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     Researeh on MSE F 1 nane 1 ng of Ch 1 na
     Sinee the reforming and oPening,MSE eontribute to the eonstantly
    imProving national eeonomy,espeeially in exPanding emPloyment,
    sat 1 sfying peoPle diversifieation and individualized demand,realizing
    soeial eoordination based on sPeeialization,earrying on teehnologieal
    innovation,ete.But questions whieh the MSE have aeeumulated in the
    diffieult and their own develoPment of the external environment eondition
    are shown esPeeially over these several years.DeveloPment speed slows
    down gradual ly,and they eannot Play their role imPetus to eeonomy.That
    15 an imPortant negative faetor of eeonomie develoPment of our eountry.
    How to build the good management environment and solve their own inside
    Problems of small and medium一sized enterprises,to promote of our eountry
    development of MSE,to realize of our eountry eeonomy eonstant growth 15
    a Present great subjeet.
     In their develoPment,MSE met a lot of Problems from internal and
    external environment.Finaneing Problem 15 the main problem at Present.
    MSE’5 finaneing Predieament 15 getting worse and worse with the gradual
    foundation and Promotion of reform in banking system and market eeonomy
    system.If MSE want to eateh the oPPortunity for development in market
    eeonomy,they must fully use the eireulation ways of eaPital,develoP and
    Perfeet themselves in the eomPetition.But in our eountry,beeause of
    sPeeial organizational form,oPerating meehanism and develoPment eourse,
    the MSE 15 faeing the serious finaneing Predieament,the defieient ehannel
Since the reforming and opening, MSE contribute to the constantly improving national economy, especially in expanding employment, satisfying people diversification and individualized demand, realizing social coordination based on specialization, carrying on technological innovation, etc. But questions which the MSE have accumulated in the difficult and their own development of the external environment condition are shown especially over these several years. Development speed slows down gradually, and they cannot play their role impetus to economy. That is an important negative factor of economic development of our country. How to build the good management environment and solve their own inside problems of small and medium-sized enterprises, to promote of our country development of MSE, to realize of our country economy constant growth is a present great subject.In their development, MSE met a lot of problems from internal and external environment. Financing problem is the main problem at present. MSE' s financing predicament is getting worse and worse with the gradual foundation and promotion of reform in banking system and market economy system. If MSE want to catch the opportunity for development in market economy, they must fully use the circulation ways of capital, develop and perfect themselves in the competition. But in our country, because of special organizational form, operating mechanism and development course, the MSE is facing the serious financing predicament, the deficient channel
    of inter-financing. How to solve the financing predicaments of the MSE is the key to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, to offer financial support for second phase of development of the MSE.With concern to this realistic problem, the author chooses this topic for thesis. The thesis is following the thought of posing problem, analyzing problem and solving problem. First of all, the author briefly explains the positive role to promote the economy, relieve pressure on employment and increase the income of farmer, transfer the surplus labor force of countryside; and then, introduces the experience from abroad. After that, the author analyzes the limitations in their development, especially to stress the financing problem. By discussing the current situation of financing problem, the author elaborates the causes of financing problem from external and internal factors. Based on the reality of MSE, choosing the appropriate financing channel, adopting multiple ways to solve financing problem. At the same time, the author points out that solving the financing problem not only depend on the MSE, but also depend on the attitude of the financial institution and government.Commonly, the standard economics thesis can be divided into two kinds: One is positive research, which use statistics and measure model or strict mathematics method to examine or prove a kind of hypothesis. Another kind is criterion research, which uses means such as adopting and summing up, to deduce logic method proceed from regularity of the economic life and to summarize a series of standardize economic work guidance. As countermeasure research of a certain degree, the thesis chooses the criterion research as the main approach.
1、郭复初:《经济体制改革中的财务问题》西南财经大学出版社 2001年版
    2、尚福林:《中国货币信贷政策与制度》 中国金融出版社 1995年版
    3、张秀生:《国外中小企业的发展概况》 中国商业出版社 1999年版
    4、罗国勋:《二十一世纪:中国中小企业的发展》 社会科学文献出版社 1999年版
    5、傅建化:《上海中小企业发展战略研究》 上海财大出版社
    6、董贵昕:《如何进行企业融资》 大连理工大学出版社 2000年版
    7、方晓霞:《中国企业融资:制度变迁与行为分析》 北京大学出版社 1999年版
    8、王德中:《企业战略管理》 西南财经大学出版社 1999年版
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    14、丁明豪:《中小企业促进法普照中小企业》(《中国中小企业》 2003年2月)
    15、陈及、王佐:《中国中小企业融资途径选择》(《北京商学院学报》 2002年第4期)
    16、吴敬琏:《中国改革的回顾与前瞻》 (《国研信息》)
    17、王安南:《从日本看中小企业》(《中华工商时报》 1999年8月14日)
    19、龚建文:《我国中小企业发展现状、问题和对策》(《工业企业管理》 2000年第5期)
    22、梁峰:《试论制约我国中小企业发展的融资瓶颈》(《南京经济研究》 2000年第2期)
    23、袁利军:《从战略的高度重视中小企业的发展》(《管理世界》 1998年第5期)
    25、中国人民银行总行文件:《关于进一步改善中小企业金融服务的意见》 1998年

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