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The aim was to investigate the feasibility of creating tissue-engineered cartilage in predetermined size and shape. Tissue-engineered cartilage with internal support was created in vitro or in vivo, tissue-engineered penis and testis prostheses were created gradually in nude mice and rabbit models. Results showed that: 1)“Hollow”phenomenon occurs in tissue-engineered cartilage when PGA scaffold is configured into thicker size. 2) Using PGA scaffold with internal porous HDPE support, tissue-engineered cartilage in predetermined shape and size can be created in vivo.3) In immunocompetent animals, PGA generates an inflammatory reaction that results in creation of fibrocartilage, elongating the time of cultivation in vitro is conducive to the formation of tissue- engineered cartilage.4) Newly reconstructed penis has the same internal environment as subcutaneous space for creation of tissue-engineered cartilage 5) Tissue-engineered penis and testis prostheses can also be created successfully.
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