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Road transport plays the role of fundamental industry and national service and contributes to social and economic development enormously as its progression during last thirty years. Nonetheless, the development model of China road transport has been situated in the extensive pattern which could be improved either in the view of resource utilization such as energy, earth and construction material or environmental protection. For the critical point of China economic transformation, resource utilization and environmental protection have been settled as national policy. In the background of sustainable development as social and economic developing strategy, selection of scientific model under the guideline of sustainable development to upgrade industrial status and meet speedy growth of transportation demand simultaneously has become focus in both industrial and academic field.
     This research propose the model selection of sustainable development of China road transport with emphasis on infrastructure and commercial vehicles based on quantitative analysis, conceptual model and earlier research findings. Seven chapters are included in this research. First chapter introduces research background, research objects and methodology. Chapter Two defines the concept of sustainable development model of road transport in China. In the Chapter Three the conceptual model for the sustainable development of China road transport serving as theoretical frame for the whole research was established. This chapter clarifies three key dimensions for sustainable development of road transport referring to the demand of resource, environment and sustainability economy as the provision of developing model selection. The following three chapters make quantitative analysis from three dimensions of resource utilization, environmental adaptability and financial support to suggest direction for selection and practical strategy. The research findings, shortcoming and outlook were concluded in the final chapter.
     The innovation of this research is laid on the construction of conceptual model of sustainable road transport and dualistic model of highway financing, improvement of scenario analysis of energy saving and external cost measurement, and prewarning and monitoring of toll expressway debt risk. This research will enrich theory and methodology of sustainable road transport in China.
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