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University's logistics socialized reform is the concentrated expression of our country's economic system reform in institutions of higher learning. The reform of university's logistics has been carried on since 1979, the logistic work of the institution of higher education has made very great progress. But because of its particularity, the logistic reform developed comparatively slow and cannot meet request for undertaking development of university's scientific research and teaching. Tracing it to its cause, it is that universities have not solved the logistic problem fundamentally, have not formed an effective logistic operating mechanism either.
    This thesis has reviewed the course of university's logistics socialized reform. In view of existing problems in the course of university's logistics socialized reform, on the basis of studying the successful experience of the foreign university's logistic operational mode, the author put forward that we should upgrade the current idea , should regard logistic enterprise of universities as the simple economic entity , in addition, no other attribute and should transfer " invisible subsidy " to " visible subsidy ". On this basis, pointed out it is the key point of university's logistics socialized reform that property relations are arranged. On the basis of solving university's logistic property right problem, this article proposed to structure " 1 + X " mode of university's logistic enterprise which accord with socialist market economy system and to form the viewpoint that carry on property right pluralistic transformation to existing university logistic enterprise in accord with modern property relations, that is, "belong to distinctly, have well defined power and responsibility, protect strictly, circulate smoothly", which was established in the Third Plenary Session of the 16th Party Central Committee. Meanwhile, this thesis put forward the measures to realize property right mode which would make university's logistic property right pluralistic and university's logistic operational mode of
    " 1 + X ".
    This thesis has formed some innovation through carrying on systematic research to university's logistics. First of all, the thesis completely analysed and described the development and process of logistics reform in our country state-run university so that make a clear train of thought foundations to construct property right mode and operational mode; Secondly, the thesis put forward the challenge to the current idea and innovation in thought boldly; Thirdly, the thesis pointed out that basic of university's logistics reform lies in innovation of logistic property right and explained the key of logistic reform from the angle of clearly established ownership, responsibility right agree; Finally, the thesis put forward an effectual logistic operational mode of university, make the helpful discussion for our country's state-run university logistics reform
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