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Since the seventies in 20th century, Chinese society enters into the transformation period. With the deep continuing development of the reform, Chinese society has changed in economy, politics, and culture. The marking choice of the economic life makes the comprehensive power increasingly increase, and the social structure reconstruct. The profit group has changed from intrinsic into extrinsic, from the situation of self-existence into self-improvement. New profit groups emerge. What is the legal existence of Chinese profit group? What influence does it exert on the government deal with the objective political phenomenon? How to lead and regulate it.The solution to these problems is the important theoretical problem and realistic problem. Whether solve these problems or not is of vital importance to the future of the Chinese characteristic socialism, and the increasing and decreasing of the whole social benefits. The studies on the politics should put the research on the profit group into its field, and put forward the scientific solution, make its advantages improve and avoid the disadvantages, enchance the social economy, politics and culture develop harmoniously.
     This paper is based on the advantages and disadvantages of the profit group during the transformation period in China, having Chinese political process as a background. Its purpose is to develop the socialism politics democracy, and enhance the people's benefits. Applying the theory of the profit group, it mainly discusses the thought and solution to the profit group during the transformation period. The content is as follows.
     Chapter One:Introduction. It illustrates the purpose and the meaning of this research, simply analyses the research results of the researchers home and abroad, puts forward the main method and writing thought of the research.
     Chapter Two:Explanation of the theory on the profit group. It defines the main concepts and the development of the profit group, discusses the level and type of the profit group, and the methods, strategies influenced by the profit group, It reveals the functions and usages of the profit group.
     Chapter Three:Analysis of the present situation of the Chinese profit group during the transformation period. It mainly analyzes the development and function of the Chinese profit group and reveals the layout and character tic.It illustrates the legal problem and predicts the development tendency.
     Chapter Four:The functions and usages of the profit group during the transformation period. It illustrates the function of Chinese profit group, the element of the functions and usage influenced on the political process.It reveal its influence on the political process.
     Chapter Five:Suggestions on the policies of profit group.
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