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The strategic new enterprise is deeply essential amalgamation of new Scientifics and new enterprises. It is the future pillar of Chinese economic development and important support of the national technology and safety. The leapfrogging developments of strategic new industries are the only way for us to close to and catch up developed countries in shortest time. The strategic new enterprises have great significance to the national economy-society development and safety. They face the future and will be the future direction of national development.
     This paper defined the concept of strategic new industries and analyzed development trends and bottleneck problems of strategic new industries. Concept discrimination and theory review were made for knowledge potential and technological leapfrogging ability. This paper built the knowledge potential system and technological leapfroggong ability system for strategic new industries, and analyzed the correlation of knowledge potential, technological leapfrogging ability and competitiveness.
     Firstly, based on the study of knowledge transferring and knowledge stock accumulation, four-dimension analyzing system (knowledge acquisition, knowledge learning, knowledge integration and knowledge innovation) of strategic new industies were built. The model of the system was built and related hypotheses were given. By the software of PASW and AMOS, the four dimensions'correlations and the relation with knowledge potential were verified.
     Secondly, the theoretical framework of technological leapfrogging ability for strategic new industries was built and the the theoretical assumptions were designed. This model had two decision factors (technological ability leapfrogging, market ability leapfrogging) and three influencing factors (technological leapfrogging mode, technological leapfrogging road and technological leapfrogging chance). The software PASW and AMOS testified the two decision factors had positive correlation and the five factors had positive influence on technological leapfrogging ability.
     Thirdly, this paper used neural network and support vector machine to evaluate competitiveness of strategic new industries. The evaluation conclusion showed that support vector machine was suitable for the evaluation and the evaluation indexes in this paper were correct. The whole model of knowledge potential, technological leapfrogging ability and competitiveness was built and the theoretical assumptions were given. The analysis results indicated that technological leapfrogging ability had positive influence on competitiveness and knowledge potential influented competitiveness indirectly by technological leapfrogging ability.
     At last, a typical case of Tianjin bio-pharmaceutical industry was studied. Based on the above conclusions, some policy suggestions were given.
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