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This dissertation tries to dig up the logic of the ecological Marxism thought while revolving around the axis of capital, ecology and freedom in order to grasp the logical thread of the develop and transition point of Andre Gorz's writings pursuing the academic value and practical meaning of gorzian ecological Marxism in the context of contemporary Marxism studies. This dissertation consists of six parts including introduction, four chapters and epilogue. The main ideas of every part are stated as follows:
     The introduction tries to solve three problems which are:1.why choosing Andre Gorz as my thesis? 2. The distinguishing features of Andre Gorz's thoughts; 3. The methodology and logic of this kind of study, The answer to why choosing Andre Gorz as my thesis should be sought in the practical history background of ecological Marxism, Why did the studies on Andre Gorz, whether in the west or in china, always appear fragmented and shallow in the movement of ecological Marxism. The postmodernism environment of the development of Marxism contributed to this outcome. Because the "orthodox" Gorz and his thought can not get the attention of the academic consumption, Gorz's orthodox spirit of Utopia is the very valuable parts we should conserve. The significance of Andre Gorz would surely be not only the spirit of utopia but also his updating of historical materialism in his political ecological methodology to some extent, and offered us a way of how to live our life and a political way of how to fulfill a real society. He reconstructed the Karl Marx's real society, real man and real work by applying his political economy critique of economy reason in the base of which offer a practical road and theoretical blueprint.
     Chapter 1:The existentialist anxiety:the academic resume of a traitor. What this chapter is about to solve is that what is the panorama of Andre Gorz's life and thought resume which is the preparation of the following four parts, I don't plan to go through all the details of Andre Gorz's thought at large which is an intellectual cartographer's work. I choose the key logic of his thought——by critique of capital, establishment of political ecology and reconstruction of real society and work——to arrange the academic resume. This chapter focuses on the existentialist background and origins of gorzian ecological Marxism, and in the light of history I focus on the political turning point of Andre Gorz after the May 1968 movement in which his thought was deeply affected by Sartre, Lefebvre and Castoriadis. Marxism undertook crisis in 1960s and 1970s meantime gorzian existentialist Marxism also undertook a turning point, his updating of Marxism insisted on the intense critique of traditional Marxism, on the other hand he resorted to a new methodology to find the growing soil of historical materialism. This motivation made him to call himself "post-Marxist". And after that crisis he went forward to political ecology which is a very logical outcome of him going to ecological Marxism.
     Chapter 2:political ecological:an ecologically harmonious way of life. What I am meant to solve is why Andre Gorz combines ecology and politics and how. Is this political ecology a political praxis way and political strategy or a transformed traditional Marxist method? In strategy for labor he used existentialist phenomenology and continued Marxist political economy critique to analyze the new needs in capitalism society. He concluded that the history of needs has obscured the real historical needs, because the movement of capital logic yielded out historical forms of and damages the ecological resources, and man himself was manipulated by capital logic. And this time Andre Gorz started to criticize in a quasi-ecological way. In the end of political revolution of May 1968, ecological movement emerged which made Andre Gorz firmly establish the thorough critique frame of political ecology. As for freedom and alienation, Andre Gorz tried hard to promote self-management to overcome the alienation not only in factory but also in society which is only achieved by decentralization and autonomy of workers. But contemporary international division undergoes sophisticated specialization and creates a decision maker which is superior to factory and at least at the same level of factory. The centralization of decision maker contradicts with decentralization and autonomy fundamentally. In the contradictions between technological division of production and the autonomy of worker, the unlimited development of capitalist technology imposed inevitable effects on human emancipation and the liberation of nature. Contemporary capital dominated nature and workers. Capital logic oppresses the freedom of man and moreover it negates the freedom of man. In this linking point of his thought, the deadlock of capital and freedom should and must be untied by a way of ecology. Andre Gorz inherited Marxist historical materialism method and political economy critique to develop a way of political ecology which is an ecologically harmonious way of life which denies capitalist industrial technology based upon the domination of individual and nature and tries to establish a post-industrial technique based upon "the cooperation of individuals and nature". This is the distinguishing part of gorzian ecological Marxism paradigm from O'Connor and Foster's paradigms.
     Chapter 3:reconstruction of work and society:the critique of imperialism of economic reason. What I am about to solve is in what way Gorz come to freedom and emancipation. Is this way concrete or abstract? Is Gorz only an abstract utopian as some critics called? Actually Gorz did not abort the critique of political economy of capitalism as some post-Marxist did? Although Gorz calls himself a post-Marxist, he is eager to update the critique of political economy of Marxism which is in Gorz's writings called reconstruction of work and society. The reason of why I confirm that Andre Gorz is not an abstract philosopher pondering in romantic utopia imagination is that he concretely concluded that society and politics could restore human nature by confinement of economic reason, restore social person's free moral option and thus restore real society.
