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Recently, the source of agriculture as a strategic adjustment of agricultural structure has been a major development derection. Against this background, Shanghai Swine Breeding Farm (SSBF), one of Shanghai best nuclear pig breeding farms,introduced 80 Yorkshire(Large White)pigs from French at the end of year 2000. After 8 years domestication and selection,we found the pigs of this herd grow well and the reproductive performance is especially outstanding. the only shortcomings of this herd is appearance and performance variation larger. To this end, we used this herd as breeding material, chosed reproductive performance as the most important trait balanced growth rate, lean meat percentage and body appearance, use BLUP assessment techniques and genetic marker-assisted breeding technology and aimed at specialized bred Large White Lines The breeding work. Specific research and its main findings are as follows
     1. Construction of on-farm breeding system: After a thorough analyzation of the actual problem of pig industry in China and in Shanghai, an on-farm breeding system according to“Technical Specification for Registration of Breeding Pig”and“Technical Specification for Genetic Evaluation of Lean-type Breeding Pig”was set up. Based on this system, we have calculated the breeding value to their performance in order to select and breed.
     2. Study on marker-assisted breeding: In order to increase the accuracy of breeding, according to Breeding goals, with early selling of domestic realities, our main selection as a candidate gene is ESR gene, carry out study on the application of marker-assisted selection, including polymorphism of gene the relevant Characters and their impact on the conventional assessment of the results of the genetic correlation. The results showed that application of marker-assisted ESR gene selection and application of genetic BLUP assessment, and it is very consistent, that is, the genotype has advantages of its swine breeding value estimates are often higher. ESR gene that can be used for assisted breeding. At the same time we have on the impact of the pig lean meat percentage of the IGF2 gene trying to do a polymorphism testing, but did not find that the polymorphism on the chosed sites.
     By the research of above studies, we have built a routine and marker-assisted breeding system, consequently, we have established a better basis for future breeding task.
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