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The only shortcut of cashing the fortune of land, the mother of fortune, is to alter its purpose or ownership. In the process of land resource allocation in China, with the combined effects of continuously improved land governance structure, property system and the inadequately normative land control by the government, the parties concerned are induced to practice opportunism in the chase of differential earnings from land by taking a shortcut without authorization to cash the fortune of land. Thus, the invisible land market characterized by disorder, distorted price mechanism and abnormal development is spontaneously created all around the country, which becomes one of the current social focuses and difficulties.
     The invisible land market, by definition, means the combined total of land exchange relationship established by the interested parties who bypass the present land laws and regulations in the flow of the land property right functions under China's special land property right system. The aforementioned market also often refers to the land exchange market created by the parties concerned who are driven by interests to alter the original land use purpose or type without authorization and characterized by invisibility, spontaneity, unauthorization by the state, flowability of the property functions, and interest-driven orientation. In China's land resource allocation, the invisible market falls into the following basic types:market of the contractual rights of agricultural land, market of the rural collective construction land, market of the state-allocated land, market of the paid state-owned land.
     Under the framework of New Institutional Economics and with the approach to improving resource allocation efficiency, the thesis systematically examines the governance structure efficiency and institutional environment efficiency in China's land resource marketization allocation, finding that the once efficient institutional arrangements or designs by contract have been becoming the sources of meaningless loss, among which the invisible land market is a hidden one. A further study indicates that the emergence of the invisible market in the land market governance structure responds to the dual monopoly, the emergence of the invisible market in the changing land market institution responds to the inherent prescription and the emergence of the invisible market of urban and rural construction land responds to the government failure in land control.
     There is inevitability for the existence of the invisible market in China's land resource allocation. Its existence not only produces negative effect on the visible land market at micro, intermediate and macro levels, but also to some extent reflects the inherent demand of market economy and then becomes an impetus for creation or innovation of the land system. Therefore, in choosing the path to the visualization of China's invisible land market, the government should not only strengthen the administration of land by cracking down on the rigidly administrated invisible land market or even resolutely banning it, but also guide the flexibly administrated invisible land market to a correct path of land system's reform and innovation. Thus, the visualization of China's invisible land market should be progressed according to levels, categories and phases:first, optimize the land institution environment by reforming and innovating the land property rights to return rights and endow functions; second, optimize the land governance structure by breaking government monopoly and promoting the reform of the institution of land acquisition; third, optimize the land administrative system of government by regulating governmental behaviors and promoting the reform of administrative system. The urgent matter in present is to progress the work of confirming land property rights, registering the rights and conferring the certificates, which is the first step in the efficiency choice for the visualization of China's invisible land market.
     By dynamically constructing seamless models of property system changes, the research finds that the property system efficiency in China's land resource marketization allocation is demonstrated graphically as an inverted U-shaped curve, increasing and then decreasing at the same locus while demonstrated to be discontinuously improved at the different loci, and the change cycle of the efficient seamless property system follows the law of attenuation. In the transitional period of China's economic society, no change of property system can be terminated once and for all, and the change of efficient property system will rely more on the change of property system. In the governance structure of government's dual monopoly, the current land property right structure composed of obscured ownership and relatively independent tenure has long been caught in inefficiency of path lock-in, and it calls for the occurrence of a new round of change of land property right system.
3 注:1982年《中华人民共和国宪法》规定:“任何组织或者个人不得侵占、买卖、出租或者以其他形式非法转让土地。”在1988年修改后的《中华人民共和国宪法》中则表述为:“任何组织或者个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。土地的使用权可以依照法律的规定转让。”这就意味着土地使用权的转让具有合法地位,从而奠定了农地交易权的法律基础,但仅限于农业用途。
    7 注:李稻葵(1995)在《转型经济中的模糊产权理论》一文中论证了在中国转型经济条件下,市场不完善具有普遍性和长期性,许多交易具有潜在的非法性和巨大的交易成本,从而使得模糊产权成为一种自愿选择而具有相对的经济效率。不过,他也指出模糊产权是没有前途的,一旦市场得以完善,行政干预得到减少之后,它就变得效率低下了。
    8 注:周其仁(2004)曾指出,现存法律规定下的征地制度实际上保障了政府独家垄断获取经营土地暴利,并成为一门“新生意”。(周其仁.农地产权与征地制度——中国城市化面临的重大选择[J].经济学(季刊),2004(1):198-199.)
    9 注:吴敬琏等(1998)指出,分割的市场主要是指由于市场规则不一致而引起的市场割裂。
    12 注:该政策来自于1980年代末贵州省湄潭县的“增人不增地,减人不减地”试点,1993年上升到中央农村工作会议文件,在2002年载入《农村土地承包法》:“承包期内,发包方不得收回承包地”、“承包期内,发包方不得调整承包地”,2009年《农村土地承包法》亦同;由于在1997年中央《关于进一步稳定和完善农村土地承包关系的通知》(中办发[1997]16号)中提出“在第一轮土地承包到期后,再延长30年不变”,在2008年十七届三中全会中又进一步提出“赋予农民更加充分而有保障的土地承包经营权,现有土地承包关系要保持稳定并长久不变”。因而,可将上述政策看做是“生不增、死不减”政策。
    13 注:中央《关于做好农户承包地使用权流转工作的通知》((2001]18号)规定:“由乡镇政府或村级组织出面租赁农户的承包地再进行转租或发包的‘反租倒包’,不符合家庭承包经营责任制,应予以制止。”在2008年中央一号文件中更是明确提出,要“依法制止乡、村组织通过‘反租倒包’等形式侵犯农户土地承包经营权等行为。”
    14 注:《土地管理法》(第45条,2004)规定,基本农田、一般耕地超过525亩的、其他土地超过1050亩的应由国务院批准,地方政府担心一次申报过多的耕地会引起国务院的警觉或难以审批,往往采取化整为零的方式分批申报,首先将基本农田调整为一般耕地,再以项目为依托将耕地面积分割在525亩以下进行申报,超出部分则放到下次申报。
    15 注:在2013年中央1号文件中,已提出要严格征地程序,约束征地行为,补偿资金不落实的不得批准和实施征地。
    18 注:“还权”之“权”是指财产权利即产权,而“赋能”之“能”则指财产权利的“权能”(周其仁,2012)。
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