     Chapter 4:the society of freedom of time:the utopia of freedom. Gorz's ecological Marxism set ultimately his feet on double imaginations of real society and real person. Is this imagination a utopia one? Can Andre Gorz really relate his spirit of utopia to concrete freedom and concrete emancipations? What he is about to solve is the consideration on the relation of time and freedom. In Gorz's opinion, time is never neutral, and time is defined objective time and existential time. The concept of freedom takes a process from abstract freedom to experienced individual freedom. He thinks that free time is the fundamental condition for man to achieve individual freedom, we should displace traditional technique with microelectronics technology in order to increase free time. The displacement is essentially ecological. The increasing free time means that the limit is disappearing between work time and free time. A time free society thus is founded. The subject to this kind of society is what Gorz called "non-class of non-workers", with the change of social contradictions of capitalist society, the contradictions between labor and capital switch to capital logic to penetrate into every aspects of human society. Their revolutionary strategy change from single" production revolution" to full dimensional " culture revolution", so " capital, ecology and freedom" is communicated logically, and the philosophical thinking of the relationship of three of them shape the paradigm of exceptional Andre Gorz's ecological Marxism.
     Epilogue:The critical dialogue with representative of north-American ecological Marxism. Whether O'Connor or Gorz and Foster, these scholars' critical paradigms about ecological problem based on Marx's historical materialism and nature view, but there is essential difference in their study method, class position and choosing of practical road.
1 Finn Bowring:Andre Gorz and the Sartrean legacy, St. Martin's Press, New York,2000, p.189.
    3 埃伦·梅克辛斯·伍德,约翰·贝拉米·福斯特:《保卫历史:马克思主义与后现代主义》,社会科学文
    2 Finn Bowring:Andre Gorz and the Sartrean legacy, St. Martin's Press, New York,2000, p.189.献出版社2009年版,第225页。
    4 参见斯蒂芬·布朗《后现代主义销售学》,纽约,鲁特利奇出版社1955年版。转引自埃伦·梅克辛斯·伍德,约翰·贝拉米·福斯特:《保卫历史:马克思主义与后现代主义》,社会科学文献出版社2009年版,第225页。
    1 Arthur Hirsh:The France New Left:An Intellectual History Form Sartre to Gorz, South End Press, Boston,1981, p.221.
    2 Arthur Hirsh:The France New Left:An Intellectual History Form Sartre to Gorz, South End Press, Boston,1981, p.223.
    3 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.8.
    4 事实上,当作为生产单位的工厂仅仅为完整的产品制造一个或有限几个部件的时候,它就不得不依赖于几千里外的其他工人和工厂,这样的情况就造成了工人自治的严重削弱。
    5 Arthur Hirsh:The France New Left:An Intellectual History Form Sartre to Gorz, South End Press, Boston,1981, p.227.
    1 论战的多篇文章结集发表在杂志Capitalism Nature Socialism, vol.12,iss.2上。
    2 「美」詹姆斯·奥康纳:《自然的理由:生态学马克思主义研究》,南京大学出版社2003年版,第476页。
    1 Adrian Little:The Political Thought of Andre Gorz, Routledge Press,1996, p.196.
    2 马克思:青年在选择职业时的考虑,《马克思恩格斯全集》第四十卷,人民出版社1982年版,第7页。
    3 徐崇温:《“西方马克思主义”论丛》,重庆出版社1989年版,第396-397页。
    1 李青宜:《当代法国的“新马克思主义”》,当代中国出版社1997年版,第88页。
    2 李青宜:《当代法国的“新马克思主义”》,当代中国出版社1997年版,第101页。
    3 李青宜:《当代法国的“新马克思主义”》,当代中国出版社1997年版,第101页。
    4 陆俊:《理想的界限》,社会科学文献出版社1998年版,第165页。
    5 陆俊:《理想的界限》,社会科学文献出版社1998年版,第165页。
    6 俞吾金,陈学明:《国外马克思主义哲学流派新编》(西方马克思主义卷,下册),复旦大学出版社2002年版,第576页。
    7 俞吾金,陈学明:《国外马克思主义哲学流派新编》(西方马克思主义卷,下册),复旦大学出版社2002年版,第576页。
    1 Craig Berry & Michael Kenny:Andre Gorz:Freedom, Time and Work in the Post-Industrial Economy, New political Economy. Vol.13. No.4. December 2008.
