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With the development of the reforming and opening policy in china,rural workers in cities have been the special social group which have a largepopulation and can not be neglected. In our society, they are one of theimportant forces in improving the economic development, while they areone of the crucial factors to maintain the stable society. In order to promotethe beneficial and abolish the harmful the government reform the currenturban housing security system to dissolve the rural workers housing, whichhelp to embody the social justice, to accelerate the urban andindustrialization process in our county, to perfect the law system, and to savethe social resources. It is necessary demand and result to provide the specialgroup with the housing security when the group force and the economydevelopment have been improved.
     The dissertation puts forward some proposals of building the ruralworkers housing security system based on the characteristic of the ruralworkers, after analyzing the Chinese current urban housing security policy.Firstly, the actualities on the rural worker's house have been introduced andthe causes have been analyzed. Secondly, the dissertation introduces theevolutive process and characteristic of the Chinese current urban housingsecurity system, and analyses its the structure and mainly the design of keysystem of the Chinese current urban housing security system, and thenintroduces the shortcomings of the Chinese current urban housing securitysystem based on the characteristic of the rural workers. Thirdly, Thedissertation puts forward all-around request of the urban housing securitysystem favoring the rural workers. It summarizes the experience andenlightenment of the west main developed countries' housing security policy,and analyses the value tropism of the process building the urban housingsecurity system favoring the rural workers, and then illuminates thereformational principle of the urban housing security system favoring the rural workers. At last, we present the reforming principle of the ruralworkers'urban housing security policy and the economic housing securitysystem by the way of mainly building the economic hiring house and thehousing accumulation fund policy as a supplement. The security systeminclude the housing security tax being set up to assure the governmentfinance input, the special law to assure the rural workers be the benefitpeople, the working system suitable for rural workers to hire the house andthe project of reforming the ratio system to pay the accumulation fund, andthe innovation policy advices of developing the transferring system ofhousing accumulation fund and controlling the prices of the economic houseand offering the housing allowance and so on.
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