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The path ambiguity problem is due to the union-toll regional road network within the ring ruonaidq uneeltyw doertke rsmtruincetudr,teh, et htoerlle caorell etwctoio onr ,m spolriet aalntder sneatttilveem teranvt ecla pna ntho.t bIfe tahcec turraavteell yp awtho riks sn.Iont general there are two ways to solving Highway ambiguity problem, the accurate identification method and the probability distribution method. Accurate identification method is to accurately identify the vehicle path, can get the exact path of vehicles, so precise identification with high accuracy and high reliability features, However, the need for accurate identification method identifies infrastructure operation and maintenance of pre-and post-investment requires a lot of capital investment, and the stop sign reducing road capacity. Probability distribution method, although the accuracy is less than accurate identification method, but it also has a certain accuracy and Can meet the basically requirements of the corresponding owners, And has a small initial investment and post-investment operation and maintenance of small, no parking is conducive to high-speed passage of vehicles and so on.
     Traffic assignment method to solve the problem of ambiguous path Interconnection charges the effective probability distribution methods. It based on the distribution theory of traffic flow, by determining the ambiguous path chosen a path of vehicles to determine the probability that the rate of the vehicle and split the fees generated by the vehicle tolls, with a small investment, does not affect road capacity and so on. On the traffic assignment model first proposed initially by Bechmann , Satisfy the principle of Wardrop equilibrium is a mathematical optimization model, the distribution of follow-up most of the subsequent models are based on the model be extended, Frank-wolf algorithm which is used to solve the traffic problems are most common algorithm, based on this study, follow-up research and application of research to solve the interconnection charges more ambiguous path traffic assignment problem of law and the law, including the shortest path based on link and path-based and other methods.
     With the expressway development and promotion of toll collection network in Guangdong Province, expressway network range and density, it would be difficult to implement using accurate identification method in a complex network environment,it need to find a more reasonable and accurate way to solve this problem. The project intends to user equilibrium and non-equilibrium in traffic assignment model and solution algorithm based on network construction for highway traffic flow characteristics and features of the utility model, and the use the Frank-wolf algorithm, Origin-Based Traffic assignment algorithm and Logit assignment algorithm, to solve ambiguity highway path allocation problem by solving the corresponding path algorithm model and the path of traffic flow ratio, the Origin-Based Traffic assignment algorithm on actual data and comparative analysis of the algorithm model, the starting point algorithm based on correlation test, and evaluate the model using more than the actual meaning of the highway feasibility issues, and research point allocation method based on the split of the significance of the toll, in addition, the project will make use of this method to resolve ambiguous path interconnection charges the technical route. Research projects can not only test the Feasibility of Origin-Based traffic assignment model to resolve the ambiguity interconnection charges problem, but also can improve the awareness of Origin-Based Traffic assignment algorithm, is of great theoretical and practical significance.
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