    2 Ellen Meiksins Wood:Marxism without Class Struggle, The Socialist Register, Merlin Press,1983, p.243.
    3 Richard Hyman:Andre Gorz and his Disappearing Proletariat, Socialist Register, Merlin press, London,1983, p. 273.
    4 Richard Hyman:Andre Gorz and his Disappearing Proletariat, Socialist Register, Merlin press, London,1983, p. 293
    5 Adrian Little:The Political Thought of Andre Gorz, Routledge Press,London and New York,1996, p.4.
    6 Sean Sayers:Gorz on Work and Liberation, Radical Philosophy, no.58(Summer), p.18.
    7 Andre Gorz:Paths to Paradise, trans. Malcolm Imrie, London 1985, p.51.
    8 Finn Bowring:Misreading Gorz, New Left Review 1/217, May-June 1996, p.104.
    9 Sean Sayers:'The need to Work', in R.E. Pahl, ed., On Work, Oxford 1988, p.741.
    1 Finn Bowring:Misreading Gorz, New Left Review 1/217, May-June 1996, p.113.
    1 Andre Gorz:Fondements pour une Morale, Paris:Galilee,1977, p.12.
    3 高兹起初为此书制定了一个三卷本的庞大计划,但是由于种种原因,可能也是由于在知识界默默无闻,
    2 Andre Gorz:The Traitor, Verso Press, London and New York,1989, p.274.没有名气,所以这部著作从写作到1977年发表第一卷,已经过去了20年。这部作品进一步讨论了存在主义哲学中的主体问题、真实性问题、道德转向(moral conversion)问题,显示出高兹要继续发展萨特哲学中的主体理论的勃勃雄心。
    1 「法」萨特:《存在与虚无》,陈宣良等译,生活·读书·新知三联书店1987年版,第151-206页。
    2 Andre Gorz:The Traitor, Verso Press, London and New York,1989, p.275.
    3 Andre Gorz:The Traitor, Verso Press, London and New York,1989, p.276.
    4 Finn Bowring:Andre Gorz and the Sartrean legacy, St. Martin's Press, New York,2000, p.67.
    5 Andre Gorz:The Traitor, Verso Press, London and New York,1989, p.36.
    1 Simmone de Beauvoir:Force of Circumstance, Harmondsworth:Penguin,1968, p.398.
    2 Andre Gorz:The Traitor, Verso Press, London and New York,1989, p.277.
    1 Andre Gorz:La Morale de l'Histoire, Le Seuil, Paris,1959, p.176.
    3 Andre Gorz:La Morale de l'Histoire, Le Seuil, Paris,1959, p.176.
    2 Andre Gorz:La Morale de l'Histoire, Le Seuil, Paris,1959, p.54.
    4 Andre Gorz:The Traitor, Verso Press, London and New York,1989, p.290.
    5 Finn Bowring:Andre Gorz and the Sartrean legacy, St. Martin's Press, New York,2000, p.87.
    6 Andre Gorz:Paths to Paradise, Pluto Press, London and Sydney,1980, p.65.
    1 Finn Bowring:Andre Gorz and the Sartrean legacy, St. Martin's Press, New York,2000, p.89.
    2 马克思:《1844年经济学哲学手稿》,《马克思恩格斯全集》第3卷,人民出版社2002年版,第268页。
    1 马克思:《1844年经济学哲学手稿》,《马克思恩格斯全集》第3卷,人民出版社2002年版,第269页。
    2 Andre Gorz:La Morale de l'Histoire, Le Seuil, Paris,1959, p.73.
    3 Andre Gorz:La Morale de l'Histoire, Le Seuil, Paris,1959, p.90.
    4 Andre Gorz:La Morale de l'Histoire, Le Seuil, Paris,1959, p.83.
    1 Andre Gorz:La Morale de l'Histoire, Le Seuil, Paris,1959, p.103.
    2 马克思:《1844年经济学哲学手稿》,《马克思恩格斯全集》第3卷,人民出版社2002年版,第267页。
    3 马克思:《1844年经济学哲学手稿》,《马克思恩格斯全集》第3卷,人民出版社2002年版,第267页。
    4 马克思:《1844年经济学哲学手稿》,《马克思恩格斯全集》第3卷,人民出版社2002年版,第268页。
    5 D.Caute:The Fellow Travellers:A postscript to the Enlightenment, London:Quartet, pp.350-357.
    1 C.Posner,ed.:Reflections on the Revolution in France:1968, Baltimore,1970, pp.172-184.
    2 Arrthur Hirsh:The Franch New Left:An Intellectual History Form Sartre to Gorz, South End Press, Boston, 1981,p.140. 年英文版发表的题目是"Strategy for Labor"(劳工战略)。
    1 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, ⅶ.
    2 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, pp.22-23.
    3 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, pp.21-22.
