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Supramolecular chemistry is the chemistry that focus on intermolecular non-covalentinteractions. The driving force of self-assembly generally comes from intermolecularnon-covalent interactions. So usually self-assembly behaviors are all spontaneous anduncontrollable. Stable supramolecular gels can be formed through solvent moleculeswhich bound in the network. Nowadays, the regulation of self-assembly behavior byapplying sound, light, electricity, magnetism, heat, ions, redox and other means has causedwidespread concern. In addition, the performance of the polymer material can be enhancedin situ by introducing supramolecular aggregates into the polymer matrix. Molecularcomposite has shown a unique advantage which has been compared with traditionalfiber-reinforced composites.
     The aqueous solution of the triblock polymer can be gelled by taking advantage ofhydrogelator. The hydrogelator aggregates phase behaviour can be turned from3D to2Dwhile the aqueous solution of the triblock polymer bacome lamellar structure within aspecific temperature range. So the self-assembly behaviour of hydrogelator can becontrolled by tuning the temperature. A series of molecular composites were prepared byintroducing organic gelator and organic-metal aggregates into polyurethane matrix. Themolecular reinforce effect and the mechanism of gelator aggregates enhance polymer wasstudied.
     This thesis is consisted of several sections as the following:
     1. This work took advantage of the PEO-PPO-PEO three block copolymer aqueoussolution (PE6200) which had phase transition properties that from isotropy micellar phaseto anisotropic lamellar at specific temperatures. The self-assembly behavior of gelator inPE6200water system was studied by introducing the hydrogelator (HB21) that contains1,2,4,5-benzenetetracarboxylic acid and4-hydroxypyridine (1:2) into the aqueous system. Small Angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) results showed that PE6200water system becameisotropic liquid, gelator self-assembled to form stable three-dimensional network structure,in the temperature range less than50℃. While warned up to50~60℃, gelatoraggregates transformed into two-dimensional self-assembly structures in PE6200polarized area rich in water, beause the hydrophilic factor and the stability of the systementropy PE6200into lamellar structure. Scanning differential calorimeter (DSC), variabletemperature Raman spectroscopy and electrochemical cyclic voltammetry characterization,further confirmed the phase transition behavior in the temperature range. These resultssuggest that gelator from3D to2D self-assembly is a process of thermodynamiccontrolled. Thus put forward a way to tune self-assembly behaviour by taking advantageof thermodynamics controllable block copolymer.
     2. Nanometer fibrous aggregates which formed by organic gelator1,3:2,4-Dibenzylidene sorbitol (DBS) were introduced into a conventional modifiedpolyurethane resin (SM6202). Through the principle of molecular composite, organicgelator DBS gelled the precursor polymer resin first and then the gel polymerized by UVinitiate to prepare molecular composite polymer. The results showed that DBS in theoligomer matrix resin had excellent gelation performance, DBS supramolecularaggregates formed nano fibrous confirmed by SEM. The elongation at break and tensilefracture strength of composites increased significantly, which was demonstrated bystress-strain curve of composite material that contained DBS aggregate and modifiedpolyurethane. The elongation at break increased from31%to45%with a growth of50%,the tensile breaking strength increased from1.4MPa to4.2MPa with a growth of200%.The composites material with DBS became toughening and strengthening on themacroscopic. The influence of inherent modulus of the composite material and glasstransition temperature of the system with DBS aggregates were characterized by dynamicmechanical thermal analysis (DMA). In addition, the specific gravity and transparency testshowed that DBS composites in situ not only enhanced mechanical properties but also maintained the characteristics of light weight and high transparency of polymer materials.The results demonstrated the unique advantages which compared to the traditionalmacro-fiber composites.
     3. Polyurethane oligomer (SM6202) was gelled by Fe(Ⅲ) and sebacic acid whichformed compounds Fe(SA). The preparation of molecular composite polymer was carriedout by UV-light initiate. The SEM results showed that the Fe(SA) became sphericalaggregates which formed by curly lamellar. The elongation at break and tensile fracturestrength of polyurethane composites were improved significantly. The elongation at breakincreased from31%to53%with a growth of71%, the tensile breaking strength increasedfrom1.4MPa to4.3MPa with a growth of207%. The composite material bacametoughening and strengthening on the macroscopic. The storage modulus and glasstransition temperature of Fe(SA) composites increaseed which was confirmed by dynamicmechanical thermal analysis (DMA). In addition, the specific gravity and transparency testshowed that Fe(SA) composites in situ not only enhanced mechanical properties but alsomaintained the characteristics of light weight and high transparency of polymer materials.The results demonstrated the unique advantages which compared to the nano-particulatefiller.
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