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The thesis THE CONSERVATION AND INNOVATION OF ITALIAN URBANHERITAGE IN THE PO RIVER AREA is about the methodological study on the urbanheritage research in Italian medium and small towns of Po river area since1950s. Urbanheritage, differ from cultural relics, means the continuous existing built environment whichhas relations to historic events or with historic values, including historic buildings,environment and urban landscape that can be renewed and reused. It raises the concept thatthe living urban heritage is the strategic resource for the future of a historic town. The study isbased on the developed culture, economy and abundant urban heritages resources in Italy, aswell as the long history of practices on urban heritage reservation and innovation. It tookexemplary cases which concern the relations between technologies and the social andeconomic background to analyze the Italian experience and the possible application for China.
     The Article is divided into6chapters. The introduction illuminates the object of studyand its background, research content, significance, status and methodology. The study of thesocial and economic process is about the brief urban history and the development of the urbanheritage conservation and innovation theory and practices since1950s. It also concludes theurban and landscape topics through case study. Then the paper is talking about key issues inthe urban heritage study from an aspect of policies and regulations, lists the timeline of Itlianbig events and urban heritage practices. The next two chapters are case studies about thelegislative and regulative experiments as well as the embedment of the contemporary designinto the existing historic environment. At last it gives an example of the application in China.
     The Italian experience of the urban heritage conservation and innovation is to intervenethe living heritage in the historic area. Italian researchers are very good at regulating spatialrules and scales, establishing logical continuity between the old and new, foreseeing thedevelopment and conflicts of the city and of the city users in the real urban environment. Thehistoric information is inherent inside the historic area. Thus the innovation of the urbanheritage will help the extension of social meanings, the mix of artificial environment will helpto unify the difference between modern and traditional contexts.
     The crisis of modernity brings comprehensive damages to the urban heritage. No matterhow long it will take to form them, ruin could be in a sudden and irreversible. In another hand,the pure protection and preservation is also inappropriate because current activities alsoinfluence their future strongly. This idea gives a new duty to take urban heritage as keyelements for the social development. The more creations of innovation happen, the morechances occur.
     The article takes several important towns as case study through typological, historicaland economic aspects. It compares the Bologna and the Comacchio cases, analyze the Genoa,Urbino and Ferrara cases to discuss the experiments on legitimate regulations, theregeneration of historic area and the specific design intervenes. Besides, it takes the case ofZhongshan in PRD as an example for the affinities in the urban heritage study.
     In recent decades, the changes of the cultural tendency and consuming behaviors, as wellas the rediscovery of the important of case study, give a special social background for theunique of urban heritage. In the meantime, the environmental issues, regional integration andthe urban clusters bring new chances for the urban heritage study. The paper emphasize thatthe conservation and innovation of the Italian urban heritage is a cultural process includingthe way of thinking, the social concern, the power relations and the technological method. Tounderstand it will help the understanding of the Italian experience and social image.
1Ceccarelli P.(齐珂理),Menna E. D.(艾美荔),Frassoldati F.(方馥兰),徐好好译,昨天/明天:意大利城市保护与发展50年,南方建筑,2009(1)
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    16参见Commune di Bologna,Peep Centro Storico-relazione sui criteri e sulla metodologia d’intervento,1972
    19参见Commune di Bologna,Peep Centro Storico-relazione sui criteri e sulla metodologia d’intervento,1972
    20Donald Appleyard. The conservation of European cities. Oxford,1995
    21实际上,威廉莫里斯在1878年成立古建筑保护协会(S.P.A.B., the Society for the Protection ofAncient Buildings,1878)的时候,就已经开始指责纯粹风格化保护历史建筑的迂腐。他在协会的原
    31Ceccarelli P.(齐珂理),Menna E. D.(艾美荔),Frassoldati F.(方馥兰),徐好好译,昨天/明天:意大利城市保护与发展50年,南方建筑,2009(1)
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    7Club of Rome,1972年出版《限制发展(The Limists to Growth)》的调查报告。
    8Different contributors. Casabella.1991(3-12)
    11引自《古比奥文献》引言,“premise to the development of the modern city and consequently… mustbe a component of municipal master plans… the characteristics of the conservation plans and theprocedures to elaborate them must be established by law… and these plans must not be implemented bypiecemeal interventions but rather by large districts. Specific care must be given to the identification of thesocial structure of neighbourhoods… And the possibility for the inhabitants to relocate in the rehabilitatedhouses and shops must be guaranteed.”
