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The present study hypothesizes that the translation inheritance model is the basis of the mechanism of literary translation. This model is described like this; the source text and the target are in inheritance relation that means the target inherits the relation from the source. The acceptable inheritance between the source and the target, and the similar sense between the source reader and the target are in harmony with the complete structures of both the source and the target. The relation between the source and the target represents the mechanism of literatary translation, which is described in the translation inheritance model produced by the cognition of relations among things in the world.
     Translation inheritance model is employed in the present study to explore the mechanism of literary transaltion, and simultaneously to demonstrate that:1) this model is the basis of the mechanism of literary translation;(2) this model is based on mind;(3)"Impartment and Inheritance of Connotation and Denotation"is the main theoretical frame;(4) the similar sense of the target reader and the source reader is the production of this model.
     Abduction is adopted in this study. The first step is observing the linguistic facts, the second proposing a relevant hypothesis or principle, and the third explaining the other related facts by this hypothesis or principle.
     Through exploration, major findings are made as demonstrated in Chapter9:(1) the mechanism of literarytranslation is observed by the translation inheritance mode;(2) the operation of this model displays the characteristics of mind in literary translation;(3) relationalization is decideable to the inheritance and the acceptability of the target text;(4) the well-ordered principle makes sure the complete structure of the source and the target;(5) the similar qualia-sense is the source of the similar sense of the target reader and the source reader;(6) the semantic orientation is the production of implicatives, semantic meaning and quale-sense;(7) the literary translation phenomena in the narrative level are explained in this mode in some degree.
     Implications of the present study are concluded as follows:(1) the philosophy of mind is employed translation study;(2) relationality is a new way for literary translation;(3) the aggregates of the semantic meaning and implicatives in the source and the target are the same;(4) literal translation and free translation are the ways of the target inheritating the relations imparted from the source;(5) the similar sense of the target reader and the source reader in the classic translation theories is produced by the similar quale-sense in the target and the source.
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