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生物滴滤器(Bio-trickling Filters, BTFs)是一种处理低浓度挥发性有机物(Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs)的有效手段,它通过生长在填料表面的生物膜内的微生物捕获并降解污染物来实现污染物的治理,具有成本低、操作简便、无二次污染等优点,它克服了传统生物过滤器运行过程中出现的气体短流、营养液分布不均等问题,能一定程度上减轻反应器内生物膜的过度蓄积或堵塞。对不同操作条件下生物滴滤器去除VOCs、生物膜生长动力学、生物膜时空分布规律、生物膜蓄积率等进行模拟研究,对于了解生物法处理机理、促进生物膜反应器在VOCs控制方面的研发与应用,具有重要的理论和实际意义。
Bio-trickling Filters (BTFs) is an effectively control means for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which utilizes microbe attached on the packing media to capture volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and biodegrade them. It has advantages in some aspects such as low cost, handy operation costs and no recontamination. Additional, the technology can overcome the disadvantages including the short of gas flow, the uneven distribution of organic loading and nutrients in conventional biofilters, and to an extent released the biomass excess accumulation or clogging in the filter bed. It would be important theory and practical significance in the research and application of bioreactors for VOCs removal to simulate the complex processes, such as the BTFs for VOC removal at different operating conditions, the dynamic kinetics of biomass growth, the spatial and temporal changes in biomass distribution, and the biomass accumulation rate.
     A mathematical model was developed on the basis of mass transport and mass balance equations in a BTF, the two-film theory, and the Monod kinetics. This model took account of mass transfer and biodegradation of VOC in the gas-water-biofilm three-phase system in the biofilter, and could simulate variations of VOC removal efficiency with a changing specific surface area and porosity of the media due to the increasing of biofilm thickness in the biofilter. This model was further simplified by neglecting the water phase due to the small mass transfer resistence. The equations for the biofilm phase, gas phase, and biofilm accumulation in this model were solved using collocation method, analytic method, and the Runge-Kutta method separately. A computer program was written down as MATLAB to solve this model.
     The results of numerical solutions show that toluene removal efficiency increased with the gas resistence time increased and decreased with the organic loading increased. The porosity of the packing in the inlet decreased with the gas resistence time increased and decreased with the organic loading increased. The biomass accumulation rate in the bio-trickling filter increased with the gas resistence time increased and increased with the organic loading increased. The concentration profile of toluene in bio-trickling filter revealed that the packing layer which is the closest to inlet played the most important role in toluene biodegradation.
     The dynamic removal efficiencies from this model correlated reasonably well with experimental results for toluene removal in a BTF. It provides the basis for the spreading and application of biofiltration on the waste gas treatment.
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