    36431法,“相关环境利益地区的保护法案”,1985年8月8日。俗称加拉索法(Codice di Galasso),源于推动该法的教育部副部长的名字。
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    46Report of the Ministry Committee on the Law June29,1939n.1497“Protection of Beauties”(publishedin G.U. October14,1939, n.241)
    47Lowenthal D. The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1998
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    53Fielden and Jokiletho,1993
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    1A. Olivetti1957年在INU会议中的发言
    8PRUSST (Programma di Riqualificazione Urbana e di Sviluppo Sostenibile del Territorio)
    9PRU (Programma di Recupero Urbano)
    10PRIU (Programma di Riqualificazione Urbana)
    11PII (Programma Integrato di Intervento)
    12CdQ (Contratto di Quartiere)
    15Donald Appleyard. Livable streets. University of California Press,1981
    17Giuseppe Campos Venuti,Especienze Urbanistiche,1974.12
    22PEEP-Piano di Edilizia Eeonomica é Popolare
    27当时,历史地段的一般性城市遗产,被本奈沃洛称为次要价值单位(eddizie minore)。
    28Bologna Comune,1966
    29Donald Appleyard. Livable streets. University of California Press,1981
    37Le Figaro,1980(6.23)
    38A. Predieri,L'Espropriazione di lmmobili nei Centri Storici per l'Edilizia Residenziale PubblicaSecondo la Legge No.865del1971,1975
    39Proposta del Convenzlone,1978
    43F. Vazzano费拉拉大学博士论文,2009
    44左图引自《La Storia di Comacchio》,右图为洪水位刻度记录
    45UNESCO,Report of Comacchio,1996
    47图片引自科马吉奥市政档案馆Comune di Comacchio历史地图
    52P. Cecccarelli,20110
    54Paolo Ceccarelli. Disomogeneita, Frammentazione, Disordine, Discrezionalita: Inconsueti Suggerimentidall’Esperienza del Guangdong, Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, FrancoAngeli, Milano,2008(92)
    58Paolo Ceccarelli. Disomogeneita, Frammentazione, Disordine, Discrezionalita: Inconsueti Suggerimentidall’Esperienza del Guangdong, Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, FrancoAngeli, Milano,2008(92)
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    1弗朗西斯科是15~16世纪意大利最出色的画家、雕塑家、建筑师、工程师、军事专家之一。他一系列兼具造型和工程天才的设计作品——星形堡垒、多边形堡垒——成为后来理想城市的原型。著有《民用和军事建筑、工程及艺术条约》(Trattato di architettura,ingegneria e arte civile e militare)。
    2Benevolo L. Paolo Boninsegna. URBINO. Urbino: Editori Laterza,1986
    3Benevolo L. Paolo Boninsegna. URBINO. Urbino: Editori Laterza,1986
    4Benevolo L. Paolo Boninsegna. URBINO. Urbino: Editori Laterza,1986
    5John Mckean. Giancarlo De Carlo: Layered Places. Edition Axel Menges,2004
    6Giancarlo De Carlo2001年在Spazio e Società年会中的发言
    7Ceccarelli P.(齐珂理),Menna E. D.(艾美荔),Frassoldati F.(方馥兰),徐好好译,昨天/明天:意大利城市保护与发展50年,南方建筑,2009(1)
    8Mioni A,Occhialini E C. Giancarlo De Carlo, Immagini e frammenti. La Triennale di Milano:Elemond Editori Associati,1995.
