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     我国企业亟需破除对于主流理论的盲从,树立正确的对外直接投资观念,通过“走出去”特别是走入发达国家,快速提升企业的国际化经营水平和竞争优势,缩短与发达国家竞争对手的差距,拓展国际生存和发展空间。学术界应勇于创新,为我国企业提供有价值的对外直接投资理论研究和支持,丰富和完善发展中国家跨国公司理论。本文为此进行了有益的尝试。第一章为导论,重点论述本文的选题背景及意义、本文的研究思路。第二章是国内外相关研究的文献综述,第三章是本文的理论基础和分析框架,对本文涉及的相关理论作了归纳总结。第四章和第五章采用了历史分析的方法,选取了一些具有代表性的发达国家、发展中国家和中国,从获取竞争优势的角度对对外直接投资演进过程进行了梳理和总结。第六章是本文的理论模型和实证分析,选取了从动态和比较静态两个角度对获取竞争优势与FDI的互动机制进行分析,从理论上提供了对第四章结论“企业可以通过对外直接投资来获取、维持和提升企业竞争优势”的解释。实证分析采用了模板数据(PANAL DATA)和向量自回归(VAR)对中国近年FDI数据进行了检验。第七章提出了中国企业对外直接投资的对策建议。最后是总结和不足之处,同时对未来该领域的研究提出展望。
At the era of knowledge economy and globalization, facing to the increasingly turbulent international market, competitive advantage turns into the focus of global TNCs. Most of Chinese enterprises are still lack of competitiveness on management skills, technology, famous brands as well as sales channels. It becomes an embrassing problem to those local firms that they do not know how to acquire competiveness, allocate and optimize the resources in a global market environment.
     "Going global" is an important development strategy of China's progress of opening to the outside world. Driving capable Chinese firms "going global", is an important policy that Chinese government established. But actually the mainstram FDI theories can not give direction or support to the policy makers. The current theories exhibite impossibility of investment outward for firms of developing countries, and it leads to a conclusion that these firms has no chance to win in the furous market competition, which is contraversal to the actual cases in China and the other developing countries.
     Lacking of competitive advantages is not only the important factor that restricts Chinese firms "going global", but also obstructs the growing up of Chinese firms in the course of outward FDI. But meanwhile, by the driving force of economy globalization and the support of China's "going global" strategy, Chinese firms could just grasp and make use of the international and national chances, take outward FDI as an effective way and approach to strengthen technology advantage and core competitive power. The likely phenomena can be found at the early stage of developed countries. Chinese firms are supposed to abandon the mainstream FDI theories, renew their thoughts that outward FDI, especially invest in developed countries, is not only a course to use existing competitive advantages, but also a process to form new competitiveness. Going outward can rapidly improve firm's competiveness and shorten the competition gap. It expands firm's surviving and developmeng space in the global market. New theory on outward investment of developing country firms is needed to offer Chinese firms with valuable instructions and also enrich the FDI studies.
     Chapter 1 & 2 are the introduction and literature summary of the dissertation. They mainly present the background and significance of the research, then give the domestic and overseas literatures summary of the correlated researches, as well as the content structure and research method of the dissertation. The theory foundation and analytical framework are exhibited in Chapter 3. The FDI process and characteristics of both developed and developing country as well as some comparative examples are analyzed in Chapter 4. The fifth Chapter reviews the FDI activities of Chinese firms concretely. The sixth chapter constructs a theoretical framework, which includes dynamic and comparative static study of competitive advantage acquisition through outward FDI, the empirical research on Chinese, Japan and US firms outward FDI via statistics and econometrics methods are also conducted in this chapter. Based on the discussion, the seventh chapter gives the suggestions on the country strategy and firm strategy. And then is the summary of main conclusions and research outlook.
     The dissertation is on a solid base of developing country TNCs practice, especially those of Chinese firms. Although the prerequistes and conclusions of the mainstream FDI theory are abandoned, some models are well reviewed and further developed to be used in the analysis of this dissertation. The empirical studies also provide proven evidence on the dissertation's conclusion that developing country firms can improve competitiveness through outward FDI. The dissertation also constructs the strategy proposals for Chinese firms on the course of outward FDI.
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