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    版权条约(WCT)和表演和唱片条约(WPPT)对公众传输权(The(?)Right of making available
    to the public〃)也有相应的规定。
    深感忧虑,于是,出现了数据库的特殊权利保护(sui genris)、技术措施和权利管理信息等
     利(sui generis right)保护。这种保护完全不同丁版权的权利,保护体现制作者的实质性
This paper is composed of four parts. Part I,there is an introduction of the social and technical background of the internet. It analyzes the influence that internet has brought to the copyright and disputes on if copyright is enough to protect the new issues arising from internet. Then it emphasis the importance of copyright protection in the internet era.
    Part II focuses on analysis of the new issues that internet has brought to copyright and give my solutions to these issues. The traditional way of reading and communication have teen changed by the internet with new methods such as browsing,caching and hyper-text links. The traditional conceptions of copyright such as copy and communication to the public have to be renewed and modified.
    The fundamental conception of copyright is copying. The issue of whether the conception of copying in the past includes short and occasional copying through the internet remains a diverge from country to country. There are two different opinions on this subject internationally. You may find the analysis in the paper.
    It was indicated in the WIPO Diplomatic Conference in 1996 that the basic connotation of copying is to make something stable enough to be felt or copied or spread with facilities.
    There have not been found any law or regulations on copyright protection in internet in China,let alone copy temperately.
    The copyright owners strongly ask for the right to control and benefit the right of making available to the public through internet. There have been some acts on the protection of the copyright of making available to the public in the U.S.A and Australia,EEC and WIPO Treaties suchasWCTandWPPT.
    Part III is the core of this paper which gives a detailed description on the rights that are protected by the copyright in internet era and the way of protection. These rights include software and database and technological method and right managing message and sui genris database protection . Internet makes it true for messages to spread promptly worldwide,while makes the copyright holder worried about losing their rights on controlling the copyright. The right of the copyright holders has extended to the area of the public,which may break the balance of the privacy and the public. The public may herein after lost the freedom to get the intellectual property and use as well.
    i. Software
    In the early days when software was protected by the copyright in the USA,there had been objections stated that copyright should not be adapted to software protection. The EEC protects the personal imprint in the work but it was no more than criteria for a work according to the stipulations in the European Software Protection Directive clause one.
    hi China,software are protected by "The Computer Software Protection Statute".
    Though it is abused the software to be protected under copyright theoretically,it may not be changed for a long time. The side influence of it will be seen soon.
    ii. Database
    On the issue of database protection,the copyright based countries diverge from those of author based traditionally. For the copyright based countries,"Head Sweat" and "Due Diligent Collection" had been used before the famous "Feist Case",especially in the United States. There
    was little creative request for the database.
    But ever since the "Feist Case",those database without creation could no longer be protected under copyright. That is to say,copyright did not protect the database integrated with only material information any long. As to the author based countries,it had been a basic element that there were creations among the collections and arrangements of the information.
    How can the database with high commercial value be protected for the investment in it on condition it can not be protected under copyright?
    There had been a new system called the "sui generis right" in Europe to protect the database. You may also find the similar regulations in the American Act HR3531 and "Draft Database Treaty" internationally. As one of the developing countries,China abused this tr
● 郑成思著:版权法(修订本)
    ● 知识产权与国际贸易
    ● 世界贸易组织与贸易有关的知识产权
    ● 中国1990年:版权法
    ● 中国1992年:实施著作权条约的规定
    ● 知识产权文从(一),(二),(三),(四)
    ● 北大知识产权学院:知识产权法规汇编
    ● 金渝林:数字化技术对版权保护的影响
    ● 刘茂林:知识产权法的经济分析
    ● 袁泳:计算机网络上数字化传输的版权问题研究
    ● 袁泳:知识产权法与技术、文化创新
    ● 沈仁干:国际版权手册
    ● 沈仁干:世界知识产权组织推出两个新条约
    ● 应明:数字化技术的发展对现行著作权制度带来的新问题
    ● 作品在计算机互连网上向公众传播行为的法律调整
    ● 尼葛洛庞帝:数字化生存、
    ● 薛虹:《再谈在线服务提供者在版权法中的地位与责任》
    ● 中国青年报
    ● 郭禾:《信息高速公路对著作权制度的影响》
    ● 郑友德:关于信息高速公路中知识产权保护若干问题的探讨
    ● 许超:《面对因特网挑战的中国著作权法》
    ● 马克·戴维生、王源扩:计算据网络通讯与美国版权法的新动向——评美国知识产权工作组1995年9月«:最终报告»:第66页
    ● Cyberspace Law and Intellectual Property Writings Of Marie A. D'Amico, Esq.
    ● Basic Principles for Managing Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment
    ● Big Myths about copyright explained by Brad Templeton.
    ● Can Fair Use Survive our Information-based Future?- An Interactive Media Lab Technical Report by John S. Erickson.
    ● Copyright and Authors' Rights by Mike Holderness for the International Federation of Journalists Freelance conference in Amsterdam.
    ● Copyright and Fair Use in the Digital Age: Q&A with Peter Lyman. Educom Review Jan/Feb'95
    ● Copyright and Fair Use: What You Need To Know Before Scanning Artwork by Dana King, UTCC.
    ● Copyright and Preservation: A Serious Problem in Need of a Thoughtful Solution by Robert L. Oakley.
    ● Copyright Law and the Musician by David Richards Copyright,
    ● Digital Data, And Fair Use In Digital Networked Environments by Pamela Samuelson, Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh Law School.
    ● Copyright FAQ by Terry Carroll.
