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     1、性与爱 女性小说中爱情与做爱、情爱与性爱是互相关联的两回事。当性与爱不能融合时,女性就将其对立起来。
     2、性爱与都市 都市构成了都市女性生存的背景和制约力量,同时也成为对这种彼此生存的一种阐释。而性爱作为一种欲望话语在都市语境中,它们是互相关联的,但在女性作家文本中,它们更多的是处在对峙和冲突中。
There appeared a group of female confidence novels starting "from the end of 1980's as represented by a string of female writes like. However, this newly-emerged specific type of novel is lacking in a distinct title and definition. The following thesis endeavors to explore the content construction and narrative features of this specific group more reasonably and precisely.
    1.Three Stages of Modern and Contemporary female writing:
    The first stage sets off with May The Fourth New Literature Movement when major writers then attainment to awaken the awareness of the "individual value" among the general public and there is no exception to female writers. They initially hope to make women around the country realize their actual existence as human beings. However, the literary works they have produced then are still confined to the dominant framework of male-discourse.
    The second climax of female writing stretches from 70'to 80's dubbed as "the new period" during which the awakening of female consciousness is assisted by the second ideological enlightenment; the resurgence of human nature and the entire discourse of humamtarianism.
    The third peak comes in the 90's when female writers the first time ever demonstrate their own life and state of mind by means of their own discourse, thus initiating a private room for female literary outpouring in the genuine sense. The presence of this new literature phenomenon undoubtedly signifies a qualitative breakthrough in the history of female writing. Different from the previous two stages, female writing at this time completely breaks off the entire social and cultural ideology and relies on its own independent yet profound ideological resource.
    2. The content construction of female confidence novels
    (1) The discourse of "mirror image"
    1. Public confession of egoism. Egoism complex is basically manifested in the following three aspects: First, the recurrence of "mirror image". Secondly, "the double self created by innermost conversation . Finally, the historical review and the girlhood reminiscence as the hidden form of egoism.
    2. Inexplicable mother-daughter love affair.
    3. Subtle homosexual love .
    These three forms of love-affairs is consistent with the mirror image which helps to confirm one's identity, the primary task for women. In addition, the unique female complex also contributes to the validity of mirror image.
    (2) Sex discourse
    1. Sex and love. Love and sex or romantic passion and sexual intercourse are inter-related in female writing. IF both fail to merge, they will be made contradictory to each other by female
    2. Sex and city. City constitutes the setting and constraining force of urban women and also serves as an interpretation of the mutual coexistence. Sex as the discourse of desire is associated with urban discourse environment. However, both in most cases stand to each other in confrontation and conflict in the text of female writers.
    3.The narrative features of female confidence novel
    The content of female confidence novel focuses on one's self, individual and individual-related human-body, desire, dream, memory and subconscious as far as the perspective is concerned ,"the direction towards inside" distinguishes the narrative strategy of this specific group of novel from that of the traditional
    (1) Monologue .Monologue is the overall narrative state of the text, the extemalization of the state of mind on the part of the writer. The speaker is placed within the text while the receiver is moved outside.
    (2) The connection of images and the piling up of fragments. The way of expression in their literary works are leaning towards sentimental. They prefer to pile up a series of connected images through the feeling. The narrative details of the confidence novel are loosely collage and the entire plot consists of numerous fragments.
    4.The cause for the birth of female confidence writing and its limitation
    (1) External drive from the commodity economy. The emergence of the confidence novel is fostered by the soci
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