    1 Henri Lefebvre:Critique of everyday life, volume Ⅰ,p.197.
    2 Henri Lefebvre:Critique of everyday life, volume Ⅰ, p.56.
    1 Henri Lefebvre:Everyday life in the Modern World, trans. By S.Rabinovitch, New York,1971, p.93.
    1 Castoriadis:Socialisme ou Barbarie, in Socialisme ou barbarie 1, March 1949, p.12. p.125.
    2 Arthur Hirsh:The Franch New Left:An Intellectual History Form Sartre to Gorz, South End Press, Boston,1981,
    Castoriadis:History and Revolution, London,1971, p.4.
    1 Mothe:L'Usine et la Gestion ouvriere,Socialisme ou Barbarie 22,1957,p.101.
    2 Arthur Hirsh:The Franch New Left:An Intellectual History Form Sartre to Gorz,South End Press,Boston,1981, p.123.
    1 高兹:《艰难的社会主义》,法文版,1976年,第30页,转引自:李青宜:《当代法国新马克思主义》,当代中国出版社1997年版,第93页。
    2 Andre Gorz:Work and Consumption, Anderson and Blackburn(eds),1965, p.320.
    1 参见Mark Poster(ed.):Harmonian Man:Selected Writings of C. Fourier, New York,1971.
    1 Finn Bowring:Andre Gorz and the Sartrean legacv. St. Martin's Press New Ynrk 2000.p.5
    3 Finn Bowring:Andre Gorz and the Sartrean legacv. St. Martin's Press. New York.2000.p.5.
    2 Andre Gorz:The traitor, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.279.
    4 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.77.
    1 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.77.
    2 马克思:《<政治经济学批判>导言》,《马克思恩格斯选集》第二卷,人民出版社1995年版,第10页。
    3 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.78.
    1 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.82.
    2 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.4.
    1 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.89.
    2 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.89.
    3 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.89.
    1 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, pp.100-101.
    1 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.109.
    2 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.110.
    1 安琪楼·夸特罗其 汤姆·奈仁:《法国1968:终结的开始》,赵刚译,生活·读书·新知三联书店2001年7月版,中文版序。
    2 「法」皮埃尔·米盖尔:《法国史》,商务印书馆1985年5月版,第609页。
    3 俞吾金 陈学明:《国外马克思主义哲学流派新编》(西方马克思主义卷,下册),复旦大学出版社2002年版,第588页。
    4 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.3.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics. South End Press. Boston,1980. n.20.
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.5.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.21.
    4 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press. Boston.1980. p.5.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.23.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.81.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.14.
    3 参见刘仁胜:《生态马克思主义发展概况》,《当代世界与社会主义》2006年第3期,第56页。
    4 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.33.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.58.
    2 「法」让-保罗·萨特:《辩证理性批判》,林骧华等译,安徽文艺出版社1998年版,第262页。
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.41.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.59.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.31.
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.32.
    4 Artbur Hirsb:The French new left:an intellectual history from Sartre to Gorz, Boston:South end Press,1981, p. 224.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.18.
    3 「美」道格拉斯·凯尔纳 斯蒂文·贝斯特:《后现代理论——批判性的质疑》,张志斌译,中央编译出版
    2 Andre Gorz:The Division of Labour, the Harvester Press Limited,1978, p.165.社2004年版,第381-382页。
    4 Andre Gorz:The Division of Labour, the Harvester Press Limited,1978, p.57.
    1 「法」让-保罗·萨特:《辩证理性批判》,林骧华等译,安徽文艺出版社1998年版,第383页。
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.19.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.113.
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.19.
    5 Edgar Morin:La Vie de la vie, Paris,1980, pp.94-95. Andre Gorz:Political Ecology:Expertocracy versus Self-Limitation, New Left Review 1/202, November-December 1993, p.56.
    6 陆俊:《理想的界限》,社会科学文献出版社1998年版,第200页。
    1 齐美尔:《大都市与精神生活》,载《乔治·齐美尔的社会学》,纽约,自由出版社1950年,第409-410页。
    2 Andre Gorz:Work and Consumption, in P. Anderson and R. Blackburn (eds),1966, p.318.
    1 「英」约翰·洛克:《教育片论》,上海世纪出版集团2005年版,第47页。
    2 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.108.
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, pp.34-35.
    1 赵红亚:《伊里奇终身教育思想探微》,《成人教育》2007年11月,第14页。
    2 Antonio Lettieri:"Factory and School", The Division of Labour, Hassocks:Harvester,1976, p.153.
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.35.
    1 Antonio Lettieri:"Factory and School", The Division of Labour, Hassocks:Harvester,1976, p.154.
    2 高兹关于医疗工业化的政治经济学批判的思想是从伊凡·伊里奇(Ivan Illich)的《医疗的报复》(Medical Nemesis)和塞尔日·卡尔桑迪(Serge Karsenty)与让-皮埃尔·迪皮伊合著的《入侵制药学》(L'Invasion Pharmaceutique)两本著作中获得的灵感。
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.181引自希波克拉底(约公元前460-约公元前370,古希腊医师,称医药之父)的医学概念。
    4 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.152.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, pp.157-158.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.160.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.149.