    ● The Copyright Grab by Pamela Samuelson, a visiting professor of law at Cornell Law
    School and a Fellow of EFF. Published in Wired.
    Copyright Legislation and Scholarly Communication: Basic Principles from the University of California, draft document
    Copyright in the New World of Electronic Publishing-by William S. Strong,
    Copyright Law, Libraries, and Universities: Overview, Recent Developments, and Future Issues by Kenneth D. Crews,
    Courts Now Confront Online Photograph Copying by Michael S. Oberman and Trebor Lloyd from National Law Journal (October 23, 1995) .
    Cybercopyrights: Piracy and Fair Use on the Web by Carl Klein. Discusses and illustrates the gray areas that occur when copyright law confronts the Web.
    The Digital Imaging Revolution: Legal Implications and Possible Solutions by Kimberly Amaral (no date given)
    Designing a feb of Intellectual Property-article on intellectual property and the WWW. by Terje Norderhaug and Juliet M. Oberding, published in the conference proceedings of The Third International World-Wide feb Conference, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 27 (6) , pp. 1037-46. (1995)
    The Economy of Ideas: A framework for rethinking patents and copyrights in the Digital Age (Everything you know about intellectual property is wrong) by John Perry Barlow, a retired cattle rancher, a lyricist for the Grateful Dead, and co-founder and executive chair of EFF. Published fired magazine, March.
    Fair Use of Copyrighted Works, Electronic version of a pamphlet published by CETUS: Consortium for Educational Technology in University Systems. (1995) Includes information on fair use as it relates to higher education, illustrative scenarios, and information on obtaining permissions.
    Fair Use in the Electronic Age: Serving the Public Interest
    Copyright for Computer Authors (Revised 7/20/96)
    Copyright on the Internet
    Intellectual Property: The Practical and-Legal Fundamentals (Modified 7/21/96)
    Keeping It Legal: Copyright and Other Legal Issues Arising out of Web Site Manageuent by Jamie McKenzie (From Now On, Vol. 5, No. 7, June 1996)
    Intellectual Property-collection of articles at 'Lectric Law Library
    Intellectual Property Law Primer for Multimedia Developers by J. Dianne Brinson and Mark F. Radcliffe (1994) Intellectual Value by Esther Dyson, Originally published in Wired Magazine, July 1995.
    International Intellectual Property Protection by John Masterson.
    Is Copyright Dead on the Net? by Lance Rose
    Knowbots, Permissions Headers & Contract Law-Technological Strategies for Protecting Intellectual Property in the Networked Multimedia Environment by Henry H. Perritt, Jr. (April 1993)
    Law and the Internet Papers from students at Georgia State Law School. Legal Care for Your Software by Daniel Remer and Robert Dunaway.
    The Legality of Disassembly of Computer Progrants
    Legally Speaking: Self-plagiarism or Fair Use?" 37 Communications of the ACM 21. August 1994. By Law Professor Pamela Samuelson.
    A Magna Carta for the Information Age by Esther Dyson, George Gilder, Jay Keyworth and Alvin Toffler. Published in New Perspective Quarterly
    Multimedia Computing: Copyright Law's "Last Stand" Note published in Touro Law
    Review, Volume 12, No.1, 1995.
    Multimedia Content and the Super Highway: Rapid Acceleration or Foot on the Brake? by Fred Greguras, Michael R. Egger, and Sandy J. Wong. (June 18, 1994)
    The Multimedia Law Handbook: A Practical Guide for Developers and Publishers by J. Dianne Brinson and Mark F. Radcliffe. Includes information on the basics of intellectual property law, production issues, postproduction issues, dealingwith unions, and avoiding violations of of the saws of publicity, privacy, and libel.
    Copyrighting Your Software: Why Bother?
    When Copying Is OK: The 'Fair Use' Rule
    Online Fair Use of Copyrighted Material: Issues and Concerns by Gerard Martin Plunderphonics or, Audio Piracy as a Compositional Prerogative by John Oswald, from the Cassette Mythos, Autonomedia 1990.
    The property of the mind. Article from the Economist magazine. (July 27, 1996)
    READI Guide (Rights for Electronic Access to and Delivery of Information) From the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI). (Draft November 15, 1994)
    Statutory Protection for Computer Software in the United States By Ladas and Parry. Last revised in March 1996.
    What Does the Future Hold for Copyright and Scholarly Publishing? articles from Science.
    Whom Do You Trust? Op Ed by Michigan Law' s Roberta J. Morris and Jonathan Franklin
    Who Owns Digital Works? by Ann Okerson published in the July 1996
    Whose article is it anyway? January 1996. By Ann Okerson
    Information Infrastructure Task Force, :Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure", The report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights, September 1995.
    Copyright Reform and the Digital Agenda by Intellectual Property Committee of the Law.Council of Australia's.Business Law.Section
    HR 3531 Database Investment and Intellectual Property Antipiracy Act of 1996
    WIPO's Basic Proposal for Substantive Provisions of the Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Databases, (August 30, 1996)
    The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
    E. C. Directive 96/9 on the Legal Protection of Databases OJ 1996L77/20.
    Proposal for a Council Directive on the legal protection of databases, CM(92) 24 final, 1992, The Proposal was accompanied by the Explanatory memorandum to the Proposal for a Council Directive on the legal protection of databases, COM (92) 24 final 1992.
    H.R. 2652.
    H. R. 2281 and S. 1121
    H.R. 2180
    H.R. 3531
    http://www. iitf. nist. gov/
    http://fairuse. Stanford, edu
    http://wipo. int/
    http: //www. westlaw. com
    http://www. uslaw. com

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