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     中国科学院博土研究生学位论文 *
    模型和 GPS及轨道仿真模型进行了具体的研究和设计。同时,利用确定性同步
Relevant studies on the design of micro-satellite embedded software high
     fault-tolerance and high reliability and the method for testing and evaluation of
     software fault-tolerance mechanisms (FTMs) are presented in this dissertation.
     The software quality model in the space condition is discussed and researched
     in detail at first. After the comparison of lots of software quality models, a model that
     fits the needs of project managers is introduced. According to other models, This
     model is dynamic, not static, in the fact that it allows the production of multiple
     snapshots of project status across the development, and uses a broad range of
     measures, since it contains goals, attributes, and metrics for both software products
     and development processes. This model is also comprehensive, starting with
     specifying goals through presenting the results. In order to fit the space condition, the
     ability of fault-tolerance is used to measure the software quality.
     Subsequently, the design method of fault-tolerance is discussed. According to
     the needs of high function density and low volume and mass of modem
     micro-satellite, not only hardware fault-tolerance but also software fault-tolerance
     are needed. In order to improve the reliability and ability of fault-tolerance of CX- 1
     micro-satellite, hardware fault-tolerance technology such as WDT, EDAC,
     multi-computer system etc. and software fault-tolerance technology such as NYP,
     Recovery Block, Forward and Backward Recovery etc. are used together.
     Fault-tolerance testing is a classic emphasis of evaluating the effection of
     software fault-tolerance. Testing case generation is one of three key processes of
     software fault-tolerance testing. And this paper brings out one method to optimize the
     fault testing case based on Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and GA (Genetic Algorithm)
     software testing case generation strategy.
     Fault injection (FL) is a powerful method for the testing and evaluation of
     fault-tolerance mechanisms (FTMs), which may widely be used during all phases of
     the development of fault tolerant computer systems. A single event phenomenon fault
     injection (SEP-FL) model based on event-driven is presented in this paper, and
     SEP-FL algorithm is discussed in detail. After the comparison of lots of fault injection
     tools, the aerospace SEP Fault Insertion System based on injecting fault both in the
     memory and through the bus is introduced in the following. The structure and
     functions of FIS (Fault Injection System) are firstly introduced. On the basis of
     expansibility and universality, the study is concentrated on the key implementation
     technology in Fault Injection Unit. The practical results show that the FIS is low cost,
     high universality, fully dynamically and real-timely injected.
     Another problem that must be studied in the software fault-tolerance testing is
    SRTP (Software Reliabi1ity Testing PlatfOrm). Because of the specia1 needs of the
    embedded software, SRTP is very imPortant for the morden micro-sate1lite
    embedded software testing. A S&T (Simulation and Testing) platform fitted to CX-1
    micro-satellite is introduced in this paPer S&T platfOrm is designed by mixed
    prototape, which can improve the system's flexibility and low the cost. The
    simulation models such as dynamics simulation, energy system simulation and GPS
    simulation are discussed in detail. As a DIS (Distributed Interactive Simulation)
    system, the problem of time syncbIonization is a key technology and is discussed in
    this paper Finally one simPly software time sgnchronization method with high
    precision is proposed and realized. S&T platfOrm is very significant for self testing
    of the com
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