    2 《马克思恩格斯选集》第一卷,人民出版社1995年版,第275页。
    3 「德」卡尔·雅斯贝斯:《时代的精神状况》,王德峰译,上海译文出版社2008年版,第31页。
    4 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.172.
    5 「德」卡尔·雅斯贝斯:《时代的精神状况》,王德峰译,上海译文出版社2008年版,第33页。
    6 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.150.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press. Boston,1980. p.160.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press. Boston,1980. p.151.
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.150.
    4 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.178.
    5 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.166.
    6 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.157.
    7 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.171.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics. South End Press, Boston,1980, p.180.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.19.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.187.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.183.
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.151.
    4 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.155.
    5 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.182.
    6 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.187.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.185.
    2 J.B.Foster:Marx's Ecology:Materialism and Nature, New York:Monthly Review Press,2000, pp.244-245.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.15.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.16.
    4 J.B.Foster:Marx's Ecology:Materialism and Nature, New York:Monthly Review Press,2000, p.19.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.15.
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.15.
    1 Andre Gorz:Political Ecology:Expertocracy versus Self-Limitation, New Left Review 1/202, November-December 1993, p.55.
    2 「德」马丁·海德格尔:《存在与时间》,陈嘉映王庆节译,生活·读书·新知三联书店2006年版,第32-33页。
    1 Andre Gorz:Political Ecology:Expertocracy versus Self-Limitation, New Left Review 1/202, November-December 1993, p.57.
    2 安琪楼·夸特罗其 汤姆·奈仁:《法国1968:终结的开始》,赵刚译,生活·读书·新知三联书店2001年版,第152页。
    3 Andre Gorz:Political Ecology:Expertocracy versus Self-Limitation, New Left Review 1/202, November-December 1993, p.57.
    1 Andre Gorz:Political Ecology:Expertocracy versus Self-Limitation, New Left Review 1/202, November-December 1993, p.57.
    2 Andre Gorz:Political Ecology:Expertocracy versus Self-Limitation, New Left Review 1/202, November-December 1993, p.58.
    3 「美」丹尼尔·A·科尔曼:《生态政治:建设一个绿色社会》,梅俊杰译,上海世纪出版集团2006年版,前言第7页。
    1 Andre Gorz:Political Ecology:Expertocracy versus Self-Limitation, New Left Review Ⅰ/202, November-December 1993, p.60.
    2 Artbur Hirsb:The French new left:an intellectual history from Sartre to Gorz, Boston; South end Press,1981, p. 223.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.38.
    2 广义的市民社会指“社会发展各历史时期的经济制度,即决定政治制度和意识形态的物质关系的总和”狭义的指“资产阶级社会的物质关系”。
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.35.
    4 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.39.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.40. November-December 1993, p.61.
    2 Andre Gorz:Political Ecology:Expertocracy versus Self-Limitation, New Left Review 1/202,
    3 马克斯·韦伯:《新教伦理与资本主义精神》,彭强 黄晓京译,陕西师范大学出版社2002年版,第32-33页。
    1 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York Verso,1989, pp.109-110.
    3 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York Verso,1989, p.19.
    2 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York Verso,1989, p.2.
    1 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York Verso,1989, p.153.
    2 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York Verso,1989, p.1.
    3 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York Verso,1989, p.1.
    4 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York Verso,1989, p.13.
    5 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York Verso,1989, p.13.
    6 高兹并没有明确使用丰裕社会(Affluent Society)的概念。美国著名经济学家加尔布雷斯(John Galbraith)的《丰裕社会》正式提出了这样一个对当代社会特征的独特判断。对于后68一代的左派知识分子和马克思主义者而言,物质丰裕和精神堕落成为了后工业社会的普遍特征,无论东方还是西方。不过高兹的确也在政治经济学意义上思考过丰裕的哲学意义,他曾经以丰裕的贫困"Poverty of Affluence"作为自己的文章题目。丰裕意味着当代资本主义的经济基本情况与前一个世代相比具有根本的改善,丰裕作为经济基础也从根本上影响到了当代资本主义的上层建筑。因此,具有反讽意味的是,重新规划政治策略以及 重新反思历史唯物主义的根基也成为后马克思主义崛起的一个历史唯物主义的原因。
    1 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labour:A radical proposal, Boston Beacon Press,1967, p.70.
    2 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labour:A radical proposal, Boston Beacon Press,1967, p.70.
    1 张一兵:《反鲍德里亚:一个后现代学术神话的祛序》,商务印书馆2009年版,第78页。
    2 Jean Baudrillard:For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign, Telos Press,1981, p.82.
    3 Jean Baudrillard:For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign, Telos Press,1981. p.133.
    4 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labour:A radical proposal, Boston Beacon Press,1967, p.71.
