes. A closely realted problem with distance metrics is the curse of dimensionality problem. The curse of dimensionality problem have been noticed by many researchers. When there are plenty of redundant and (or) irrelevant attributes, the performance of learning algorithms is violated. The curse of dimensionality problem in distance metrics will result that, when there are many irrelevant attributes, if all attributes are used to decide the distance between two instances, then the distance between two instances is governed by many irrelevant attributes. As a result, the distance metric depending on all attributes will be misleading.
     An effective approach to overcome the curse of dimensionality problem is to weight each attribute differently when measuring the distance between each pair of instances. This approach is widely known as attribute weighting. Another drastic approach to overcome the curse of dimensionality is to completely eliminate the least relevant attributes from the attribute space when measuring the distance between each pair of instances. This approach is widely known as attribute selection. In recent years, researchers have presented many work to attribute weighting and attribute selection. In the thesis, we focus on attribute weighting and attribute selection on nominal attributes distance metrics. For example, Overlap Metric is applied widely because of its simpleness. Aim at Overlap Metric, we hope to enhance its performance by attribute weighting and simultaneously keep the distance metirc's simpleness. For another example, the well known distance metric VDM assumes the attribute independence. Then, we hope to find suitable attribute selection methods based on the attribute independence assumption.
     As what mentioned before, many learning algorithms in those fields of machine learning, pattern recognition, neural networks, stastic, and cognitive psychology are distance-related algorithms, and their performance all depend on the used distance metrics. For example, k-nearest neighbor (KNN) learning algorithm and its variant distance weighted k-nearest neighbor learning algorithm (KNNDW), locally weighted naive Bayes algorithms (LWNB) et al. are all distance-related algorithms. So, we will apply these new distance metrics to improve these distance-realted algorithms.
     In view of aforementioned some problems, in the thesis we study on the distance metrics for nominal attributes, and improve the distance metrics for nominal attributes from different perspectives. The major work include:
     1. The attribute independence assumption in distance metrics is investigated.
     The attribute independence assumption is a crucial assumption to the naive Bayesian classifier. Although the assumption is rarely held in real world, the naive Bayesian classifier shows surprised performance. In fact, many distance metrics also assume the attribute independence, such as the well known Value Difference Metric (VDM). Short and Fukunaga Metric (SFM) is another widely used metric, which doesn't assume the attribute independence. In order to improve the performance of SFM. In the2nd chapter of the thesis, we propose a Modified Short and Fukunaga Metric (MSFM) based on the attribute independence assumption. MSFM is surprisingly similar to VDM in terms of their expression forms and their computation complexities. Our experiments have shown that the performance of MSFM is much better than SF2LOG (another improved inversion of SFM) and SFM, and is competitive with VDM.
     2. The attribute dependence realtionships is expressed in distance metrics.
     The augmented Bayesian network classifiers express the attribute dependence relationships by the limited directed edges, consequently result in the more better performance than the naive Bayes classifier. The Value Difference Metric (VDM) is one of distance metrics widely used to decide the distance between each pair of instances with nominal attribute values only, and also assumes the attribute independence. In the3rd chapter of the thesis, we investigate in detail the performance of the naive Bayes classifier and the augmented Bayesian network classifiers by experiment and theory analysis, and single out an improved Value Difference Metric by relaxing its unrealistic attribute independence assumption which is called One Dependence Value Difference Metric, simply ODVDM. In our ODVDM, the structure learning algorithms for Bayesian network classifiers are used to find the dependence relationships among the attributes. Our experimental results on some datasets which have strong attribute dependence relationships validate our distance metric's effectiveness.
     3. The class membership probabilities estimation in probability-based distance metrics is improved.
     When we apply probability-based distance metrics SFM and MRM to distance-related learning algorithms, a key problem is how to accurately estimate the class membership probabilities. For simplicity, existing works use naive Bayesian classifiers to estimate class membership probabilities in SFM and MRM. However, it has been proved that the class membership probabilities estimation ability of naive Bayesian classifiers is poor, which results that SFM and MRM do not perform well. In the4th chapter of the thesis, we study on the class probability estimation performance of some augmented Bayesian network classifiers and then apply them to estimate the class membership probabilities in SFM and MRM. Our experimental results on a large number of UCI datasets show that the use of more accurate class probability estimation algorithms can improve the performance of SFM and MRM.
     4. The technique of attribute weighting is used to improve distance metrics.
     Attribute weighting is an attractive way to improve the accuracy of a distance metric. In the5th chapter of the thesis, we focus on the simplest distance metrics for nominal attributes: Overlap Metric, and use attribute weighting to improve the performance of Overlap Metric. Among large numbers of distance functions, HEOM is the simplest distance metric to handle application with both continuous and nominal attributes. Further, we present an improved distance metric:Correlation Weighted Heterogeneous Euclidean-Overlap Metric (CWHEOM). In CWHEOM, to discrete and continuous class problems, we apply different correlation functions to estimate the weight values of attribute variables. The improved distance metric significantly raises the generalization performance of HEOM, and at the same time keeps the simplicity and comprehensibility of the distance metric. Experiments results on36discrete class datasets and36continuous class datasets prove that our new method achieve higher accuracy than HEOM.
     5. The technique of attribute selection is used to improve distance metrics.
     In the previous chapters, we apply distance metrics to distance-related learning algorithms to deal with the classification tasks. In real-world applications, accurate class probability estimation is required instead of just a classification. Probability-based classifiers also produce the class probability estimation. In the6th chapter of the thesis, we focus on the class probability estimation performance of KNN and KNNDW using VDM. We try to use the attribute selection method to improve the accuracy of VDM, consequently improve the class probability estimation performance of KNN and KNNDW. The key question is what kind of attribute selection method is suitable for VDM. According to our observation, VDM assume the attribute independence as well as NB, so our idea is that the attribute selection methods for VDM should select attribute subsets among which the attribute independence assumption is held as possible. In this perspective we propose to use the attribute selection methods based on CFS and SBC-CLL to select attribute subsets for VDM. Experimental results prove our attribute selection methods significantly improve the class probability estimation performance of KNN and KNNDW using VDM.
     6. We apply the distance metrics presented in the thesis to distance-related learning algorithms to deal with some practical tasks in the fields of geophysics and engineering.
     In the experiments presented in every chapter, we all run our experiments on many UCI datasets (http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.html). Besides, we take the problems in the fields of geophysics and engineering, such as reservoir porosity prediction, gas emission prediction, rockbursts prediction, and slope stability prediction to study on the practical apply value of these new distance metrics presented in the thesis.
     In sum, we study on thoroughly and systematically the distance metrics for nominal attributes in the thesis. Moreover, we study on distance metrics associated with Bayesian networks. Bayesian networks model is an excellent learning model, and it seems to be unrelated with distance metrics problem. In the thesis, we apply the way of the attribute dependence relationship in Bayesian networks to study on the distance metrics, and transform the distance measure problem into the structure learning problem of Bayesian network classifiers. We also investigate exsiting class probability estimators in detail and apply them to improve the estimation of calss membership probabilities. But there are some problems needed to be resolved if we want relate Bayesian networks with distance metrics.
     The main innovations in the thesis include:
     1. As we all know, the naive Bayes classifier assumes the attribute independence. In the thesis, we investigate the attribute independence assumption in distance metrics in detail and present improved distance metrics.
     2. We express attribute dependence relationships in distance metrics, and transform the distance measure problem into the structure learning problem of Bayesian network classifiers.
     3. We investigate the exsting work about the class membership probability estimators, and apply the class membership probability estimators based on Bayesian networks to improve the probability estimation in distance metrics.
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