    10John Mckean. Giancarlo De Carlo: Layered Places. Edition Axel Menges,2004
    11Peter Blundell Jones, Eamonn Canniff. Modern Architecture Through Case Studies1945-1990. Elsevier,2007
    12Giancarlo De Carlo. Residential Course Programme. The Contemporary Town-ILAUD Year Book,QuattroVenti Snc.,1991
    13Peter Blundell Jones. Giancarlo De Carlo: layered places. Architectural Review,2004
    18在Team X会议上邀请里克沃特的建议,从一开始就遭到史密森夫妇、伍兹甚至徳卡洛本人的反对。因为纯粹的建筑评论,与Team X早期所倡导的,带着方案来讨论相关话题的方式不一致。范艾克给徳卡洛发出了一封著名的邮件,文中所写的“我们的态度应该是批判性且包容的,而不是狭隘和排他的”(Our attitude must be critical and inclusive, never intolerant and exclusive.... That thetheme should be thus clipped is of course out of the question altogether. Those who wish and are able todeal with the theme mentioned should of course go ahead. Those who do not wish to, or are not able to, arefree to contribute according to their own judgement. This is the only course we can take.)深深打动了徳卡洛。他出面斡旋,调解范艾克和史密森夫妇的尖锐对立,举办了包括各国历史学家和建筑评论家在内的乌尔比诺会议。
    19Paolo Ceccarelli. Un’architecttura civile. In:Margherita Guccione. Giancarlo De Carlo,Le ragionidell’architettura. Milano: Mondadori Electa spa,2005
    20ILAUD宣言:为什么是实验室?为什么要国际化?为什么针对建筑和城市设计(Il manifestodell'ILAUD: Perchè laboratorio? Perchè internazionale? Perchè architettura e urbanistica?),引自ILAUDAnnual book,1976
    21ILAUD Annual book,1976
    22Team X不排斥乌托邦的议题,而把它认为是建造未来(或者是下一阶段)的机会。但是徳卡洛更强调,这个机会深深根植于现实。1986年的ILAUD Annual book(10周年回顾年鉴)描述小组的成员是“关注当下的乌托邦分子……他们的目标不是面向理论,而是建设,只有通过建设,才能实现当下的乌托邦。”
    23徳卡洛在这一时期的研究包括柯布和莫里斯,他的著作《倒转的金字塔》(La piramide rovesciata,1968)和《参与的建筑》(An Architecture of Participation,1972)探讨了他关于建筑和城市的想法,以及通过建筑项目和城市规划实践得到的检验。引自Long game at Urbino,2002
    24Team10members Bibliography, Urbino, Siena, San Marino and Venice1974-2004, Giancarlo De Carloand the International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design: Introduction,引自Giancarlo De Carlo,2005
    26Bruno Zevi, Voci di una Citta, Ferrara-Saper Vedere l’architetturra: Saggio sull’interpretazionespaziale dell’architettura. Einaudi,1997
    27Maria Rosaria di Fabio. Le Mura di Ferrara–Storia di un Restauro. Minerva Edizioni,2003
    28Maria Rosaria di Fabio. Le Mura di Ferrara–Storia di un Restauro. Minerva Edizioni,2003
    29ISP IUAV studi&progetti,Nuovo Piano Urbanistico di Ferrara–Bozza del documento preliminare,Comune di Ferrara,2003
    32Bruno Zevi, Voci di una Citta, Ferrara-Saper Vedere l’architetturra: Saggio sull’interpretazionespaziale dell’architettura. Einaudi,1997
    33Maria Rosaria di Fabio. Le Mura di Ferrara–Storia di un Restauro. Minerva Edizioni,2003
    34Giorgio Bassni,意大利小说家、诗人、散文家、编辑。成长于费拉拉的一个犹太人家庭,撰写了大量以费拉拉和波河平原城市为背景的作品。他在《一个平原的城市》中写到:“俯看着这些巨大的城市风景,突然之间,我被这一种惊人的轻柔,一种来自地平线的宁静和明亮击穿了。……”这是文学描写中城市遗产的魅力所在。
    36Michela Toni, Carlo Bassi. Il Filo d’Arianna–Idee su Ferrara. Alinea Editrice srl,2002
    37Michela Toni, Carlo Bassi. Il Filo d’Arianna–Idee su Ferrara. Alinea Editrice srl,2002
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