    1 张一兵:《反鲍德里亚:一个后现代学术神话的祛序》,商务印书馆2009年版,第95页。
    2 语出高兹1997年的作品《Miseres du present:richesse du possible》,1999年以《Reclaiming Work:Beyond the waged-based society》为名出版了英文版本,在英文版的第一节的第二个小节里,高兹使用了The'Exodus of Capital作为小节的标题。高兹在这里用圣经《旧约·出埃及记》的篇名作为自己对工作解放的社会的征途之艰辛和曲折的譬喻,这个比喻实际上一方面表明了高兹试图以新的激进乌托邦规划来代替经典的马克思的乌托邦规划(高兹的乌托邦不能简单作为一个无根的幻想来对待,它有政治经济学的可能性。这一点在本文的导论和第一章部分有所论述),另外一方面,这个比喻也象征了高兹关于解放和资本主义经济理性批判的三个分析对象:摩西与新工人阶级(或新革命主体),埃及与当代资本主义的政治经济境遇,摩西的人民与受经济理性操控的现代人。
    3 Andre Gorz:Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, Verso Press, London and New York,1994, p.53.
    4 Andre Gorz:Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, Verso Press, London and New York,1994, pp.53-54.
    5 Andre Gorz:Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, Verso Press, London and New York,1994, p.53.
    6 Andre Gorz:Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, Verso Press, London and New York,1994, p.53.
    1 Andre Gorz:Capitalism,Socialism,Ecology,Verso Press,London and New York,1994,p.54.
    2 Oskar Negt:Aus produktiver Phantasie, in Wege ins Reich der Freiheit, Berlin 1989, pp.69-70转引自Andre Gorz:Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, Verso Press, London and New York,1994, p.55
    3 Oskar Negt:Die Herausforderung der Gewerkschaften, Frankfurt-am-Main and New York, p.292转引自Andr e Gorz:Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, Verso Press, London and New York,1994, p.55.
    1 卡尔·马克思:《1844年经济学哲学手稿》,收于《马克思恩格斯选集》,R·塔克编,纽约诺顿出版社1978年版,第143页。
    1 「美」赫伯特·马尔库塞:《历史唯物主义的基础》,载《批判哲学研究》,J.德布雷斯翻译,波士顿灯塔出版社1972年版,第13-14页。
    2 「美」理查德·沃林:海德格尔的弟子——阿伦特、勒维特、约纳斯和马尔库塞,张国清等译,江苏教育出版社2005年版,第64页。
    3 约翰·弥尔顿:《失乐园》,8章,第192-194页。
    4 「法」罗贝尔·福西耶:《中世纪劳动史》,陈青瑶译,世纪出版集团上海人民出版社2007年版,第1页。
    1 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York Verso,1989, p.155
    2 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, London Pluto Press,1982, p. 72.
    3 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, London and New York Verso,1989, pp.19-20.
    4 Andre Gorz:Paths to Paradise:On the Liberation from Work, Boston South End Press,1985, p.1.
    1 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, London Pluto Press,1982, p.92.
    1 在《告别工人阶级》的结尾章节:论双重社会中,高兹提出了这样一个经典的哲学问题,即自由与必然的关系问题。问题的背景在我看来还是深藏在高兹内心深处对于苏联社会主义压抑个体,压制自由的社会主义官僚体制的强烈抵触。高兹实际上将苏联的计划经济和集权政治与资本主义的经济理性主导下的生产与消费强制都看作“必然领域”,其实质都是“理性的自负”,它导致的是自由的灾难。高兹反对建立在必然性基础上的社会,试图开辟一个建立在道德自由选择基础之上的自主社会。因此,经济理性批判的对立面就是对于真正的社会的道德的自主的强烈渴望。
    2 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, London Pluto Press,1982, p.90.
    3 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, London Pluto Press,1982, p.90.
    4 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, London Pluto Press,1982, p. 91.
    1 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, London Pluto Press,1982, pp.91-92.
    2 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, London Pluto Press,1982, p. 91.
    3 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, London Pluto Press,1982, p. 92.
    4 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, London Pluto Press,1982, p. 90.
    1 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, pp.93-94.
    2 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, p. 94.
    1 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.118.
    1 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, p. 74.
    2 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.4.
    1 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.7.
