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This paper focuses on technical progress, IPR(Intellectual Property Rights)protection and economic growth, which are three very important and interrelatedfields of economics. Therefore, this research has important theoretical and practicalsignificances. Not only neo-classical economic growth theory, but also endogenouseconomic growth theory, regarded technical progress as the source of economicgrowth and believed technical progress is the most important factor to promoteeconomic growth. Intellectual property rights are exclusive rights, which areprovided to the owners of knowledge or technology by law. IPR protection ensurestechnical progress, which plays a role in promoting innovation and technologicaldevelopment. Appropriate intellectual property system can promote economicgrowth, whether developed or developing countries use intellectual property tools,implement IPR strategies which are conducive to domestic economic growth,encourage domestic technical innovation, and improve core competitiveness, inorder to achieve the goal of maximizing economic benefits.
     On the basis of the literatures in technical progress, IPR protection andeconomic growth, the first part of this paper describes the worldwide technicalprogress and economic growth, and makes an overview of IPR protection. Theperformance of technical progress is world-wide, in terms of increases in R&Dinvestment, productivity, scientific achievements and scientific researchers;Economic growth is a long-term historical trend, which displays unbalanced growthin different categories of countries divided by developing stages; Currently, manycountries regard IPR strategy as a basic national policy. Mastering advanced coretechnologies and developing high-tech industries are important means to promoteeconomic growth for developed countries, which are also important issues faced bydeveloping countries.
     The theoretical model of this paper brings IPR life and IPR breath into theframework of endogenous economic growth theory. In order to optimize the welfare, this paper discusses effective intellectual property system, optimal intellectualproperty system, sub-optimal intellectual property system and the appropriateintellectual property system for different industries. The model bases on verticalinnovation, and believes new products would replace old products because ofcreative destruction effect, thus overcomes the defects of the previous literatures thatassume sustainable existence of one product. Then the study plans sub-optimalintellectual property system when IPR life is determined by law, thus promotes thetheory of optimal patent system. The model also improves the defects of previousliteratures that provide only one optimal IPR life and IPR breath for all technologies.It uses technology life cycle to measure the quality and value of technologies. Bothoptimal intellectual property system and sub-optimal intellectual property system areconstrained by technology life cycle, and thus there are different appropriateintellectual property protections for industries with different technology life cycles.The study finds that, IPR life and breath can play a role only within a certain range;there is only one optimal IPR life and IPR breath combination; There is only onesub-optimal IPR breath corresponding to statutory IPR life, and sub-optimal IPRbreath negatively correlates to IPR life; When technology life cycle is less than IPRlife, narrow IPR breath should be implemented; When technology life cycle isgreater than IPR life, appropriate IPR breath is positive to technology life cycle.Under IPR system, the economy leaps when new innovation occurs. Effective IPRlength could avoid “growth trap”, and improper set of IPR length is one of thefactors that lead to economic crisis. In the process of developing China's high-techindustries, the greatest IPR breath should be implemented to emerging strategicindustries, in order to stimulate technological innovation and application in theseindustries.
     Empirical studies provide data support to the relationship between technicalprogress and economic growth, and the influence of IPR protection to economicgrowth according to theoretical model, which find that countries with differentincome levels have different technical progress routes, and the relationships betweenIPR protection and economic growth differ greatly. Technical progress and the worldeconomic environment are inseparable, which is the source of economic growth. All groups of countries showed the same trend of fluctuations before1990, since thenthe differences have emerged. High-income countries are the leading force oftechnical progress, showing leadership in the early years; while low-incomecountries have the advantage in recent years, showing the trend of rapidly catchingup. Empirical analyses of IPR protection strength, economic growth and theinteraction between them find that, the higher the income level, the higher the IPRprotection strength; The total GDP of all countries is increasing, particularly inmiddle-income countries; The leading power of economic growth on a per capitalevel is high-income countries, while population problems of middle-income andlow-income countries have restricted the growth of GDP per capita; Economicgrowth rate of each group fluctuated significantly. In recent years, low-incomecountries have showed higher economic growth rate. High-income countries areleaders of technical progress, which should enhance IPR protection strength, in orderto protect the benefits of the owners of technology; Low-income countries arefollowers of technical progress, which should reduce IPR protection level, in order toencourage imitation, and promote technical progress and economic growth. However,the relationship between IPR protection and economic growth in middle-incomecountries is more complicated, and further research is required to put forward morespecific and effective IPR policies to promote economic growth.
     Finally, as a developing country, China has many disadvantages in IPR domain:the stock of knowledge, R&D investment and innovation are still very limited,technical development depends mainly on technology transfer and imitation, theimplementation of IPR laws and regulations is not satisfactory. Therefore, we mustcontinue to increase scientific investments, strengthen law enforcement, respecttalent, encourage innovation, improve R&D capability, and strive to build china apowerful country in IPR domain. In the current economic situation of steady growth,and adjusting structures, different policies should be implemented to differentindustries, in order to ensure the quality of economic growth, guide the developmentof strategic emerging industries, and limit blind expansion of industries.
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