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Based on the real situation of dry bulk shipping market, lots of implied problems regarding dry bulk shipping market has been emerged. On one hand, in recent year, global dry bulk shipping market has expressed recovering phenomena after quite a long time deep sleeping. BDI index keeps its consistently increasing and also bulk carrier rent increase day by day. So we could concede that global dry bulk shipping market has leaped into its golden period. More and more bulk carrier ship-owners keep their positive view on recent dry bulk shipping market. On the other hand, China energy resources shortage strictly influences Chinese economic increase especially in the field of coastal coal and crude oil transportation. Although China government takes macro control as a great measure in order to decrease the electricity demand, energy resource(such as coal) shortage has still been the most important factor in the duration of guaranteeing its economic consistent and healthy increasing. On the third hand, owing to the global economic integration, trade volume between country and country are growing rapidly and sea transportation is still the most popular way to complete international trade. Containerization has its multiple advantages, such as convenience and fast delivery etc., so most of cargo-owners have accepted cargo-containerization as their priority to transport cargoes. Reasoned by containerization, dry bulk shipping market has to face fierce challenges in specific sea transportation field.
    Because of above-mentioned reasons, the dissertation mainly specializes on competition and co-operation on dry bulk shipping market, endeavoring to explore new theory and new method on the real dry bulk shipping market and bulk ship-owner competition and also deepening the basic research on dry bulk shipping market. On the view of real condition, analyzing bulk shipping market competition environment could help Chinese bulk ship-owners set up its own "target enterprise" to find out
     what and which is the real distance between itself and global sophisticated management shipping enterprise so as to increase Chinese ship-owner competitive capacity in the global dry bulk shipping market. Secondly, researching dry bulk shipping market, especially Chinese coastal dry bulk shipping market, could stipulate coastal competitive environment and increase the dry bulk ship-resources complimentary management.
     The dissertation refers to a large amount of reference material in the field of economics, shipping market, enterprise competitiveness evaluation, game theory etc. Accordingly, the main tasks comprise of following four parts. The first one is that setting up new theory framework on dry bulk shipping market analysis based on traditional market analysis theory which is strictly observed by three factors, such as supply, demand and price. The new theory framework is added one new factor-bulk shipping enterprise competitiveness evaluation and its game theory strategy. The second one is that researching the specialization on dry bulk shipping market based on supply and demand theory and equilibrium theory. The third one is that establishing dry bulk shipping enterprise competitiveness evaluation model based on Factor Analysis and AHP-F method. Simultaneously, appointing ten biggest dry bulk shipping enterprises as example to analyze dry bulk shipping market competitiveness. The forth one is that applying multi-person co-operative game theory to China coastal dry bulk shipping enterprise competition and co-operation strategy research, studying main China coastal coal shipping market body-bulk ship-owners on their competition and co-operation strategy.
     The main body of this dissertation can be divided into four sections.
     Section one includes chapter one and chapter two. Mainly making a brief introduction of dry bulk shipping market research background and its research purpose, pointing out the principle studying framework, reviewing the main theory and method on dry bulk shipping market from 1930s till now and raising the studied blank part of dry bulk shipping market.
     Section two includes chapter three and chapter four. Mainly concentrating on the dry bulk shipping market to respectively setting forth the research importance and the theory framework on dry bulk shipping market, expanding the traditional market analysis theory, elaborating the main characteristics and specialization of dry bulk shipping market compared with other industries, explaining detailed shaping process of equilibrium freight rate based on new-established dry bulk shipping market analysis theory framework.
     Section three includes chapter five and chapter six. It starts with outside environment of current international shipping competition and forthcoming developing structure, studying on the dry bulk shipping market pattern, introducing the current situation of dry bulk shipping market, experimentally pointing out the new dry bulk shipping market competitive pattern and its faced market competitive risk integrated with two chief competitive methods which are service and freight rate, putting forward co-operative competition is the principle way in the approaching dry bulk shipping market. Section three also studies on the competitive capacity of dry bulk shipping enterprise, analyzes the different competition evaluation methods to establish dry bulk shipping enterprise competition evaluation model by the way of Factor Analysis and AHP-F theory. Finally, takes the global ten biggest dry bulk shipping enterprises as researching objects to achieve the comprehensive ranking.
     Section four includes chapter seven and chapter eight. It comprehensively indicates the co-operation of real dry bulk shipping market applying to game theory which is suitable to be integrated with dry bulk shipping market. By way of researching and analyzing the real faced situation by dry bulk shipping enterprises under the condition of competition and co-operation, establishing co-operative game theory model in China coastal dry bulk shipping enterprise strategic alliance.
     Chapter nine is the summary and prospect of the dissertation. It summarizes the total content and puts forward shortcoming of the dissertation.
     Generally and comprehensively survey on the dissertation, it comprises of following innovations.
     The first one is establishing a new market analysis theory framework on dry bulk shipping market.
     The second one is raising the specific characteristics of dry bulk shipping market compared with other industries based on supply and demand theory and equilibrium theory.
     The third one is setting up a multi-level competitiveness capacity evaluation model by way of Factor Analysis and AHP-F theory.
     The forth one is studying on the real condition of China coastal dry bulk shipping market competition and co-operation strategy applied to multi-person co-operative game theory.
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