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目的 目前随着对大学生心理健康状况的日益关注,军校学员的心理健康状况也越来越受到有关学者的重视。健康的心理状况不仅对学员现阶段的学习、生活,而且对于其以后的发展都是至关重要的。由于当今社会大变革所引起的心理失衡、军队院校编制体制调整和教学改革的深入以及军校的紧张气氛以及竞争压力的增大,军校大学生的心理健康状况面临着极大的挑战,研究军医大学不同培养类型学员心理健康状况及其相关因素,为人才培养、加强教育管理提供了依据,有着重要的意义。综合目前国内的研究状况,本文进行了以下四方面的研究:①对军校军医学员不同专业和不同年级的心理健康状况和个性特征进行描述性研究。②了解军队理工院校不同入学层次学员(中专、大专、本科及士官)的心理健康状况。③研究了军医学员参加军事演练期间的心理健康状况。④研究了军队医学研究生的心理健康状况。方法①整群抽样,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和艾森克人格修订量表(EPQ)调查了军医大学护理专业大专、中专、医疗专业本科(2年级和5年级)共719人的个性特征和心理健康状况。②整群抽样,采用SCL-90和焦虑自评量表(SAS),流调中心量表(CES-D)问卷,调查了理工科不同专业层次学生的焦虑、抑郁及整体心理健康状况水平及其可能影响因素。③调查了某军校
     (尸<0.05,尸<0.01)。整体学生中有21 .57%一44.64%的学员心理
    3 .n.8%一29.6%的参演学员有突出的心理症状,巧.1%一34.6%的
Aim of the Study:
    Now days with the increasing focus on the phychologecal health of the college students ,the phychological health of the cadets in the military academy also arouses more and more . Healthy mental status is important for their current studies, lives and even their development in the future. Due to the mental unbalance caused by the big society transform, the adjustment of military university system and further reform of teaching, and the tensional atmosphere and increasing competitive pressure in the military universities, these cadets are facing the great challenges to their mental health status. So the study of different types of cadets from military medical universities on their health mental status and relevant factors, offering important evidence to the cultivation of talents, and intensifying educational administration, is of great significance. Integrating the current domestic research results, the article conducts a research on the following aspects: (1) A descriptive research on cadets' menta
    l health status and
    personality of different specialties and different grades in the
    military universities.
    (2)The understanding of cadets' mental health status studying in the colleges of science and engineering at different enrolling level(the technical secondary school level, junior college level, undergraduate level, and the petty officer level).
    (3) An investigation into the mental health status of medical cadets during the periods of performing their military exercises.
    (4) A study of military medical postgraduates on their mental health status.
    1 Sample for the study consists of 719 cadets majoring in nursing and medicine respectively, at different grades, the measures include symptom SCL-90, and EPQ. 2, the SCL-90, SAS, and CES-D questionnaire are applied in the study of cadets majoring in science and engineering on their anxieties, depression, whole mental health status and other possible factors. C.SCL-90, SAS and CES-D are applied in the investigation of the all cadets in some universities who had performed military exercises in 2001 into their mental health status. D. SCL-90, EPQ, SAS and CES-D are used in the research of military postgraduate in some military university on their mental health status, personalities and other possible factors.
    As a whole, the mental status of cadets at different grades are ranging from bad to good, and the every index of SCL-90(except hostility gene) (P<0.05). The top 3 Symptoms that affect the cadets' mental health status are respectively obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity and depression (for nursing major) or hostility (for
    medicine major). It turned out a notable difference between the scores of E scale and N scale of those cadets at technical secondary school level and junior college level, after the comparison among dimensions of EPQ. While considering the rating scales, there is no difference between the second-year and five-year medical students. There is no remarkable difference in first-year students and second-year students who are majoring in nursing at junior college level. But there is a difference between first-year students and second-year students on the scores of E scale and N scale; on the scores of E scale, first-year students are higher than second-year students, whereas in reverse on the scores of N scale. The correlation between the scores on N scale of those cadets from different grades and different specialties and each index of SCL-90 is positive (P<0.01); there is a negative correlation between the scores on L scale and scores on P scale of those cadets at technical secondary school level and junior college level (P<0.01); there is also a negative correlation between the scores on L scale and scores on N scale of those cadets at technical secondary school level. There is no remarkable correlation between the scores on E scale of students at junior college level and each index of SCL-90. The scores on E scale of cadets at technical secondary school level have a nega
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