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    合成了第一配体l一苯基上一甲基4一苯甲酚基巧I 哩琳酮
    (HPMBP人 l,10早菲罗琳经硝化、还原、与丙烯酚氯酚化合
    成了第二配体 5一丙烯酸胺一l,10一邻菲罗琳(5-a-l,10-phen);并
    确证了它们 的结构,其通式为 Ln(PMBP)。(5-a-l,10-phen)
Organic electroluminescent (OEL) materials have become a
    new and fascinating area of research in recent years. The research
    status and development of organic electroluminescent materials are
    reviewed in detail in this paPer. Lanthanide metal chelates are a kind
    of electroluminecent materials with special light and physical
    properties among many OEL materials. They have received more and
    more attention from many investigators for high fluorescence
    efficiency, narrow bandwidth, good purity of light.
    We have prepared the first ligand, l-benZyl-3-
    methyl-4(benzoyl-5-pyrazolone using dichloro ed for all all
    lH methyl-5-pyrazolone .From l,l0-phenallthroline, we have
    prepared 5-acrylamido-l, l0- phenanthroline (5-a-l, l0-phen),the
    second ligand, through nitfation, reduction and acylation reaction
    with acryloyl chloride. Then we have prepared their eight lanhanide
    metal derivatives ternary solid complexes. They and
    5-acrylamido-l,10-phenanthrolin there are nine novel comPounds
    which have not been reported so far. All these compounds have been
    identified through IR, UV lH NMR, and MS. These complexes all
    have the comPosition of Ln(PMBP)3(5-a-l, l0-phen) (Ln=La, Pr, Nd,
    Eu, Tm, Yb); We have determined the physical properties about the
    molar conductivity solubility and thermal stability of the complexes;
    We have studied on the fluorescence excitation and emission
    spectrum of the temary solid complexes and found that alI of them
    absorb ultraviolet and emit violet visible ligh and their stfCngth, is
    obviously strengthened,especial that of La, Nd, Eu, Dy chelates. The
    bandwidth is narrower, that is that the purity of light is high.
    According to photoluminescence (fluorescence spectrum), we have
    discussed their electroluminecence and calculated they are a kind of
    emitting-light materials with transport properties. If they are used in
    EL devices they can be used emitting layer materials and emit violet
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