    3 Finn Bowring:Andre Gorz and the Sartrean legacy, St. Martin's Press, New York,2000, p.186.
    2 Andre Gorz:The Traitor, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.230.
    4 Andre Gorz:The Traitor, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.157.
    1 Merleau-Ponty:Phenomenology, Language and Sociology, ed. J. O'Neill. London, Heinemann,1974, p.179.
    2 「法」让-保罗·萨特:《存在与虚无》,陈宣良等译,生活·读书·新知三联书店2007年版,第618页。
    3 F. Jeanson:Sartre and the Problem of Morality, Bloomington, Indiana University Press,1980, P.16.
    4 Beavoir:S. de The Ethics of Ambiguity, New York, Philosophical Library,1948, P.25.
    1 「法」让-保罗·萨特:《存在主义是一种人道主义》,周煦良汤永宽译,上海译文出版社2006年版,第11页。
    2 Andre Gorz:The traitor, Verso, London and New York.1989. p.282.
    3 Andre Gorz:The traitor, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.284.
    4 Anare Gorz:The traitor, Verso, London and New York.1989. p.282.
    5 Andre Gorz:The traitor, Verso, London and New York.1989. p.286.6 这一观点并不是高兹独有的想法,马尔库塞与高兹一样,拥有此种看法。参见Andre Gorz:The Traitor Verso, London and New York,1989, p 288.
    7 马克思:《<政治经济学批判>序言》,《马克思恩格斯选集》第2卷,人民出版社1995年版,第33页。
    1 Andre Gorz:The traitor, London and New York:Verso,1989, p.198.
    2 Andre Gorz:Paths To Paradise:On The Liberation From Work, Pluto Press, London and Sydney,1985, p.29.
    3 Andre Gorz:Paths To Paradise:On The Liberation From Work, Pluto Press, London and Sydney,1985, p.30.
    1 Andre Gorz, Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.118.
    2 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.92.
    3 Andre Gorz:The traitor, Verso, London and New York,1989, pp.296-297.
    1 「美」赫伯特·马尔库塞:《单向度的人》,刘继译,上海译文出版社2007年版,第16页。
    2 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, p. 2.
    3 Andre Gorz:Paths To Paradise:On The Liberation From Work, Pluto Press, London and Svdney,1985, p.33.
    4 Andre Gorz:Paths To Paradise:On The Liberation From Work, Pluto Press, London and Sydney,1985, p.34.
    1 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.194.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.139.
    3 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.96.
    4 陆俊:《理想的界限》,社会科学文献出版社1998年7月版,第201页。
    5 「美」理查德·沃林:海德格尔的弟子—阿伦特、勒维特、约纳斯和马尔库塞,张国清王大林译,江苏教育出版社2005年11月版,第170-171页。
    6 [美]阿拉斯代尔·麦金泰尔:《马尔库塞》,邵一诞译,余明校,中国社会科学出版社7月版,第4页。
    1 Finn Bowring:Andre Gorz and the Sartrean legacy, New York:St. Martin's Press,2000, p.197
    3 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, Verso, London and New York,1989, pp.111-112.
    2 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.111.
    4 马克思:《德意志意识形态》,《马克思恩格斯选集》第一卷,人民出版社2004年5月版,第85页。
    1 Andre Gorz:The New Agenda, NLRⅠ/184, November-December 1990, p.39.
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.48.
    3 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.9.
    1 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.19.
    2 Andre Gorz:The traitor, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.281.
    3 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.5.
    1 「加」本·阿格尔:《西方马克思主义概论》,慎之等译,中国人民大学出版社1991年版,第293-294页。
    2 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, pp.38-39.
    1 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, p. 67.
    2 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, p. 66.
    1 Paul Ransome:Reviewed work(s):Critique of Economic Reason by Andre Gorz, Springer, Theory and Society, Vol.20, No.4(Aug.,1991), p.562.
    2 Andre Gorz:Critique of Economic Reason, Verso, London and New York,1989, p.6.
    3 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, p. 70.
    4 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, p. 73.
    5 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, p. 11.
    1 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, p. 70.
    2 Andre Gorz:Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism, Pluto Press London,1982, pp.69-70.
    1 钟阳胜:《科学在社会发展中的地位和作用》,湖南人民出版社1985年版,第219-220页。
    1 「美」赫伯特·马尔库塞:《单向度的人》,刘继译,上海译文出版社2007年版,第41页。
    2 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.6.
    3 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.6.
    4 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, p.7.
    1 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston.1967. p.10.
