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     本文利用Visual C++6.0和AutoCAD 2000的二次开发工具ObjectARX 2000开发了用于玻璃回转体瓶型的CAD系统。该系统具有的平面图形、立体图形以及设计结果模拟展示功能,可以使设计者快速、直观地观测到设计结果;另外该系统所具有的容积计算功能,可快速准确地计算出瓶子容积,从而有效地缩短了瓶型的设计周期,提高了设计精度,降低了成本。
As a packing material, glass has many advantages that cannot be substituted, such as having plenty of raw material, being produced easily, low price, stable chemical quality, not reacting with its content and so on. So it is widely used in the packing of food, beverage and chemical things. But the producing way of glassware in our country hampers the development of glass industry. Now both design of glassware and design of glassware's module have been done by manual working. It prolongs the design period, augments the cost and makes it difficult to ensure the precision; therefore it weakens the glass competition strength as a packing material.
    The bottle design is the first phase of the glass bottle production. In this phase, designer has to make not only the bottle beautiful and fit to contain specific things but also its cubage meet some strict demand. Thus designer has to calculate the bottle's volume repeatedly by dividing the bottle into many small parts, measuring the diameters of each parts one by one, calculating the volume of them approximately by treating them as cylinders, and finally summing up those volume to get the total volume of the bottle. Such boring and repeated work wastes the precious time of designer and may mean losing market to the enterprise. Designing with the computer can bring many advantages such as modification easily, calculation rapidly and exactly, and description the configuration precisely.
    This paper introduces a glassware design CAD system programmed with Visual C++ 6.0 and ObjectARX 2000 SDK. This system can show the plane and solid drawings of the bottle and also can simulate the finished product appearance, thus the designer can get the design bottle immediately. Besides these this system can calculate the cubage of the bottle rapidly and exactly. So it can shorten the design period, reduce the cost and improve the precision effectively.
    As the thinking of Object Oriented Programming is applied in this system, the characteristic data that describe the shape of glass bottles are packed in each class respectively. Therefore it is very convenient to realize the data share and add module design function to this system. Then it can finish all the work from glassware design to module design.
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