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People generally believe that the object of knowledge management developing vigorously contains all the knowledge of individuals and organizations.The types, of organizational knowledge include not only explicit knowledge, which is easy to code, but also tacit knowledge, difficult to express in words. According to owners of knowledge, tacit knowledge has individual tacit knowledge and organizational tacit knowledge. Individual tacit knowledge is the resource of knowledge creation and the object of knowledge transformation. Therefore, the discussion on the structure and management of individual tacit knowledge, not only deepens the theory of knowledge and knowledge management, which is of importance in academic value, but also effectively manages all knowledge and improves organizations' core competitiveness and abilities of independent innovation in order to win better competitive advantages, which have important practical significance.
     The knowledge map of the international research on tacit knowledge revealS academic groups and their representative schoars with regard to tacit knowledge. The knowledge map displays the main academic groups and relative main basic subjects and the international trend for tacit knowledge vividly in recent years.
     The paper refers to and assimilates the previous studies on the concept of tacit knowledge, further analyzes the definition and structure of individual tacit knowledge, which are both the precondition and foundation for effectively managing it.Individual tacit knowledge refers to the knowledge, an inherent link with excellent performance, which is hard to articulate in words in certain situations. It can be divided into general tacit knowledge and special tacit knowledge. In the pyramid model of individual tacit knowledge, it has four such levels as view of value, cognition, middle skills and professional skills. Furthermore the upper and the lower are different in stability, profession and evaluative methods'. The structure dimensions of individual tacit knowledge have five parts: meta-cognition, view of value, emotion, interpersonal and special skills. The empirical research validates the different levels of individual tacit knowledge, which provides argument support for selecting evaluative methods behind.
     Although tacit Knowledge is difficult to express in words, it could be apperceived and measured. Exploring the evaluation of individual tacit knowledge is a very important way to essentially and validly manage tacit knowledge.The black-box model is used in evaluation of individual tacit knowledge. Based on the intuitional cognitive model of experience acquiring and sharing tacit knowledge in Chinese traditional thinking and research on tacit knowledge measure in western psychology, the paper summarizes some indexes associated with individual tacit knowledge, adjusting, classifying and deleting them by interviews with experts, and finally five dimensions and 28 relevant indexes are abstracted. As to evaluative methods, the paper explores such methods of evaluation of individual tacit knowledge as questionnaires, educational level, job years and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. The empirical research shows the evaluative result could reflect fundamental abilities of individual tacit knowledge.
     Based on the structure analysis and evaluation research of individual tacit knowledge, the paper puts forward several management patterns of individual tacit knowledge. "Learning by doing" is an important way to acquire tacit knowledge. Apprenticeship is a method of transferring tacit knowledge.Metaphor, cognitive maps and case-based reasoning are tools of making tacit knowledge explicit. "Tacit knowledge enzyme" is a medium of knowledge creation. The paper deeply analyzes the mechanism of each pattern and feasibility of the theories is testified with practical cases.
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