    2 Andre Gorz:Work and Consumption, in P. Anderson and R. Blackburn (eds),1966, p.352.
    3 Andre Gorz:Work and Consumption, in P. Anderson and R. Blackburn (eds),1966, p.320.
    1 Ellen Meiksins Wood:Marxism without Class Struggle, The Socialist Register, Merlin Press,1983, p.243.
    2 Richard Hyman:Andre Gorz and his Disappearing Proletariat, Socialist Register, Merlin press, London,1983, p. 273.
    3 Richard Hyman:Andre Gorz and his Disappearing Proletariat, Socialist Register, Merlin press, London,1983, p. 293.
    4 Adrian Little:The Political Thought of Andre Gorz, Routledge Press,London and New York,1996, p.4
    5 Andre Gorz:Strategy for Labor:A Radical Proposal, Beacon Press, Boston,1967, pp.131-132.
    1 J.B.Foster:Ecology Against Capitalism, New York:Monthly Review Press,2002, p.67
    3 高兹特别强调,劳工对资本主义工作组织的反抗唯有与反抗教育制度一起才能成功。对他而言,教育制
    2 Andre Gorz:The New Agenda, NLRⅠ/184, November-December 1990, p.37.度是社会阶层形成和工作等级划分的发源地。参见Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston, 1980, p.139.
    4 Andre Gorz:The New Agenda, NLR 1/184, November-December 1990, p.38.
    5 Andre Gorz:Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology, Verso, London,1994, Ⅶ.
    Andre Gorz:The New Agenda, NLRⅠ/184, November-December 1990, p.38.
    2 Joel Kovel:The Enemy of Nature, Zed Press, London,2002, pp.39-40.
    3 徐素梅:《生态学马克思主义的资本主义批判》,见张一兵主编的《资本主义理解史》第六卷,江苏人民出版社2009年版,第158页。
    1 詹姆斯·奥康纳:《自然的理由——生态学马克思主义研究》,唐正东等译,南京大学出版社2003年版,第59页。
    1 詹姆斯·奥康纳:《自然的理由——生态学马克思主义研究》,唐正东等译,南京大学出版社2003年版,第Ⅲ页。
    2 J.B. Foster:Marx's Ecology, Monthly Review press,2000, p.53.
    1 詹姆斯·奥康纳:《自然的理由——生态学马克思主义研究》,唐正东等译,南京大学出版社2003年版,第247页。
    2 J.B. Foster:Marx's Ecology, Monthly Review press,2000, p.15.
    1 J.B. Foster:capitalism and ecology:the nature of the contradiction在芝加哥2002年社会主义大会上的讲话。
    2 Andre Gorz:Ecology as Politics, South End Press, Boston,1980, p.3.
    3 J.B. Foster:Marx's Ecology, Monthly Review press,2000, pp.169-170.
    4 J.B. Foster:Ecology against Capitalism, Monthly Review press,2002, p.177.
    1 「美」詹姆斯·奥康纳:《自然的理由:生态学马克思主义研究》,南京大学出版社2003年版,第476页。
    1 萧伯纳:《戏剧选集》纽约:多米德·多德出版社,1949年,第7页。转引自「美」丹尼尔·A·科尔曼:《生态政治:建设一个绿色社会》,梅俊杰译,上海世纪出版集团2006年版,第196页。
    2 Andre Gorz:Paths To Paradise:On The Liberation From Work, Pluto Press, London and Sydney,1985, VII.
    [4]高兹.《沙特和马克思》[A].见新左派.《西方马克思主义批判文选》[C].台湾:台湾远流出版社1994年版,第231-259页;或见Andre Gorz:Sartre and Marx, NLR,1966, May/June.
    [74]Andre Gorz. La Morale de l'Histoire [M]. Le Seuil, Paris,1959.
    [75]Andre Gorz. Work and Consumption [A]. in P. Anderson and R. Blackburn (eds),1966.
    [76]Andre Gorz. Strategy for Labor [M]. Boston:Beacon Press,1967.
    [77]Michel Bosquet(i.e.Andre Gorz). Capitalism in Crisis and Eeryday Life [M]. The Harvester Press, Sussex, England,1977.
    [78]Andre Gorz. Fondements pour une Morale [M]. Paris:Galilee,1977.
    [79]Andre Gorz. Ecology as Politics [M]. South End Press, Boston,1980.
    [80]Andre Gorz. Farewell to the Working Class:An Essay on Post-Industrial Socialism [M]. Pluto Press London,1982.
    [81]Andre Gorz. Paths To Paradise:On The Liberation From Work [M]. Pluto Press, London and Sydney,1985.
    [82]Andre Gorz. The traitor [M]. Verso, London and New York,1989.
    [83]Andre Gorz. Critique of Economic Reason [M]. Verso, London and New York,1989.
    [84]Andre Gorz. Capitalism, Socialism, Ecology [M].Verso Press, London and New York,1994.
    [85]Andre Gorz. Reclaiming Work [M]. Polity Press, Cambridge,1999.
    [86]Andre Gorz. The New Agenda [J]. NLR1/184, November-December 1990, pp.37-46.
    [87]Andre Gorz. Political Ecology:Expertocracy versus Self-Limitation [J]. New Left Review 1/202, November-December 1993, PP.55-67.
    [88]Andre Gorz. The Way Forward, NLR 1/52, November-December 1968, pp.47-66.
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