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Mine earthequake is induced by mining, is one of the natural disasters in coal mine.How to reduce the accidents and disasters caused by mine earthquake is an importantresearch subject, and one of the main solutions of this problem is, mine earthquakereal-time continuous monitoring. Aiming at the question of mine earthquake, the papercarried on a system research on the theory and application of mine earthquakemonitoring.
     Explore the occurrence mechanism of Mine earthequake, establish propagationmodel of a mine shock wave in homogeneous and heterogeneous medium.
     According to physics characteristics, shock energy characteristics of mineearthquake, rock types that participate in the mine earthquake, force source of mineearthquake, instability mechanism when mine earthquake happened, classify the mineearthquakes; Detailed summarizes the occurring mechanism of mine earthquake of faultmovement type, of coal body compression type, of roof fracture type. Establish3dexplicit wave equation of shock wave in the homogeneous medium, and3d explicit waveequation in layered medium. Through the application in the rock-burst monitoringsystem, it shows that the model effectively improve the precision of magnitudecalculation and positioning calculation.
     Establish automatic identification method of ore seismic first break.
     Through the research of characteristics and interference factors of rock-burst signal,summarized seismic phase automatic identification methods of earthquake, andevaluated the advantages and disadvantages of various of identification methods, andresearch on automatic identification method of the beginning of seismic phase of mineearthquake based on the fractal theory, uses the Hausdorff fractal dimension method,depend on the calculation method which use hypercube to cover vibration waveform,overcome the problem of simplify mine earthquake by plane that other methodsencounter, the accuracy of come time is increased. Based on the actual miningearthquake location, the average location error on the vertical direction is4.5m, theaverage location error on the horizontal direction is0.5m, comply with the requirementsof safety production in coal mine.
     Established location methods of the mine earthquake, and correct SW-GBMpositioning methods.
     In the foundation of the solutions of seismic location problems, has studied thesolving method suitable for the characteristics of mine earthquake location problem.Deduce the calculation formula of mine earthquake seismogenic moment with theequation between travel time and focal distance. Research single station positioningmethod based on the seismogenic moment calculation formula, and applied in rock-burstmonitoring and orientation system in Muchengjian Mine, the error in positioning resultsis less than system prescribed error upper limit; Research equation of the straight linemethod which is suitable for two stations and three station positioning; A variety ofconditions in SW-GBM method are discussed, Gives the evaluation methods for mineearthquake location quality. Correct SW-GBM positioning methods with shock wavepropagation law, the results show that: it can improve the mine earthquake locationaccuracy effectively.
     Establish magnitude formula, and built mine earthquake prediction formula throughthe field measured data.
     The characteristics of mine earthquake is different from that of earthquake, use thenear field counting function of Li Xuezheng to calculate near earthquake magnitude;measure the moment magnitude with acceleration; Fit the duration magnitude formula ofMuchengjian Mine with the way of curve fitting; And analyze the results of the nearearthquake magnitude and duration magnitude. The unity of mine earthquake predictionmodel which predict by deducing information entropy through the maximum entropytheory, the example verify that it has high accuracy, lots of advantages, is a kind offeasible analysis method for mine earthquake prediction.
     Establish space distribution rule of mine earthquake monitoring stations.
     The spatial distribution of stations in coal mine monitoring plays an important role,when given speed model, the geometric distribution of stations will directly affect themonitoring accuracy; Establish optimization method of space distribution of mineearthquake monitoring stations with dimension optimization principle method, practiceshows that the optimization of space layout of the microseismic monitoring station cangreatly reduce the epicenter location error, it has reference significance for the location and layout of other mine microseismic station. Network number has an importantinfluence on mine earthquake prediction, increasing the network density and improvingthe monitoring frequency is one of the main directions of rock-burst monitoring researchin the future.
     Correct and improve exists mine earthquake monitoring systems, developmanagement and early warning system of rock-burst monitoring.
     Based on the research results, improve the original mine earthquake monitoringsystems, develop management and early warning system of rock-burst monitoring.Determines sensitive index of mine microseismic in the stress anomaly area, andextracting relevant characteristic parameters from the rule of field mine microseismic,and determined the mine microseismic determine method in high stress anomaly area ofthe coal mine and forecast method of dynamic trend of risk, and gives the relevantindexes of early warning threshold.
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