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Entrepreneurial opportunity is a very important subject in the domain of both entrepreneurship theory and entrepreneurial practice. With regard to the problem of how to acknowledge or recognize entrepreneurial opportunity, reasonable explanation has not been found in the literatures yet. Literatures show an inclination that the relevant researches prefer the fragmented and static perspective to holistic and dynamic perspective, prefer the individuals or entrepreneurial circumstance to the mechanism between the individuals and circumstance. In fact, as to plenty of new ventures in reality, especially the new ventures having grown quickly, it is very difficult to explain the process of the positive feedback of their creation and development with static, fragmented, and isolated perspective on the stand point of reductionism and determinism. Therefore, based on the holism and complex theory, this paper will create the theory model with the metaphor methodology and the emergent viewpoint, so as to uncover the internal dynamics and logic implied in the realization process of entrepreneurial opportunity which relates the circumstance, initial conditions, sequential events and consequence.
     The research based on complex science and its paradigm includes but not limited the description of objective things, what is more important for it is to uncover the origin and evolution of the objective things and manage to speculate the future development accurately as far as possible. In substance, complex science is related to the science of evolution and process, not the science of existence and status.
     Research methodology of metaphor is adopted in paper. Metaphor is a mapping between different concepts, subjects. Research methodology of metaphor construct, explain, predict the concept characteristic of objective domain, which is more abstract, unfamiliar, non-structural, with the more specific, familiar, structural source domain as a mapping. Based on Complex Science and its paradigm, mapping relations of cross-domain concept cluster are established to constitute corresponding theoretical model. Normative Analysis based on the theory related to complex science is implemented to insure the validation, strictness, and logicality of the theoretical model. And then with the combination of the existing achievements of entrepreneurial literature and the content related to Complex Adaptive Systems theory, empirical hypothesis is made. As to the empirical analysis, the necessity of qualitative research used in entrepreneurial study has been agreed by many scholars, which has been a trend. In consideration of the characteristic and requirement, case study is chosen as empirical approach. Based on the specific circumstances, cases are filtrated and pilot studies are implemented. After the feasibility to proceed with the research is confirmed, collection of data and analysis of evidence with width and depth are conducted. Then to write the case research report and set about the cross-case analysis.
     The conclusion is:entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial mental schemes, and entrepreneurial tagging are the three-dimension sustaining generating mechanism of entrepreneurial opportunity. To elaborate in detail, entrepreneurial motivation based on social needs and entrepreneurial motivation with unifying mechanism have positive effect on the generation of entrepreneurial opportunity, unique entrepreneurial mental scheme with configuration of positive feedback loop has positive effect on the generation of entrepreneurial opportunity, entrepreneurial learning has positive effect on the generation of entrepreneurial opportunity, and entrepreneurial tagging correlates with the generation of entrepreneurial opportunity. These mentioned above compose the generating mechanism of entrepreneurial opportunity
     The research value is:firstly, in theory, promote and develop the existing research with a new methodology, obtain new studying perspective, and achieve theoretical innovation; secondly, in practice, holistic theoretical framework will help investors to filter investment opportunities and choose entrepreneurial team, help entrepreneurs to implement entrepreneurship management and construct entrepreneurship culture, and help professional managers to change their competence while operating an company with entrepreneurship.
     The innovation is:first, point out that only the entrepreneurial motivation within the effective segment of motivation tension can have the anticipated positive effect, when the entrepreneurial motivation tension is outside of the segment, especially exceeds the critical value, the entrepreneurial motivation may lead to a result hard to be forecasted, which contributes to entrepreneurial motivation research; second, emphasize the configuration of positive feedback loop of entrepreneurial mental scheme, point out the essence of entrepreneurial mental scheme, and reveal that entrepreneurial mental scheme has a characteristic inclination to obtain leverage solution; third, create a new concept and new term which is entrepreneurial tagging, and elaborate its function in the generating process of entrepreneurial opportunity; fourth, establish holistic theoretical framework of the generating mechanism of entrepreneurial opportunity, and offer reasonable explanation for the hierarchy evolution, transition mechanism, contingency and inevitability of the achieving of entrepreneurial opportunity.
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