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How to improve the investment efficiency of infrastructure projects has been the important content of the previous reforms of the investment system in China. Scientific, comprehensive, reliable project evaluation is an important guarantee and premise for scientific decision-making, smooth implementation and improving investment returns. and it is also an important basis for the design of public project financing options, the determination of the sum of capital given from the government. In recent years more and more domestic and foreign research results show that public projects (mainly refers to infrastructure projects) have significant macroeconomic contribution characteristics, the economic evaluation of infrastructure projects should include the perspectives of micro-and macro-economic point of view, and the macro evaluation results should prevail. The current economic evaluation system is lack of indicators which focus on the macro-economic impact of project, it is difficult to meet the decision-making needs of infrastructure project investment.
     Integrated with the international accounting system and our national economy in the macroeconomic evaluation index system settings principle, as well as the domestic and international research results on macroeconomic effect analysis and evaluation of infrastructure and public projects, using the input-output analysis theory, the dissertation establishes a series of indicators to measure the national macroeconomic contributions of infrastructure projects which provides measurement methods to study the macroeconomic impact of the infrastructure to regional, national, industry and the other departments. And further, adopting city production function method, the dissertation develops a method to quantitatively judge if the infrastructure investment scale of a country or a city achieves its optimum size and then judge whether the project gets its scale benefits. This series of indicators and evaluation method have universal applicability and representativeness, can increase the level of project evaluation of the system comparing with the financial evaluation system which only analysis the micro-effects at the level of the project and the evaluation of the national economy which starts from the standpoint of national economy, but uses the shadow price.This method can be directly used to analysis the macroeconomic effects of infrastructure, thus can meet the main macroeconomic policy-making needs of the government. These economic evaluation indicators are the necessary complement and improvement And they can help promote the further deepening of China's investment system.
     To improve the quality of infrastructure investment management, change the backward situation of traditional decision-making tools, the dissertation also focuses on the application of the decision support system in the infrastructure decision-making management which will update the process of China's infrastructure projects decision management and improve our public policy-making level of management.
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